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Everything posted by snake_eye

  1. Thanks Normal Dude Quote: Originally Posted by snake_eye View Post Do you mean that there is now in the editor a time function ? There have time functions for the AI since day one. It's the "Move After" / "Move Before" functions. Well, I just went before reading your reply, in the editor and there is no change it is still the same. I have misread MarkEZRA and thought that there was a time trigger working when you get into an area. Actually it is difficult to synchronize a time for a counter attack, since you might have it start at the wrong time not knowing what the player is about to do. Cheers
  2. Could you be more precise about "The AI Defender has a variable timed counter attack order". Do you mean that there is now in the editor a time function ? That would be great. Cheers
  3. I am very much impressed by the German NATO forces. Up to now, I haven’t played the campaign but gone through only two scenarios. A small one “25 km to Suran” and a large one “Germany on the march”. I got a Total victory in the first one and a Draw in the second, despite having all the objectives in control. By the way its setting for the objectives points is not the one shown on the briefing. More, the parameters for the threshold of the red set at 30% and 500 points for inflicting casualties on the Blue, released them at 24.8 % (human casualties). I recall that I have found already this kind of percentage calculus anomaly earlier. That is not important anyway. The good things were that the A.I was better than ever. I have been able to reach an objective with the Marders and mopped it. The Marders with still the infantry aboard were turning in place clockwise and anticlockwise with the turret’s 20mm creating havoc in the red ranks. It was very realistic. I have never seen that done so faithfully before The leopards were getting through the infantry positions and then cleaning the area, the time for the Marders to come. There were a huge number of platoons mounted on Marders and leopards to handle in Elite Real Time and yet it was manageable. Thanks to the A.I That is the first time that I have seen that without being shot to piece. Something with V 1.30 has changed for sure. However, I am wondering if the setting for the Germans forces has not been beefed up. I really don’t think that I could have carried an attack like the one done in “Germany on the March” with US Army Strykers and or Bradley’s and M1’s. The same with the Marines LAR’s , Bradley’s and M1’s. I will have got away from it without my pants. I am exaggerating? Have you had the same feeling playing NATO German’s? Thumb up for NATO Cheers
  4. Thanks DAMIAN 90 "Marder 1A3 and A5 are inferior in practically all aspects to M2A3, M2" for your excellent data on both. It might be the game setting, but my first impression like the one of Phil STANBRIDGE against the Infantry,surprised me a lot. I already, have had Brad's going against Infantry and unable to destroy them at average and close range, the way Marder did it. Against tanks, besides its low profile, I think that providing your data it won't be the same. It would be amazing to have alternatively, Brad's and Marder's attacking the same Syrian defensive line and compare the results being obtained by the game setting Cheers
  5. Playing NATO "25 km to Suran" scenario, I have been impressed by the ability of the Marders to suppress and destroy the infantry. The rate of fire of their 20 mm Cannon made somehow a zipping sound …Brrrr.. . The tracers due to the high cyclic rate made almost a straight line to the target. The Marders seemed to travel more quickly and having a lower profile than the Brad’s . The latter was useful for seeking protection while firing behind a berm. The remote cannon being higher than the hull seems to be an asset in such a situation. There were no tanks, so I can’t say how it will fare against them in defence. These are first hand thoughts and in no way related to documents comparing the two tracks . I might be wrong. What do you think about that ? Cheers
  6. Some Mujahideens were covertly shuttle to one of the little islands on the west coast of Scotland to train with the Blowpipe. Things did not turn out the expected way, since it was from some sources “a piece of s…” ( 1 kill for 95 shots during the Falklands war) Then, the Americans reluctantly decided to provide the Stinger. The training once again started and a certain numbers were sent to Afghanistan. It seems that most of them were not used, but stored in safe places instead and never recovered. Occidentals services were the following years on the look out, afraid to have one, still serviceable being used in a terrorist attack. The Pope aircraft was once thought to be such a target in Italy. Besides these reports, I have never heard of the ATGM Milan being provided and or used in that conflict
