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Everything posted by snake_eye

  1. Glad you succeeded and were able to get into it. As for myself, if I had knew about the shortcoming of the patch V 1.30 for the ones not having it, since using or not the new assets offered with it, did not make any difference, I would have used some of them, specially the Syrian's trucks. Well, it will be in the next scenario........ Cheers
  2. Hi, every one I was away, till today and I am just reading the problem you have with the scenario. It has been made with CMSF, MARINES, UK & NATO addons installed. So the patch V 1.30 can be installed if it is not already done. If, you have NATO, you should have the patch 1.30. Since the scenario has been made with the MARINES addon troops and vehicles and none of the new possibilities packed with NATO, it should have worked. As a matter of fact, when I am choosing the file in the battle repertory, a red dot is highlighted in the MARINES icon (standing along the other one in the left down screen corner). When I had Syrian trucks chosen in an earlier scenario making. The NATO icon had also a red dot. So, I deleted these truck and the NATO red dot was gone. So, that was what, I thought . Well it doesn‘t go that way, as I found it out, trying today to start the scenario on another PC with the game having CMSF and the MARINES patched up to V 1.21 So, that means, that you must have the Patch V 1.30, if you want to play. That is not what I expected! Another problem, if you do have the patch V 1.30 and VISTA and that you don’t see, in the battle repertory, the scenario name. Look in the files compatibility repertory, if it is there. If, so just copy it into the scenarios games files again and make sure it is there. If it is, you should then, see it when you open the battle files in the game. I was doing a follow up of that scenario and that discovery of patch annoys me. Why BF doesn’t release V 1.30 instead of keeping it for the moment with the NATO addon ? I shall keep for a while the new scenario, since there are not that many people having 1.30. If I am wrong let me know. Really sorry for the inconvenience, if you don’t go to the NATO addon to get V 1.30 Cheers anyway
  3. The right download link is the following : http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=881 Cheers
  4. I am just saying that CMA is a stand alone game. CMSF basic game can be played with its addons which are , MARINES, UK and NATO. Despite the fact that for all these games the scenarios file extension is the same (btt), the scenarios for CMA work with CMA only, the ones for CMSF work with the basic and the addons listed above. You can load the scenarios of CMA to CMSF or reverse. But they won't open. They won't be listed in the battle roster. However they are seen in the Editor, but again they can't be opened. I talked of CMSF and its Addons to answer to your question about my scenario made for CMSF and the addon Marines, but that can be played only, if you have both of them it, at the least. Cheers
  5. CMA is only a standalone game. Scenarios are only done for it and it alone, with its CM A Editor. CMSF Base Game, MARINES, UK and NATO (with Patch V 1.30) loaded, scenarios can be played with either one. Albeit, if you own NATO and you are using for example the Russian AA assets, these won't appear (or the scenario might no be loaded) if you load the game from CMSF Base Game either if you have MARINES and UK, but not NATO. The same for UK and or MARINES if you don't have them. "A helluva Road Opening" needs the CMSF Base Game and the Marines addon at the least. All troops, vehicles, tracks .... are the ones working with it. More when you start the game in the frame in the daown left corner, you will see a red dot on MARINES. It gets just one try to get accustomed to these things,which look a bit difficult the first time. Cheers
  6. Hi, You can download it from BF CMSF, MARINES, SCENARIO & CAMPAIGNS or you can more easely click on the link " A HELLUVA ROAD OPENING" in the repository section. Cheers The link : http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=873
