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    Brille reacted to Anthony P. in Engine 5 Wishlist   
    Pixeltruppen not in action should ideally reload/top up their weapons after a while of inactivity, e.g. reload the coaxial MG in tanks and the such.
    AFVs part of core units in campaigns should redistribute ammunition between themselves between missions where they haven't been resupplied, instead of having e.g. Stryker A proceed with 100% ammunition to the next mission whilst Stryker B proceeds to it with just its remaining 2-3% ammunition. On the same note, AFVs with a weapons system destroyed and not repaired in time for the following mission should offload as much of its remaining ammunition to other AFVs in the unit, instead of Stryker C moving on with 100% ammunition for a destroyed .50 cal whilst Stryker D proceeds to the same mission with 0 .50 cal ammunition remaining.
    AFV crewmen of open topped vehicles, or vehicles where the crew needs to unbutton to reload (e.g. Strykers) really, really should have some kind of option/command to delay the reloading process until the player instructs them to do otherwise. It really is unreasonable to have crewmen fanatically/suicidally expose themselves even to intense fire from nearby enemies when their weapon is out of ammunition.
    The first and the last suggestions could probably be solved by adding a "Reload belt/weapon" and disabling/providing an "off toggle" for automatic reloading of exposed weapons on AFVs. Additionally, crewmen reloading such weapons should ideally be subjected being forced to button up in response to enemy fire, just as turned out crewmen/passengers in general already are.
  2. Upvote
    Brille got a reaction from Anthony P. in Surrendering units (raising hands)   
    The silliest thing about POWs in CMx2 is that they still give away enemy positions while they raise their hands.
    So they still work as some sort of scout unit that cannot be targeted directly.
    Because of this I dont have hard feelings when some stray bullet hits one of the surrendering troops as they still take part in the engagement and can still be seen as combatants. 
    Hans: "Hey Fritz, there are lots of Thommies here !"
    Thommy: "You do realise that I put a gun to your head, you kraut bastard?"
    Hans *whispers*: "And they have tanks too."
  3. Like
    Brille got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Well I have a bad take on those  heavy kitties but thats about my own luck I suppose.
    Usually when my opponents field them they are those invincible and frightening killing machines, hard to knock down.
    When I field them they are like "whoopsie seems like I lost my tracks on that 10m journey."
    "You know usually I would totally bounce that shot...but not this time,sorry." 😅
    I still remember my first experience with the Tiger in CMAK. First enemy contact with a Vallentine( 57mm gun). Two shots of his, one partial penetration aaaand the gun of the Tiger was gone. 
    Thats why I usually go with Panthers, Panzer IV and other stuff. 
  4. Upvote
    Brille got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Surrendering units (raising hands)   
    The silliest thing about POWs in CMx2 is that they still give away enemy positions while they raise their hands.
    So they still work as some sort of scout unit that cannot be targeted directly.
    Because of this I dont have hard feelings when some stray bullet hits one of the surrendering troops as they still take part in the engagement and can still be seen as combatants. 
    Hans: "Hey Fritz, there are lots of Thommies here !"
    Thommy: "You do realise that I put a gun to your head, you kraut bastard?"
    Hans *whispers*: "And they have tanks too."
  5. Like
    Brille got a reaction from SlowMotion in Surrendering units (raising hands)   
    Usually it is an indication for other enemy units still around in close proximity.
    I had the same instance recently with my germans in CMRT. Two of my soldiers were raising there hands and the soviets were standing so close that they could have given them a high five.
    But one of my fireteams that was like 30m away kept them from totally giving into the soviets. Just as that fire team crawled further away and was out of sight, those 2 fellows finally started their long march to siberia.
    So you need to clear the surroundings first to really get them. And always keeping an eye on those prisoners in spe...these bastards tend to pick up their weapons again if you keep them unchecked.
  6. Like
    Brille got a reaction from ALBY in Surrendering units (raising hands)   
    Usually it is an indication for other enemy units still around in close proximity.
    I had the same instance recently with my germans in CMRT. Two of my soldiers were raising there hands and the soviets were standing so close that they could have given them a high five.
    But one of my fireteams that was like 30m away kept them from totally giving into the soviets. Just as that fire team crawled further away and was out of sight, those 2 fellows finally started their long march to siberia.
