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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. Nothing much to report on this turn, just the usual bombardment of a port where a transport is determined to land on, some more bombing raids, etc. Something worthwhile to report on is that Japan has decided to change her Carriers attack policy, I suppose Japan is afraid of being near the coast now, which is great for me, because that limits the aircraft assaults on my crucial units that are on the coast. Thank god for a second I almost thought I was going to lose India, but because of my opponents passive play style I can assure all that India will never fall!
  2. The US has decided to give some support to India, but if things go bad they will be evacuated immediately without question. The US is also almost ready to launch her island campaign but things must be perfected first, and that takes time.
  3. Willy you're more then welcome. BTW feel free to call me Scott, or Scotty, or whatever.
  4. Bill, you’re probably right that the planes have to escort the TAC, but what if you could launch a huge strike with a carrier? Something so powerful that it could destroy an enemy carrier or battleship with just one strike. To make it so that Carriers don't become invincible you could make the air casualties for this attack much higher than the other TAC, and CAP modes for using this type of an assault. SeaMonkey might be on to something here.
  5. Almost forgot to mention what actually happened in my turn. I destroyed Port Arthur, destroyed Madras and her port, 8th Army was sent to defend India, and I attacked the Japanese HQ in Yenan. I’ve also steadied my defenses in India.
  6. The US is preparing to strike back at the empire of Japan, but where will this happen, only one person knows...
  7. I'm about to reveal something from my sleeve in the next few turns so stay tuned . Other than that just some minor bombing raids on New Guinea, and I cut off a Japanese army from supplies because of my "strategic placing of new Chinese units".
  8. I'm not really worried about India all that much Tim, I'm playing with a special type of strategy which really doesn't involve BI at all, although I'm definitely not saying I won't put up a fight for her. Sarawak, Brunei, and Dutch East Indies, owe a great thanks to Malaya and her defense as she was able to hold out into mid 42' and from there these small countries with a lot of resources fell a year or so afterwards.
  9. Timskorn is running out of time, and his rushed strategy reflects this. It's going to come down to whether or not I can get a major victory in the next six months, or will Japan be able to keep on going. Timskorn I appreciate your bravery for what you're doing right now, but there is simply too little time to achieve the aim that you're setting out for, however I would like to wish you the best of luck as if you can somehow achieve this then so can I in my games as Japan. It's definitely going to be a good learning experience for the both of us .
  10. Ludi, Decent idea, but what about the naval loop which IMO is much more important than adding a corps, and a fortress to Hawaii. If Hawaii falls why should the Allies be able to use that naval loop?
  11. Bill, I also think that WWII started on that date, but it's become apparent to me that most people accept September 3rd (France and England DOW on Germany) as the date in which WWII begin. I probably should have posted that date to, so that there would have been no confusion.
  12. Launch Notepad or WordPad, and from there open up the folder of the name of the game you created. From there at the bottom right you should see something like text documents with an arrow next to it, click on the arrow and select all documents. Then you should notice that there is a configuration settings document that pops up to open, open that and change all the values from 0 to 1 there should be 4 values. Try this, as this should definitely fix the problem that you are encountering. Hope this helps.
  13. Guys it wasn't a trick question. In fact I thought it was pretty straight forward. I think everyone get's the 70 years part of it, it's just more of a matter of whether or not something historical will come of it for SC.
  14. VonLowe, I would like to help, but can you give me a little more info on what you're doing, and what you expect the game/editor to do?
  15. I'm going totally on a hunch here. Anyway does anyone know what the importance of Sept 3rd 2,009 is to WWII? Does anyone realize what potential importance this date has to SC. Like I said I'm going totally on a hunch here, but it is possible that there could be a major connection between these two dates...
  16. The US has meet with her allies, and has decided how they would like to wipe the Japanese off the face of the earth! Thus Japan's fate is now sealed, and the defeat of her military is guaranteed. There will be absolutely no prisoners in this war, as Japan's atrocities are simply unacceptable, and every Jap we find shall be executed without any trial or reason other than there Japanese alliance. They sow the wind and very soon there going to reap the whirlwind.