  7. The briefing seems to be omitted in the downloading section. I have done the necessary; Meanwhile here it is, Cheers This scenario is taking in account some tactical issues that have been encountered in the past and present years battles in Afghanistan. For obvious reason all the names of the geographic locations and of red and Blue units that had been involved are not real. The AO is presently unstable and besides Johnson airport, still not reopen and the Nira Dam FOB and OP that we control, all around is Indian Country The Nira MSR is open every three days, in the morning by the 3rd and 4th Platoons / B Co of the ANA 4th battalion in order to resupply the NIRA FOB and its OP manned by the 2nd Platoon. After a near miss on an Apache last week, theirs assistance in providing security during the road opening has been denied ever since. We have no intelligence on the Mujhadeens groups which seem to have infiltrate in fair numbers since the last 2 weeks in the vicinity of the hamlets of Sidi Bou Saïd, Al Farouk and Hassan. Our forces are made of the ANA B Co / 4th battalion “Suliman” 3 Rifles platoons, HMG and MG section being beefed up with “Dare devil” 3rd Regt, comprising a scout platoon “ hawkeyes”, 2nd, 3rd Rifles and 4th Weapon MGS platoons, B Co (-) “Tiger” 2nd Battalion with “Havock” 2 X 81mm mortars in support The ANA has on loan a platoon of 4 MTVR from the Marines 2nd Platoon. “Tiger” 2nd platoon has its Strykers unavailable due to the fitting of new up armoured kits for the next 2 weeks. The weather forecast for the next 24 hours is west, light wind, warm and dry with a slight haze. Open the road from Johnson to the Nira OP, starting at 06:10 with the ANA, while providing them a constant overwatch on the MSR Nira from Johnson airport ridge, the Nira FOB and OP. Be advice that the Hill 54 tower outpost doesn’t respond to our call since 04:00 AM. It is assumed that it has fallen in enemy hands. The ANA forces will advance and recon by fire, if necessary the MSR up to the Nira OP and then secure the Nira bridge At 06:10 AM the ANA forces will proceed cautiously as said, and pay a particular attention to hill 54 tower. The tower should be taken and not destroyed in order to provide for a FO, a view of the valley lying ahead. That done the advance can resume. A Recon Platoon (-) of 2 BTR from 3rd Battalion has be called at 05:00 AM and should arrive around 06:20 AM. If the ANA gets into a fight, it should not attempt to get through, but should consolidate and leapfrog forward. Be aware that the road sides and hamlets might still have some scattered mines lying around from unknown minefield dating back to the Russian. The “Dare Devil” force will assist The ANA in fulfilling its mission, up to the Nira outpost if needs arise, as well as providing security for the airfield by securing the nearby hamlet of Al Farouk. The ROE is to overrule the use of mortars unto the hamlets, unless absolutely necessary. The destruction of hill 54 tower and of the hamlets houses will have great incidence in the fore coming talks the province Governor. We don’t need that at a time when we are a month away to be relieved by the UK forces. They say enough that we are too much Gung HO. Last thing. We have 2nd platoon (-)/C Co/3rd batt/5th regt with 3 brad’s and a support from their 120mm mortars from fire Base Rosario, that could be available at midday. That all gentlemen, dismiss ! To be only played Blue against red A.I with CMSF - USMC Module V up to 1.30 Designer : Gregory KELLER "Snake eye" 11/10/2010 - Your much needed comments and advices on snake.eye@sfr.fr
  8. A Helluva road opening: The scenario description "briefing" not being shown despite its download here it is : This scenario is taking in account some tactical issues that have been encountered in the past and present years battles in Afghanistan. For obvious reason all the names of the geographic locations and of red and Blue units that had been involved are not real. The AO is presently unstable and besides Johnson airport, still not reopen and the Nira Dam FOB and OP that we control, all around is Indian Country The Nira MSR is open every three days, in the morning by the 3rd and 4th Platoons / B Co of the ANA 4th battalion in order to resupply the NIRA FOB and its OP manned by the 2nd Platoon. After a near miss on an Apache last week, theirs assistance in providing security during the road opening has been denied ever since. We have no intelligence on the Mujhadeens groups which seem to have infiltrate in fair numbers since the last 2 weeks in the vicinity of the hamlets of Sidi Bou Saïd, Al Farouk and Hassan. Our forces are made of the ANA B Co / 4th battalion “Suliman” 3 Rifles platoons, HMG and MG section being beefed up with “Dare devil” 3rd Regt, comprising a scout platoon “ hawkeyes”, 2nd, 3rd Rifles and 4th Weapon MGS platoons, B Co (-) “Tiger” 2nd Battalion with “Havock” 2 X 81mm mortars in support The ANA has on loan a platoon of 4 MTVR from the Marines 2nd Platoon. “Tiger” 2nd platoon has its Strykers unavailable due to the fitting of new up armoured kits for the next 2 weeks. The weather forecast for the next 24 hours is west, light wind, warm and dry with a slight haze. Open the road from Johnson to the Nira OP, starting at 06:10 with the ANA, while providing them a constant overwatch on the MSR Nira from Johnson airport ridge, the Nira FOB and OP. Be advice that the Hill 54 tower outpost doesn’t respond to our call since 04:00 AM. It is assumed that it has fallen in enemy hands. The ANA forces will advance and recon by fire, if necessary the MSR up to the Nira OP and then secure the Nira bridge At 06:10 AM the ANA forces will proceed cautiously as said, and pay a particular attention to hill 54 tower. The tower should be taken and not destroyed in order to provide for a FO, a view of the valley lying ahead. That done the advance can resume. A Recon Platoon (-) of 2 BTR from 3rd Battalion has be called at 05:00 AM and should arrive around 06:20 AM. If the ANA gets into a fight, it should not attempt to get through, but should consolidate and leapfrog forward. Be aware that the road sides and hamlets might still have some scattered mines lying around from unknown minefield dating back to the Russian. The “Dare Devil” force will assist The ANA in fulfilling its mission, up to the Nira outpost if needs arise, as well as providing security for the airfield by securing the nearby hamlet of Al Farouk. The ROE is to overrule the use of mortars unto the hamlets, unless absolutely necessary. The destruction of hill 54 tower and of the hamlets houses will have great incidence in the fore coming talks the province Governor. We don’t need that at a time when we are a month away to be relieved by the UK forces. They say enough that we are too much Gung HO. Last thing. We have 2nd platoon (-)/C Co/3rd batt/5th regt with 3 brad’s and a support from their 120mm mortars from fire Base Rosario, that could be available at midday. That all gentlemen, dismiss ! To be only played Blue against red A.I with CMSF - USMC Module V up to 1.30 Designer : Gregory KELLER "Snake eye" 11/10/2010 - Your much needed comments and advices on snake.eye@sfr.fr Cheers
  9. The scenario will be available for download in the next few hours. I hope it will please you as well as for the map than the idea of the scenario. Let me know. Cheers
  10. The roads around the airfield are littered with past ambush relics left to rust as a grim reminder of what you could expect during the road clearing, you have been ordered to start at 06:10 AM. A helluva road opening, don’t you think ? Cheers
  11. Thanks a lot Eagle2. I hope the scenario will be up to your expectation. For my part, I have great time and frustration while testing and playing it on the Blue side against the A.I. If someone, is getting through the 2 to 3 hours playing time without a scratch and without cheating, he will be welcome at the Rina dam with champagne ! Cheers The tactical map
  12. The final screen shots before the release next week at the latest Cheers
  13. A Helluva road Opening More screen shots of the upcoming scenario to be played with the Marines addon.
  14. BFC is already providing battles between US, UK (NATO) against Syria. If it was Israeli's against them and Lebanon would that make a huge difference ? You can always title your troops israeli's and attack Syria. Ok, you won't have the Israeli's tanks, IFV and others and troopers armaments, but would that again make a huge difference ? For the rest I agree, it is a very sensitive proposal for BFC. Is it worth the problems it might raise ?
  15. Thanks guys, I shall post next mid week new views
  16. I really thought that the Marders were going to do well with their 25mm. The good thing was the sound of it and the way it did pour some suppress fire on some spot. But it seems that the gunner was blind, because, even having the commander in the open hatch, they did not see the coming ambush at all. When hell broke loose, they did not react right away. It was too late. The next pleasant thing, was the noise made by the MG3 (the modern version of WWII MG 42). The rate of fire is astonishing. However all the mounted Panzer Grenadiers were mowed down in the following one or two minutes.