    So you need to clear the surroundings first to really get them. And always keeping an eye on those prisoners in spe...these bastards tend to pick up their weapons again if you keep them unchecked.
  7. Like
    Brille got a reaction from ehbuh in Surrendering units (raising hands)   
    Usually it is an indication for other enemy units still around in close proximity.
    I had the same instance recently with my germans in CMRT. Two of my soldiers were raising there hands and the soviets were standing so close that they could have given them a high five.
    But one of my fireteams that was like 30m away kept them from totally giving into the soviets. Just as that fire team crawled further away and was out of sight, those 2 fellows finally started their long march to siberia.
    So you need to clear the surroundings first to really get them. And always keeping an eye on those prisoners in spe...these bastards tend to pick up their weapons again if you keep them unchecked.
  8. Like
    Brille reacted to Centurian52 in Engine 5 Wishlist   
    It's actually surprising that this thread is still so active. We know at this point that none of these features are coming with Engine 5. For one thing it's probably well into development (possibly getting hung up on some particularly difficult bit of code), so it would be too late to add anything new to it by now anyway. And for another thing, they've already announced it's going to be about performance, not features.
    But, if we are still adding things to the features wishlist for some eventual engine upgrade (not Engine 5, but some future feature-focused engine upgrade) then I really need to voice my support for a shoot and scoot command. I didn't need it back when I was playing RT. But now that I'm exclusively playing WEGO the inability to shoot and scoot is a serious handicap. One way I could think to implement it would be as a reverse command that becomes active when the vehicle shoots. Or perhaps it could be a sort of pause order that deactivates when the vehicle shoots. I could just really use some way of shooting and scooting in turn based play.
  9. Upvote
    Brille got a reaction from RMM in Engine 5 Wishlist   
    Adds to the wishlist:
    - adjustable/alternative firing times for pre planned artillery.
    5/10/15min are not that flexible. In fact as the oponent I know exactly when I need my forces to hunker down and when not.
    Plus some maps are very big or you want to move more cautiously. 15min maximum here is just to short sometimes.
    So either you should be able to adjust the minutes yourself or have at least a wider variety. Maybe it could even be possible to synchronize with the ingame clock.
    So for example that you can Type in the exact daytime as it is. "I want that artillery firing at 12:35 on that hill !")
    - different/ more tac ai behavior especially concerning tanks.
    I often witness that tanks duell things out even when they are heavily outclassed or in a bad situation.(Side to the enemy)
    So user input is often required to make them retreat. 
    So for example If a Sherman (short 75mm Canon) encounters a (King)Tiger up front at medium to long range, He should more often than not have the tendency to drive the hell out of there and /or smoke. Especially when Said Tank is already aiming and firing at him. 
    As it is now usually the tac ai often evades other Tanks when damage is already done (partial Penetration, wounded crewmember).
    A better Crew morale would add to this.
    Often times crews seem to be unimpressed from non penetrating hits.
    And Im Not saying that they should always abandon their vehicle. But it should at least have more of an impact in their ability to fight back.
    I remember in CMBB you could knock on a T34 with multiple Panzer III at a time. You rarely would penetrate him but the constant plinging of shells often drove the Crew inside crazy,forcing them to retreat or even abandon their tank.
    Another thing would be the other way around: In the old games crews would get more nervous when they repeatedly hit a tank without penetrating him. Untrained crews even could get shaken uppon that to a degree that they would steer their tank out of the way.
    Also to this: Cover arcs should be Not as absolute as they are now. In the older games it was dependant on the experience and current morale of the unit if they hold on to it.
    So it could be possible that Units would negate the arc entirely if they feel threatened.
    So in general what I am trying to say is that units should be more acting in self preservation than they do now.
  10. Like
    Brille reacted to landser in Surrendering units (raising hands)   
    I don't trust 'em. I recall playing Blunting the Spear a couple year ago. It was the final battle of the campaign, a big one too, about a battalion. Battalion commanders surely drink a lot of coffee.
    To get an idea of the scale of this battle I offer this wide shot about half-way through it.

    That's a big battle. If we could focus in on the upper center it would reveal a situation which played out like a white flag ruse. Trees are turned off. The two soldiers who surrendered were visible to me, but not the one laying down with the LMG. Thinking the position was secure I advanced to cross the open ground beyond (you can see the smoke deployed in anticipation), but as my troops neared the captured soldiers the hidden Ivan opened fire and you see the damage he's done. The bastage.