  7. That town is the most detailed one I have seen up to now. Tha is an awesome job that you have done. Guess that you should now provide the TL with a street map, if you don’t want him to get lost in the numerous alleys ! Just a question. What did you use for making the graves in the cemetery? Looks like a real one from these countries. Thumb up
  8. Hi, Tyrspawn, About the Rangers in Afghanistan, have a look at the following book from Sean NAYLOR "Not a Good day to Die" The untold story of operation Anaconda,march 2002. Many guys having gone through the Rangers schools are told upon. However, since the Rangers were deployed on specials operations and in small groups after 2001, they were found in some Quick reaction Force. In the Anaconda operation such a QRF lead by Nate SELF was heavily engaged on Takur Ghar on the high Shahicot valley to rescue a Seal team Mako 30 (another excellent book about that ordeal : Roberts Ridge by Malcom MacPherson). Cheers
  9. P.T, You did not understand what I meant, that is your right. You can stay on your position that is your right. Mine has been to tell you what I thought you could improve to offer a better access to the missions to a greater number of players. After reading that, you are free to do what you want and the way you want it. That doesn’t bother me at all, since I am not taking that scenario seriously. If I had I would not have wrote my thoughts the way, I have done it. However, it is too bad that you don't recon what is obvious and that you take it so badly. You are right on one point however, it is better to drop off the matter here, since we are going no ways. That won't prevent me to play your scenarios at all, having nothing against them, besides what I wrote in the post. Some players will none the less, agree with some of the following points, some already underlined in that post : 1/ The TLR, somehow a bit short. 2/ The points, not so easy to get within the frame you set. 3/ The fact that you are busted at the end of the 2nd mission if you don’t have a victory. That prevents the player to go further. Besides, after few hours of play and to have, to go back once more to the beginning of the campaign to try to fare better is a bit frustrating. 4/ The Red Opfor has too many forces available. Especially, in the 2nd missions. After that one, I can’t judge having never been farther in my six attempts of that campaign and numerous other attempts in the Road to Dinas V1. 5/ The casualties? I never told you to lower the % of them. I only wrote that the 15% mark, was what we should expect in a MOUT fight ( 1st mission) and that it was difficult to stay under it. It is sufficient to say, that these remarks are really different from what you understood Finally, to end that issue, that has become sterile, from the analysis of your answers, I am amazed at your reaction and the lack of cool you are demonstrating, being on the verge of losing one’s temper, That is FAR from the praise I have made about your campaign and the few very soft and mild advices I felt authorized to let you know about. For that, I have no word, I will rather stay polite. That is the normal way to behave in these posts.
  10. Hi P.T Thanks for explaining what is right for you. Since you made that setting for obvious reasons which are yours, I comprehend that it is rather difficult to get yourself in my shoes and the ones of other players. I do understand the Core issue. If the casualties are too high, they won’t be able to deploy later on with sufficient forces. So you set them at the 15% mark. That doesn’t surprise me at all. 15 % losses is rather high, but not inconsiderate in MOUT fighting like the one you have to fight in the 1st mission. I have tried every conceivable type of attack at Bedrock, since I was not having a Total Victory and at the least a tactical victory. I did not destroyed at anytime the Mosque on the five attempts and the Red did not get any points for that . My casualties were for the 1st try : 7.6%, the 2nd :19.6%, the 3rd: 4.9%, the 4th 25.1% !!!!!, the 5th 15.3 % The differences were due to the fact that I tried to get under the time limit at time and that at others, I tried to gain more ground into the town before the TLR, in order to have them surrender. I tried to no avail, besides giving points to the Red’s, to shaken them with artillery, mortars and Apaches (even getting a Blue on Blue