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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by snake_eye

  1. The complete briefing here after: That V2 scenario, Blue playable with the Marines and Nato modules, has new setup improvements that will allow the move of the units, to cover either side of the MSR at Johnson airbase. The ANA mounted on Zil’s trucks, may use also MTVR and two small German teams consisting of Marders and of a Fenneck is deployed. For the rest that scenario, is taking in account some tactical issues that have been encountered in the past and present years battles in Afghanistan. For obvious reason all the names of the geographic locations and of Red and Blue units that had been involved are not real. The AO is presently unstable and besides Johnson airport, still not reopen and the Nira Dam FOB and OP that we control, all around is Indian Country The Nira MSR is open every three days, in the morning by the 3rd and 4th Platoons / B Co of the ANA 4th battalion in order to resupply the NIRA FOB and its OP manned by the 2nd Platoon. After a near miss on an Apache last week, theirs assistance in providing security during the road opening has been denied ever since. We have no intelligence on the Mujhadeens groups which seem to have infiltrate in fair numbers since the last 2 weeks in the vicinity of the hamlets of Sidi Bou Saïd, Al Farouk and Hassan. Our forces are made of the ANA B Co / 4th battalion “Suliman” 3 Rifles platoons, HMG and MG section being beefed up with “Dare devil” 3rd Regt, comprising a scout platoon “ hawkeyes”, 2nd, 3rd Rifles and 4th Weapon MGS platoons, B Co (-) “Tiger” 2nd Battalion with “Havock” 2 X 81mm mortars in support and Fire Base “Rosario” 4 X 120mm mortars The ANA has on loan a platoon of 4 MTVR from the Marines 2nd Platoon. “Tiger” 2nd platoon has its Strykers unavailable due to the fitting of new up armoured kits for the next 2 weeks. A German ISAF team consisting of 3 Marders from 2nd Plt / 1st Co / 4th battlegroup (one is being repaired and won’t be available) and a Fenneck from 1st Plt Aufklärung CO have been sent to us for familiarization with our tactics and can assist the ANA in the road opening. The weather forecast for the next 24 hours is west, light wind, warm and dry with a slight haze. Open the road from Johnson to the Nira OP, starting at 06:10 with the ANA and their support, while providing them a constant overwatch on the MSR Nira from Hill 53, Johnson airbase ridge, the Nira FOB and OP. Be advice that the Hill 54 tower outpost doesn’t respond to our call since 04:00 AM. It is assumed that it has fallen in enemy hands. The ANA forces and their support will advance and recon by fire, if necessary the MSR up to the Nira OP and then secure the Nira bridge At 06:10 AM the ANA forces and their support will proceed cautiously as said, and pay a particular attention to hill 54 tower. The tower should be taken and not destroyed in order to provide for a FO, a view of the valley lying ahead. That done the advance can resume. A Recon Platoon (-) of 2 BTR from 3rd Battalion has be called at 05:00 AM and should arrive around 06:20 AM. If the ANA gets into a fight, it should not attempt to get through, but should consolidate and leapfrog forward. Be aware that the road sides and hamlets might still have some scattered mines lying around from unknown minefield dating back to the Russian. The “Dare Devil” force will assist The ANA in fulfilling its mission, up to the Nira outpost if needs arise, as well as providing security for the airfield by securing the nearby hamlet of Al Farouk. The ROE is to overrule the use of mortars unto the hamlets, unless absolutely necessary. The destruction of hill 54 tower and of the hamlets houses will have great incidence in the fore coming talks with the province Governor. We don’t need that at a time when we are a month away to be relieved by the UK forces. They say enough that we are too much Gung HO. Last thing, we have 2nd platoon (-)/C Co/3rd batt/5th regt with 3 brad’s and a support from their 2 X 120mm mortars, that could be available within 2 hours. That’s all gentlemen, dismiss! To be only played Blue against red A.I with CMSF - USMC & NATO Modules - V1.31 However a H to H can be played, considering that the Red setup can not be changed. Designer : Gregory KELLER "Snake eye" 04/29/2011 - Your much needed comments and advices on snake.eye@sfr.fr
  2. To find out the release date reminds me of Intelligence being gathered in the past and given a A1 rating. Every time without any exception the things turned out differently. Every time, the guys having worked on it said, they were sure that their Intelligence gatherings were nonetheless good. They always had an explanation to explain why the things went wrong, but none to explain why it did happen. On my part, from what I had read, I thought that the 26th could be the date. It doesn’t seem to turn out that way. So, let it be. Let’s cool, breathe slowly, try not to think of it and it will be a pleasure to get the Email announcing the beginning of the downloading, when time comes. No more guessing on my part, after all I don’t have any reason to stress, it’s only a game release and not an attack and or a terrorist threat to counter. BTW, why don’t you make a lottery the winner would get the privilege to be the first one to download the game, before every one else.