    Be wary of surrendering soldiers. Not all their mates might have signed on.
  11. Upvote
    Brille got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Vehicle & Ammo Sharing   
    Well I would not call it a bug. Its just like the game functions, limited as it is.
    When buddy aiding, the unit only picks up ammo it can actually use (plus high priority equipment). Anything else will be discarded from the game entirely.
    And since in this case the buddy aiding infantry had No PAK40 in their pockets they just threw that away.
    Pak Crew(5m away):"hey guys we still need that !"
    Buddy aiders: "Sorry there Leutnant, Mülltrennung (waste Separation) comes before all else in the german military !"

  12. Upvote
    Brille got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Vehicle & Ammo Sharing   
    The most practical use of this feature you can see with organic mortars. They usually come with their own Trucks (on map) and some extra ammo in them.
    If you then setup your mortar and drive one of these trucks beside him, He will use the loaded ammo too.
    This works with all ammo types as far as I know. You just need a unit "in need" next to it.
    It can also be used with MANPADS for example.
    So instead of loading your soldiers with all the spare rockets, just keep the vehicles that has them close to the operator with the launcherunit.
    They will grab another once they are out of ammo.
    A thing that I Just discovered recently for myself is that ammo sharing between infantry doesnt need both parties to be alive.
    I had a PAK 40 and their ammo bearer team next to it. The latter got whiped Out by a stray direct hit of a 85mm shell.
    Then I saw that the Pak still got access to the spare AP and HE rounds they were carrying. But once they got Buddy aided the rounds also vanished.
    So even dead/incapacitaded soldiers can work as some sort of ammo dump.
  13. Upvote
    Brille got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Surrendering units (raising hands)   
    Usually it is an indication for other enemy units still around in close proximity.
    I had the same instance recently with my germans in CMRT. Two of my soldiers were raising there hands and the soviets were standing so close that they could have given them a high five.
    But one of my fireteams that was like 30m away kept them from totally giving into the soviets. Just as that fire team crawled further away and was out of sight, those 2 fellows finally started their long march to siberia.
    So you need to clear the surroundings first to really get them. And always keeping an eye on those prisoners in spe...these bastards tend to pick up their weapons again if you keep them unchecked.
  14. Like
    Brille got a reaction from PEB14 in Surrendering units (raising hands)   
    Usually it is an indication for other enemy units still around in close proximity.
    I had the same instance recently with my germans in CMRT. Two of my soldiers were raising there hands and the soviets were standing so close that they could have given them a high five.
    But one of my fireteams that was like 30m away kept them from totally giving into the soviets. Just as that fire team crawled further away and was out of sight, those 2 fellows finally started their long march to siberia.
    So you need to clear the surroundings first to really get them. And always keeping an eye on those prisoners in spe...these bastards tend to pick up their weapons again if you keep them unchecked.
  15. Like
    Brille got a reaction from PEB14 in Vehicle & Ammo Sharing   
    Well I would not call it a bug. Its just like the game functions, limited as it is.
    When buddy aiding, the unit only picks up ammo it can actually use (plus high priority equipment). Anything else will be discarded from the game entirely.
    And since in this case the buddy aiding infantry had No PAK40 in their pockets they just threw that away.
    Pak Crew(5m away):"hey guys we still need that !"
    Buddy aiders: "Sorry there Leutnant, Mülltrennung (waste Separation) comes before all else in the german military !"

  16. Like
    Brille got a reaction from PEB14 in Vehicle & Ammo Sharing   
    The most practical use of this feature you can see with organic mortars. They usually come with their own Trucks (on map) and some extra ammo in them.
    If you then setup your mortar and drive one of these trucks beside him, He will use the loaded ammo too.
    This works with all ammo types as far as I know. You just need a unit "in need" next to it.
    It can also be used with MANPADS for example.
    So instead of loading your soldiers with all the spare rockets, just keep the vehicles that has them close to the operator with the launcherunit.
    They will grab another once they are out of ammo.
    A thing that I Just discovered recently for myself is that ammo sharing between infantry doesnt need both parties to be alive.
