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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. I guess Timskorn, is beginning to get that Eerie feeling that I'm going to do something very big very soon. I suppose though expecting Japan intelligence hasn't helped him out, he has no clue when, where, or more importantly what...
  2. Does anyone know where to find this file to edit a campaign before you upload it to battlefront, or CMMODS?
  3. I guess I was lucky then, because when I was playing as the Allies my opponent invaded Midway first, and well that sent up huge red flags to me that an attack was pending on Pearl. From there I sent over my entire US & Canadian Air Force that when given intel on the amphibious locations they blasted them straight to hell and back.
  4. Timskorn, When am I going to be able to see this master plan of yours. Let's just say I hope for your sake it's going to be very soon ...
  5. I think I'll do the same thing as Timskorn has decided to do. Very little to report on this turn. Hopefully the future will be brighter in later turns .....................
  6. hahaha, but seriously SeaMonkey you should play a little more aggressive in your games as the Axis.
  7. Bill101, Out of curiosity when Pearl Harbor fell to the Japanese in your games did Midway also get invaded and conquered?
  8. SeaMonkey, how dare you fear the Soviets for Christ sake think of the Fuehrer, you should be shot for giving that order to your Panzers! It's clear you don't want to seize the initiative.
  9. If that's the case then just add a few units to the original Operation Z via the editor. All you would have to do is give Japan an extra 2 snlfs and 1 HQ. You're only going to encounter one AA, and one snlf it's really not that hard to take Pearl. As for Nupremal's mod I think he wanted it to be that way, but it's easily playable as human vs. AI. I did it, and I thought it was fairly challenging.
  10. Robert Carver has a mod out right now which starts in 1937, but it's limited to only the Asian theater, no islands. Nupremal has a mod out in which you could start out from 1939 with the invasion of Poland, but that's a global mod. If you wanted to you could use the editor, and set the date to 1937, but if you want it historical you will have to do some research, as I don't think there is anyone that's working on creating an earlier campaign. If you need any help I'll do my best to assist you.
  11. Do me a favor, if you still can't find give me an email either on this forum, or via private message. From there I'll send you a very detailed image on what you have to do to save this hotfix the correct way.
  12. Thanks bowenw, anyway it's not save as it's save, and if you need me to I'd happily edit a pic for you so that you can better see what you should.
  13. The Akagi has been attacked, major naval battle in progress, but is this battle what it appears, or is it something else.......... hahahahahaha
  14. kruppt808 sounds good. btw you wouldn't be embarrassing yourself instead you would be making yourself better.
  15. Willy, I'm not saying that your slow I was just kidding around, because every time I seem to have a problem you then encounter the same problem a few days down the road. Anyway all you have to do is go back and click on the hotfix again then you should see the typical popup which will instruct you to either open/run, save as, or something else that you don't need to do. What you should click on is the save as, and then you should move that once downloaded to your installation directory folder for SC PT. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any further guidance.
  16. CSS, Are you a fanatic about Nupremal's mod ? You definitely seem to be quite interested by it, and for good reason it's a very good mod after all.
  17. bowenw, It amazes me that every problem I encounter you always seem to encounter the same one a few days later on. Anyway don't worry all you have to do is try the save as option instead of the open/run option. Then once downloaded place the file in the installation directory file of SC PT. Note it won't work with any games in progress what you should do for those games is get rid of the China convoy script. You owe any thanks to Hubert as he's the one that told me this.
  18. The reason why that doesn't happen is because the navy units of both nations are far apart so that can't happen. If I did that though there would be absolutely no battle for Midway, because Japan's navy would go back to their home ports while the American navy would go to Pearl Harbor. Feel free to make any changes, and test things out for yourself in the editor, but chances are you’re likely to find what I said above, as I already tried this.
  19. Alright thanks. In one of my operation Z games when I was playing as Japan (I also took Australia and French Polynesia) the allies did the same thing as I guess they thought they could just storm Japan without getting attacked at sea before they ever got close to Japan. They also went with no escort.
  20. True Arado just as long as the Allies had the willpower to stick it out from that point on the Axis would have no hope.
  21. Do you guys remeber SC2 v 1.08, there China was a minor so maybe that's were Nupremal got his idea from. There are a lot of similarites between those two maps if you take a close look at them.
  22. Okay Ludi Appreciate the feedback. To be honest I can't do anything to change the US from attacking Japan without first taking the Marianas so if they go off to invade Japan it is bizarre. This mod overall was just meant to give the Japanese player a shot to win a big victory (maybe even take out the US). I did it in about 30 min so it's clear I probably should have spent a bit more time on it, but I thought it seemed about right. Then again If I spent more time on it I definitely would have caught the free corps upgrade. Anyway let's just leave this mod as a test/interesting what if type of mod. SM I think your thinking of Midway this mod here is much easier to be won as the Japanese. It also starts at the Historical Operation Z date.
  23. I've tried, and I've come to the conclusion that I can't get it to do that, because I think the AI wants to know what it's going up against, and because of that it needs a carrier to show all the enemy units. Effectively it's a christmas present to the Allied player, but it does give away all of his units locations, so it's not as good as it looks.
  24. arado, you didn't say that, what you said however implied that. "One more thing since most if not all the sept 11 attackers were either Saudis or from Egypt why weren’t those countries attacked instead of Iraq. Maybe because of oil." In other words I interpreted this as Saudi Arabia and Egypt didn't have any oil while Iraq did. I'm sure you didn't mean it to come out that way it's just that's what you said. As for the mpp question, I just thought that, because the US has never been made a full country on any SC map, that it would be around that number times that by 220 (Industrial modifier), and what do you think the total will be. My guess is in the low two thousands.
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