incident, once). No, really and very frankly, the 1st and the 2nd missions (since I never went any further in the Road to Dinas and on that new campaign) are hard to get through and besides the points issue, the red Opfor is having quite a lot of troops. Since you are tasked to destroy them in order to get to your objective, you get yourself every time in an awful fight, you take casualties and you are a loser with the 15% mark, very difficult to avoid.. If you try to avoid casualties, you have to take your time. But, you don’t have time giving to you. Every way you turn it, there is a problem. Very seriously, I don’t feel bad because I can’t win these battles, the way I usually succeed in doing it and I am telling you all about it. How many players are being stuck in the 1st and or the 2nd missions, besides a few having no casualties and going straight to the end ? Not that many or I am the worst player and tactician that CMSF might find. All these facts to try to make you understand that If you don’t change a few things, the players like me will be discouraged to try another time and again, another time the mission, with no realistic results. That will be too bad. Your campaign could be a race car that we will have pleasure with, but you are imposing us, by your rules to stay in low gear, since you don’t allow us to shift in high gear. It is your campaign and I am just giving you my insight as a player. After all, you made it to be played. So, make it playable to a larger number, hopefully till the end of the 6th mission. Just a last thing. You wrote that the the first three missions were the easiest one. All I can say is : oh, my God ! what about the others ! Cheers
  11. 3rd Try of 1st mission. I used a lot of artillery and mortars pounding. Yet the red troops did not seem to be shaken by it. I was on the edge of the Mosque district at TLR. My analysis is that I did not get into the town and it was in no way secured. I was amazed at the low casualties of the Red, considering the huge artillery barrage they got. That is why I wrote earlier that they were hidden in the cellars. Besides the lost AAV, my casualties were very low. I did not win that fight. So I am OK with P.T points set up this time. Cheers
  12. Hi P.T, Final troops location at the surrender time of the Syrian of the1st mission, 2nd try. The Red's ones have been erased for not giving any hints. Looks like you should win with a troop deployment in town, like that one. Believe me they were not too many Syrians around. just a few on the right side of the town. Cheers
  13. Hi T.P, Here is the 1st mission complete AAR. Too bad I don't have the same, besides the losses for the 2nd try, I have made. Hope, you can make something out of it. A shot of the final troops location at the end of the TLR, has unfortunately not been taken. But I am sure the troops were in the part of the town on the right side and almost up to the square. They had not taken the houses along the road. Cheers
  14. Here after are the results of the five, 1st missions. Cheers USMC Meet the Flintstones Real Time Elite 1st Minor Defeat - TLR Marines Syrians 7 KIA 44 5 WIA 17 0 MIA 43 0 Tk lost 3 0 Trk lost 0 1 o.v.lost 0 200 points 633 2nd Draw no Winner - Syrian Surrender Marines Syrians 9 KIA 80 23 WIA 55 0 MIA 90 0 Tk lost 4 1 Trk lost 0 0 o.v.lost 0 325 points 361 3rd Minor Defeat - TLR Marines Syrians 5 KIA 39 3 WIA 32 0 MIA 60 0 Tk lost 3 1 Trk lost 0 2 o.v.lost 0 100 points 943 4th Minor Defeat - Syrian Surrender Marines Syrians 17 KIA 56 24 WIA 46 5 MIA 130 0 Tk lost 4 3 Trk lost 0 1 o.v.lost 0 300 points 706 5th Draw no Winner - Syrian Surrender Marines Syrians 9 KIA 87 16 WIA 60 0 MIA 81 0 Tk lost 4 1 Trk lost 0 2 o.v.lost 0 400 points 372
  15. Hi P.T, I shall send you an AAR of the five, 1st missions with the KIA, WIA, MIA.... as well as the points earned by the Blue and the Red. I don't understand myself, what is going wrong, but believe me it did went wrong. Let's find what is wrong to enjoy fully that good and promising campaign Cheers