  17. Here are some shots from an upcoming scenario about a road opening in Afghanistan to be played with the Marines addon and later on with the UK addon. However, very much impressed by the Marders in NATO I have tried two of them in the scenario to see if they were doing well. Guess what ? they got shot and the PZ grenadiers along. I was a bit disappointed. Cheers
  18. Thanks AKD, Went through the well detailed reading. From my point of view, the Coyotte fares better on Recon, due to its speed. It lacks armor capacities against ATGM and RPG (at close range), like the LAV III. In an Urban environment both of them are gone for a turkey shot out. Without any infantry loaded the Coyotte, seems better suited to the "Coyotte" cartoon fame. Every time something is thrown, it surely gets it Cheers
  19. An excellent scenario. Not that easy playing in Elite Real Time. I got a Tactical Defeat, by being somehow careless on a few instances.. To help the designer, I can report a slight bug. The two pilots were freed and brought back to the start line without any incident. Yet that was not registered in the AAR. I looked at the editor and found that the hospital had to be occupied. I certainly, made a mistake pulling the few guys left, in the buildings next to the hospital objective it limit. Another mistake on my account, I got a Jackal right next to the monument at the end of the TLR, but I was not that fast for raising the flag. Too bad. I got the documents and Phase Line points, but the 5000 points credited to the Red for the casualties they inflicted to the Blue won the game. Blue 1000 Red 5000. I did not get into town, besides that lone Jackal. It was nearly impossible due to my casualties For the casualties : Blue 136 OK Red 69, 71 KIA 145, 110 WIA 76, 1 MIA 4, 0 TkL 0, 0 AVL 7, 11 OVL 2 I shall certainly play it again, one of these days after having forgotten the Red whereabouts. Cheers
  20. That seems very interesting. But that increase in radio chatter (or text box), could clogged the net like in real ops and distract us from more important action, than the one reported ? However, it could bring us more toward reality and the many instances when one squad and or company could not report to higher through the radio net at crucial times. Is it worth modelling (if it can be) in the game I really don't know. Cheers
  21. Just finished the Blue campaign playing Elite Real Time ,with Total Defeat. I liked the maps and the urban environment. The battles were mostly difficult. The one I liked the most was Faith and the worst one considering casualties was Blood on the rooftops. That name was well chosen !. Considering that there were no Tanks and IFV on the Red side, my 22 LAV's losses were very high. The LAV does not seem well suited for the urban fight we have to go through for most of the battles. The CORE UNIT makes things difficult from one battle to the next due to the casualty increasing rate. Maybe some new units should have been provided after the 3rd battle ? The good thing is that despites the battle ending, you can go to the next one, even without your pants on, just for the pleasure to end the next one, in the worst way you could think of. If you don't win that is your fault and not the designer one. Just a small bug,if that is one ? In HOPE V2 you are occupying at the end, the 3 objectives and only One is taken in account. Grizzly had 9 guys on the side of the green zone ( 3 at the margin and 6 outside) and Black only one soldier with an empty ATGM left. That might explain why ? You get a minor defeat for that battle. Anyway that is an interesting campaign and the tactic with the LAV in MOUT has to be revised on my part. How have you done it ? Cheers
  22. Just to go back to work after these delightful entertainments Hi, MickeyD, In NATO “Germany march”, to be more precise, the mopping up happened in the final stage of the attack. The area had been rid of mostly all the defenders. That might explain that. However, I was lucky to have a lot of IFV and tanks in that scenario and to choose safe approach ways after a cautious and long recon. Those made me avoid the right side, which would have been the end for me, if I had gone that way carelessly. Doing a left hook movement, I was able to destroy nearly all the red tanks before having the Marders platoons rolling onto the objectives, with the leopards, while others kept an overwatch on high grounds near the hills, on the left, a little bit farther from the line of departure. That explain my “luck” and the inability of the Red to destroy most of the attacking Marders. I got the objectives for sure, but the price to get there was high. Almost 25 % of KIA, WIA and MIA besides the IFV and tanks lost Considering the result for a scenario played in Elite real Time , I consider that the A.I was pretty good and needless to say the scenario. I got a DRAW and a Syrian Surrender Blue 254 OK Red 160, 48 KIA red 281, 26 WIA Red 115, 9 MIA red 133, 3 Tanks lost Red 10, 10 AVL red 9, 1 OVL red 1 . The best advices, besides luck, I could give would be these: First, think always that the enemy is clever than you are, once assume, find the enemy positions and evaluate its forces by a sound recon. If you don't see anything, bring him to fire on you by moving around and disclose that way its positions. Take care of your flanks. Go for the high ground to overwatch him and have some suppressive fire on him, when needed. Then, once these have been done, make a choice for the attack and stick to it, you won't have time to change it once you get rolling. Cheers
  23. Well, if the RPG's were shot from a close distance they might not had time to be armed ? They might have gone right through the soft truck skin's and exploded just after exiting ? I don't know if that caracteristic is being taken in account in the RPG setting ? Cheers
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