    I had a PAK 40 and their ammo bearer team next to it. The latter got whiped Out by a stray direct hit of a 85mm shell.
    Then I saw that the Pak still got access to the spare AP and HE rounds they were carrying. But once they got Buddy aided the rounds also vanished.
    So even dead/incapacitaded soldiers can work as some sort of ammo dump.
  17. Like
    Brille got a reaction from PEB14 in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Not a silly thing at all. At this moment I doubt that my oponent knew I had a Panther in there. His second T34 simply tried to avoid the foes to it´s front, which were some Panzer IV and one ATG with narrow LOF. I guess that shot that was deflected at the beginning came from said PAK40 (some 800m away). So while repositioning he just happens to run into the Panther there. ^^
    I played this scenario too via PBEM but as far as I recall those were JS1 tanks, not T34. Roughly the same gun but better front armor.
    But I agree, those were a pain in the ***. My oponent placed one of them behind some trees and most of my shots were absorbed by them. The shots that came through bounced of...
    If I remember correctly I lost 2 Panzer IV and 1 or 2 Panther to him. Only a flanking maneuvre of 2 Panthers silenced him finally. (I guess I have a video of that somewhere too)
    The reinforcements of some heavy soviet SPG came very surprising too. Most of the shots were deflected but I guess the volume of fire they took did enough damage to came out on top.
    This was the scenario where the accompanying Stuka had the bright idea to drop his 1000lb bomb on a lone truck. So much for the air support.
  18. Like
    Brille reacted to PEB14 in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Nice movie…
    Even though I don't understand the second T-34 movement at 0:20. After backing off to relative safety he moves forward again offering his flank to a known enemy, with no apparent overwatch?!
    It could have been me doing such a silly thing, but this time I swear it was not…😄
  19. Like
    Brille reacted to PEB14 in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Oooooh yes.
    I'm presently playing "Angriff" H2H (very nice scenario by the way). WIth my fleet of Panthers and Panzer IVs I was full of confidence. Since this happy time, a pair of those damn T-34/85 wrought havoc among my poor panzers. Part of my Panzer IV were ambushed and lost three of them to a hidden T-34/85, who then won a 1:1 frontal duel versus one of my Panthers, and a few days ago the SAME T-34/85 won a 1:3 duel against most of my remaining Panzer IV, knocking two out within a minute a forcing the last one to retreat into a SU-152 line of sight… I think I hit this tank at least three times but all the 75 bounced off helplessly…
    Annoying to say the least… 🤬
  20. Like
    Brille got a reaction from danfrodo in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    @Vacillator @Phantom Captain
    Thank you both for the kind words.
    It was a battle some while ago. But it was in this one that I learnt to really respect the T34/85.
    Though I won this battle in the end I had some difficulties there. The 75mm canon of the Panzer IV often deflected of the armor or had shown no effect on the T´s. And even shots of the Panther bounced of more regularily than I have anticipated. Truth be told those were mostly hits with odd angles on the turretsides but it gave me the creeps none the less. 
  21. Like
    Brille got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    @Vacillator @Phantom Captain
    Thank you both for the kind words.
    It was a battle some while ago. But it was in this one that I learnt to really respect the T34/85.
    Though I won this battle in the end I had some difficulties there. The 75mm canon of the Panzer IV often deflected of the armor or had shown no effect on the T´s. And even shots of the Panther bounced of more regularily than I have anticipated. Truth be told those were mostly hits with odd angles on the turretsides but it gave me the creeps none the less. 
  22. Like
    Brille got a reaction from PEB14 in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
  23. Like
    Brille reacted to Vacillator in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Yeah great work @Brille.  Dare I say your video highlights what a great game this is?  Of course viewers may not get that unless they play it themselves.
  24. Like
    Brille reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    A glimpse of @Mr.X's upcoming Tiger Trail campaign.
    Here, close to the Nieman River, the glow of burning enemy vehicles illuminate my men as they pass in the falling darkness.

  25. Like
    Brille reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Awesome!  It looked like that Panther was in a perfect hull down ambush spot!  Very cool video.
    In one of my battles with @FlammenwerferX he had a JS-2 in a hull down spot just like that but further back on a ridge and I stupidly moved a Tiger and a Panther directly across his line of fire with my sides utterly exposed, one after the other, and both ended up burning wrecks at the end of the turn. 
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