  16. Hi Jonny, Actually, I am doing well, play RT Elite, without pausing most of the time. Wilma is taken without any cost. I just have a linear 60mm mortar barrage brought on the trenches while the grunts go downhill toward it.Prior to that assault, the tank being there, is usually nailed either by a Tow and or a Javelin (sometimes the Tow Humvee is destroyed, but the Tow team is able to set the launcher nearby to good effect). From Wilma another squad is going downhill to assault the compound. Before, the tank lurking down there is destroyed by a SMAW team and or AT4 from the overwatch squad anti tank team. Sometimes that tank refuses to be destroyed until quite a few SMAW rounds. But the crew has dismounted a long time before. The SMAW team is then free to breach the compound wall, with its demo charges and to assault with the squad. Every Syrian inside are either fleeing or shot. Meanwhile, on the hill crest above Bedrock, the FO, the Javelin, the Tow, an MG team and the Co HQ are doing their job and either calling Mortar, Artillery and later on the Apache as suited. I have no difficulties in getting to the town edges walls and from there into it. The tanks at that time have all been destroyed (that makes 4 of them) Just beginning to get into a MOUT fighting, the AAV are coming in. Not along the road and surely not along it. I have tried it, once out of the 5 times, just to see if it made a difference to have the Syrian surrender more quickly. It did; I got 3 AAV destroyed and a Mk 19 Humvee. Only one 50 cal Humvee made it to the end of the road. I was however able to get the grunts to take a foot hold in the last houses on the left of the road and get safe there. The AAV are coming close and able to get into town when the situation is unfolding the good way. I am able to clear the houses one by one. I don’t have time to go farther than the Mosque grounds and I can not push from that axis on the right toward the road. No time left to manoeuvre by careful fire overbounds. Then either the TLR is falling on me or the Syrian are surrendering. The casualties are in direct relation with the clearing of the town; If I have time, they are low and rise if I am speeding the attack, feeling that the TLR is near. They are anyway, what one could expect of such a fight. Not yet, the highmark like in the Fallujah Marines battle If, I make a military analysis of the fight. I have won it, being well into town, inflicting serious casualties to the enemy and having cut all its escape possible axis, either by having troops or by having killing zone set on them. The way you use artillery into the town is rather disturbing, if I look at the results. The 155mm should have put down the houses, killed and or shaken the enemy hiding in them. It looks like they are able to get away with it, considering the number left at the end of the game. They must have been in the cellars !!!!!!! I can post pictures of the Blue swarming all other the place in 4 battles out of 5. The exception, was when I made an attack through Wilma, the compound, the one on the far left and then turned right to attack the other end of the Town as well as the right side of the Mosque district. No, the problem is the way the points are given. The differences, I have noted are rather curious, since the fights were about the same. All the problems are there and that makes the scenario boring since it does not reflect what reality should be. You do the job and there is no recognition. It was the same on the Road to Dinas and the first and second fights look alike. I never went farther. It was about the same for second storm. It did not reflect reality. I told about it to P.T, but since he knew how to win that was all. I even gave a timing of the moves to allow him to understand what was somehow going wrong. I have never before been defeated the way it happens every time I try the scenario again. You can lost the first time, but the second time you fare better. Cheers
  17. Hi P.T, Still trying to fight my way, not into the town, that I am succeeding every time, but against the TLR and the victory points of the first battle USMC meet the Flintstones. I am about to think that the logic of the results of that battle are coming out of the characters of the famed TV movies, I watched when I was a teenager. I played five times that battle and always managed to get into town. The first time, having had a Minor Defeat T.L.R. I went on playing, the 2nd battle , High Chaparral and ended busted out having got a Minor Defeat T.L.R. Since I am the kind of guy who wants to understand what went wrong, with the 1st battle, I have played it again and again. The 2nd battle was my fault, even if the odds against the blue are quite a bit on the high stake. After the 5th battle of the famed USMC meet the Flintstones, being in the dark, I am still awaiting for the spark that would lit a little fire to let me see clearly the explanation. I have had at the moment 1 Minor Defeat with the Syrian Surrender, 2 Minor Defeat T.L.R, 2 Draw no Winner with the Syrian Surrender. In each battle the town and its central area had been reached after quite a lot of urban fights, with the help of all the full assets or with a moderate use of them. That doesn’t make a big difference. To take Wilma and the two compounds on the