  17. Timskorn, Most of the units on my side of the battle should have been wiped out in the first few turns of the game, so in either case I still say I won this battle, because I caused considerable damage to your surface fleet, and your subs didn't escape untouched by any means.
  18. Hi Jcrohio, 1. No if for example you go to a Russian port for starters they might not be active so they won't give you supply, and secondly if they are active they are uncooperative which means that they don't help their allies out at all in terms of supply and bases to be used against the enemy. In other words you won't get any supplies from the Russians. Other then that the first part of your statement is correct. Your unit would turn grey when you begin to run low on supplies, your readiness, morale, and action points would also be affected. Note this applies to any unit land, naval, air, etc. As for the supply you would have that depends upon were your naval units where before they started there jouney. If they were in a port it would be ten, if they where 1 tile away 9, if they where two tiles away it would be 8, etc. No, because you don't run that low on supplies in just one turn, it would usually take awhile, so the answer would be, because your units were weakened they would not be able to attack other enemy units with as much force power as they were able to in their first turn. 2. Don't worry about it; it's not that big of a deal. What do you mean your carriers wouldn't fire? What cap mode did you put them in? Auto, Intercept, escort, or ground. Don't worry about the balls you're seeing it's just meant to show you the mode you're carrier is in. 3. Are you playing the AI or a Human? That approach can be well guarded, but to be honest I never use it, so I can't really say for sure, and at the same time I can't say which approach I use, because I'm in the middle of a game with Timskorn, and I don't want to make it to easier for him to just pick off my subs. No Problem Jack, I just hope that I was of some assistance.
  19. First I would like to be the first person to welcome you to this forum. 1. With naval supply it depends upon how close you are to a port. If you’re in a port then your supply would be 10. From there you will only lose naval supply by attacking enemy units, or by shore bombardment, or your units getting attacked. In essence you only lose supply if you attack something, or if you're attacked by something. This question could go on and on until, but I think this a good enough answer. 2. What is the aircraft strength of your carriers? If it is 0 then you will not be able to do anything with them until you reinforce them with some aircraft in a port. I think this is what you're asking, but to be honest you worded your question a little vaguely, so this might not answer your question. 3. Do you play with FOW on, or off? It has to be on, and there is a chance that you're just extremely unlucky as Japan (AI) and that they are getting intelligence reports which show where your units are. Also make sure you’re not getting spotted by either a land tile, or some long range bombers, as if they spot you the AI will send her navy on over to crush you. This could be a very good strategy if you think about it ... Hope this helps, Scott
  20. Well Tinkskorn you're holding your own quite well, as I continue to make stupid careless mistakes.
  21. Billy Lincoln, You should download v 1.01, because there was a problem with this that got fixed with downloading the patch and from there you should probably download the hotfix as well, just as long as you’re not playing any multiplayer games with anyone.
  22. I sink a BB this turn, and watch as a sub dives from two attacks. The good news of the ships that I've lossed was they were never really valuable units, in fact they were all the ships from the very beginning of the campaign, and should have been sunk a long time ago. So in truth this battle may appear as a defeat for me, but I see it as a victory as I've damaged multiple carriers, sunk a few ships (BB's and DD's), and crippled the vast majority of my enemies fleet. In other words I've set myself up for future success as Japan has lost her valuable experienced carrier pilots, while the Yamato BB will not be much of a nuisance later on, as it was crippled in this battle. On top of it all my opponent hasn’t seen my American CV technology developments which I’ll reveal at a later time .
  23. VonLowe, if all you want to do is take Hawaii you might want to listen to Blashy, as if you don't you'll find out you've made a lot of unnecessary work for yourself.
  24. Naval warfare level 3 tech is revealed for the beast across the Pacific. Japan made a huge mistake at Pearl as she will soon find out. However at this time my inferior and really pointless British, Australian, and Dutch Navies are close to extinction. It really doesn't bother me though, because of all the US big gun ships I have.
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