left side of the map has the same result. Bedrock is a hard core Mout fight. “Stalingrad” should be its code name. You said that you have few A.I scenarios. I must have had again and again the worst A.I victory point’s ones. Your scenario is good, the map is good, the Opfor a bit too strong. Yet, we can manage that difference. We can not always beat the T.L.R, but that we can try to manage it again. What is surely wrong somewhere is the way you are accounting the victory points. It is a P…in the ……S to have such results that we can not explain, on a militarily basis. Militarily speaking, I have done what should be done. I am right into the town, they have high casualties, no way out, they surrender and I am getting the results here above. That I am sure is frustrating many players, since they will not get farther than the 2nd battle. That is too bad. I have made an Excel file, from the AAR reports. I have also, pictures of the troop’s location in town at each battle’s end. I don’t want to spoil the scenario by showing the meagre red troops locations left, but if you want to have a look at them, let me know. Again, I have to say that if we were in real fight, I will understand that we can not win at all. All enemy force try to do so. But we are in a tactical game with battles that have to be fought after the preceding ones. If, because of the A.I, victory points, just a few of us can go through, you are depriving the other ones of the pleasure to go forward. We had the same, victory points problems, happening for the twin scenarios from the Road to Dinas and for Second Storm. I know that to set the victory points setting is an intricate matter and that it is difficult to see how a scenario runs, when multiple A.I plans are in effect, but to have them ruined the excellent work you have done and not letting you know about won’t be fair. I hope you will be able to take this matter in effect in these scenarios and the Nato’s ones Cheers
  18. Hi, TheVulture I may be wrong, but I think that Stoex has already an overwatch (from the south hills) on the north hills, where you are sending 2nd platoon. You will probably be able to give some suppress fire from your reoriented stryker. But your platoon will take flank shots. In other words, each advance he has made on the north and the south, going west has overwatch on the other (mutual fire support). The south hills have by the way, good FOV on the village and they can make a perfect interdiction fire on the troops trying to get in without being shot at, since they are sited, probably lower than the crest line (notr being seen, but from the village). You should have tried to reach that south hill crest. Take the south hill, high ground and you get a strategic advantage upon your enemy (Stoex). Move the infantry, while pourring suppressing fire on the ridge line with the strykers. Don't move them in view, ATGM are just waiting for that. If Stoex is fighting following the tactics that are usually learned, the chance that the fight goes that way are high. For the rest your AAR is pretty good. Your actions and moves well explained. I won't miss for anything that AAR. Keep on going that way
  19. Hi Paper Tiger, Don’t misread me, I am not complaining about the forces even if you have a certain tendency to beef up the Redfor. I am just pointing out the time limit which is too low. You can wipe out the enemy forces with the artillery and or mortars in Bedrock and get into town. But you wrote that the buildings should be spared, if I am not mistaken. Plus you emphasize the need to keep a certain ammo level, since there would be only one resupply along the campaign. Not knowing when, it seems a cautious thing to spare the rounds and use them only on really needed targets. The fact to have a minor defeat in the 1st mission annoys me for the following facts : I took Wilma at 49: 00 (time remaining) The other troops were ready go jump into town and started their move into it at 30:00 The AAV’s reached the town edges and the troops carried abroad deployed and went into the attack at 26:00 So that leaves around 25 minutes left to clear the town. Without the artillery and or the mortars, since you are fighting from houses to houses that doesn’t leave too much time. About the second mission the fact that red Wolf got there 40 minutes later did not prevent me to move, reach and secure Coyote and Wily E. Red wolf rejoined when they arrived. The casualties taken were a TOW LAV at the beginning shot by a tank and or ATGM on the crest and later during the attack toward the bridge a tank, from an ATGM firing from the right hill slope. All the other casualties were taken while rushing to Manolito (and in the warehouses near Coyote - 1 LAV and its infantry)to get there on time and to be able to place the FO’s in order to unleash all the artillery, mortars and Air assets prior to move toward High Chaparall. Again, I was defeated by time. If you fight, taking in account the tactical rules that are the one that you would be allow to use for your attack in a real Ops, you don’t give us enough time to permit the application of such tactical rules. I did not follow these rules myself, by not probing the right flank (second mission). If I had done that I would not have left my right flank unprotected while rushing to the crest prior of attacking Manolito. BTW the amount of troops on the right is far greater than what I have found on the left. So, my choice was not so bad after all. Anyway, some will end the campaign with such a low rate of casualties that I wonder how they managed to do so and others like me will be removed from command. These things are not really what count as long as you do us some good scenarios and that you give us, please Mr Paper Tiger, a little bit more time before being struck, not by the Fog of war, but the TLR. Cheers
  20. Hi Paper Tiger, I just finished playing RT Elite, USMC GUNG HO. To tell you the truth, I am a bit disappointed , not because I have been removed of my command after the second mission, but because the way the Red have been set doesn’t look to my point of view realistic. I have played the “Road to Dinas” and encountered the same problem. BTW you mentioned using the same maps, that was not bad idea. However the Red setting looks more or less the same as before. Going back to the campaign. I have had a Minor defeat on the first and on the second mission. My losses in the second mission due to the ATGM, well sited, were heavy, from my point of view. 1 tank and 7 tracks. At the end of the campaign the total losses were 1 tank, 7 tracks, 2 OVL, 23 KIA and 21 WIA. The enemy lost 13 tanks, 113 KIA, 51 WIA and 86 MIA to no avail. That second mission, was fought mainly on the left of the map. That way, I split in two the opposing forces and was able to concentrate all of my forces on the left, but a very small force on the far right. I took the houses before the bridge, the farm a little bit farther uphill, then the compound (Coyote)on the right and the one on the left (Wily E) and the warehouses on the right of the road were cleared with casualties. From there I got to Manolito and took it but got casualties from the farthest houses on the right. Then the TLR was reached. My analysis is that with one company you can not do it due to the TLR or you might succeed with more delay and an important use of all the supports. Air, Artillery and mortars. However, I don’t think that you will have enough forces left for the next mission and a sufficient ammo level left. BTW the 1st mission, TLR is very, very short. I got to the houses and into the first part of the town after having occupied Wilma. From there, I had a support by fire of the units attacking Bedrock . I managed to assault the edge of the town and went as far as the place following the axis of the road at the left of the town entrance. Dino, Fred, Pebbles were preserved (50 points each). Bamm Bamm and Barney partly(only 25 points each). Very frankly, I have done exactly what I did before for the road to DINAS. If more troops were committed, the town would have been cleared, without using artillery, but some mortars when really necessary. The losses were 7 KIA, 5 WIA and 1 OVL. For the Red 44 KIA, 17 WIA, 43 MIA and 3 tanks. To summarize 1st mission: The TLR is too short, but I can take the town if I have another 30 minutes at the least and 60 minutes at the most. 2nd mission The TLR is again short but even with 30 to 60 minutes more, I don’t see how I can take High Chaparall if I attack on the right and on the left. I won’t have enough forces. The only way, I think I could do it, is to attack on the left, like I did. I will not engage the troops in the long warehouses, they fight very aggressively. Wily E and Coyote taken, I will. rush on the road uphill and turn right to assault Point 68 and up toward big John. I would then establish there an OP with the FO’s and concentrate the artillery and Air assets on Manolito, Blue Boy and High Chaparall. The former two were the only objectives that gave points to the Red’s. After a strong artillery barrage, I will move into Manolito, then on to Blue Boy and from there do a right turn toward High Chaparral. Taking it sideway, should be easier than in a front attack. Again a strong artillery and air power will be called. So the main points are the following: Give more time to achieve the objectives and if you don’t, give more troops. I think, I told you the same for Second Storm. I don’t think that more troops will help that much, since you would have to attack anyway, very quickly to try to reach the objectives on time. You would endure non needed casualties in doing so. Time is buying less casualties, because using your Artillery and Air assets, it takes time to find a good FOV for an Observer and some delay to get a fire mission. I told you before of the 3 against 1 for the attack. Actually as Alex talked about it. You can reverse that figure and have a 1 against 3 in the attack or even less against more. But for that you must have very sophisticated Air and Artillery assets. That doesn’t work so well with CMSF. You have to locate the enemy and have a way (CMSF FOV) to plot artillery on him. As a matter of fact, I did not use the Artillery in the 1st mission and just the 81mm on Wilma. That to follow your warning about the ammo level to maintain for the next mission. The air assets were used in the second mission. They got most of the tanks. A last thing, I had troops on the left side of the map with Big John Mountain at the right level and I discovered that some of the enemy were still there when I lost a LAV. Not one of the troops had seen anything but a dismounted Tank crew and certainly not the AT team, till it was too late. I hope that these comments will help you in correcting the campaign, since the 2 first missions look more like a stalemate for me and winning them in an unmilitary way, seems away from reality which is the contrary of what CMSF is made for. I will try again your Campaign and DINAS for fun, but I shall set the time up when needed. Besides these time problems, I have always enjoyed your scenarios, but certainly not the time allotted for the mission and I don’t mind if you put a bit too much red troops every possible place we have to go. But to fight them we need time; For business men “time is money” here time permits to attack and not rush from point A to B because it is shortest and takes less time, due to the TLR setting Cheers
  21. I have just found statistic, in my files, about the losses due to OPFOR fighting against US troops on the NTC training grounds in the late eighties, prior to the first war against Iraq. It is the contrary of what was recorded in WWII Tanks usually accounted for 50% of a battalion kills, Tow's 25% and the remaining 25% accounted to Infantry, Air asset, Mines and Artillery. That was a conventional conflict against troops using Red Warsaw pact tactics in an environment depicting Iraq desert landscape and or its neighbours. Another statistic about counter insurgency fights in Afghanistan. US losses, records that at mid April 2010, 188 soldiers (17, 9%) out of a total of 1049, had been killed by bullets. I don’t have details about the IED, mortars, RPG’s and accidents percentage among the dead That statistics come along the one of the NTC for losses due to Infantry, yet mines and what could be considered like artillery are not part of it Other wars, other statistics Cheers
  22. HI, TheVulture, Your AAR spam is must welcome. I haven't played the Incidente and I am already curious to see how you will managing your strykers along that road and fields which are surely already registered for mortar and or artillery fire plan. It looks like the ways to get forward are rather funnelled into kill zones being setup by the enemy, ready for your Recon company Cheers
  23. The fork like device made the tank litteraly stay into the embankment, without being able to go over it. The speed and the weight of the tank did the rest. The embankment was pushed away. If the fork had not been there the tank will have jumped the embankment and presumably either rolled over on the other side and tipped over, or been stopped while going over and left with its underside in full view of a PAK gun team and or panzerfaust armed "panzer knacker". Cheers
  24. Nowadays, when the edges have to be removed for uniting two fields into one, you have to cut all the vegetation and remove the trees stumps. The latter are the most difficult to get out. It takes time and a good heavy duty farm tractor. You have to be careful if you don't want to break some of the appliances. The fork fitted to a sherman and or a Stuart was really a wonderful thing. On movie shots you see the Sherman at full speed being stopped and then the enbankment breaks away. Guess the crew was a bit bang around in the tank compartment. Do that with a farm tractor and you get a wreck. You will be stop dead. Cheers
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