  3. The map of the counter attack has a 2400 m width and 2544 m depth. Since to make a 4000 meters square map you have to set it with the plus sign on the top till you obtain 2160 m or something close to it and then use the plus sign on the bottom till you get 4000 m (the maximum obtainable), I have to check the map and see on which sides (left, right, top, bottom and or all ) I can expand the ground. If the map is one, already created that might be a problem, that doesn’t exist for a new one. To Luke: You scenario sounds good, if you can put the disabled M1A1 in a suitable defensive position that would be better, otherwise it will be dead meat rather quickly. Let’s say that it has been towed there to await for the repair echelon. Cheers
  4. Yes, it could be done. As a matter of fact in the "A Helluva road opening 2" that should be released soon, the ANA and the US Army forces have a German NATO platoon of 3 Marders (1 of them immobilized for a mechanical failure)) to help the ANA through their road opening. In another scenario partly tested by BLACKMORIA "A UK helluva take over" the Marines after their helico landing and having taken the bridgehead (It is the same map that the one in the helluva road opening, but attacking from the dam toward the airport) will let the British mechanized forces go through them for their attack toward the airport. They will have at troop of Challengers, Scimitars and troops loaded on warriors. Enemy tanks will be lurking around. To go back to a counter attack it is definitevely a tank country ground, but it will have to be expanded in its width to have a deployment and engagement ranges to permit more tanks to be deployed. Glad you like it Cheers
  5. This is the ultimate version of the scenario. V2 is in fact the 4th version that has been made. It results from the numerous and thorough testing BLACKMORIA and I have made. Each time we talked about it and exchanged views. If some of the assets available were too strong and or too weak we were modifying them and were going again through the testing. BLACKMORIA comments were truly indispensable. I, alone I would not have been able to get the result you are about to discover. The Blue setup areas were increased and they allow you to get to new defensives positions, you might prefer. The Red side of the map was scrutinized very closely, the move of the tracks and tanks through their departure lines (Bridge and fords) corrected accordingly. That way the assault is unrolling at a normal space. Infantry and tracks are fighting together better than they did earlier. All of these testing made necessary to increase the play duration to 3 hours and a bit more (computer choice). The Red A.I has now 2 plans. The Red has some new troops, tracks and or tanks assets. They don’t surrender the way they did earlier. You can fight almost to the end. I won’t spoil anything telling you anything more. BLACKMORIA, really enjoyed it and coming from him it’s a compliment. If you want to play it H against H, you can as long as you don’t change the Red starting position. But since, they are attacking right away, that is not a disadvantage to be ready on the departure lines. The only last thing, I can say, is that you are going to find that scenario, you might have already play, quite different and surprising. However, if it is the same grounds, it is not, really quite the same battle you have fought. Cheers
  6. Thanks for the link, Pretty good combing they made. Not surprised at all from what they found (leaving not so far away). I used to do that in the seventies. Found more unexploded artillery rounds and grenades that I wished I would. The remains of fragments of exploded bombs were sometimes as long as your forearm and had probably sliced everything they had found on their way. The most touching discovery I made, in a German foxhole were relics of the equipment. Gasmask canister and its gasmask being flatten (yet the owner name was inside the lid), pieces of the leather Belt, suspenders and cartridges pouches with clips remaining) the watch of the guy completely flatten along aluminum hooks of the suspenders to retain the belt. It took a long time to get the things being found out of the ground. Besides, you had to be careful. To have the pick and or shovel hurting a piece of steel almost hidden by the earth was a frightening experience and a reminder, that it could have been a shell and not a no harmful metallic remain from the battle. Human remains were not an unlikely find on these days. I was lucky not to find any. My metal detector has been out of order since a long time and your link makes me think of doing it again. That was at the time, a nice way to understand the battlefield positions, finding the positions and going from holes to holes and it was physically and mentally a good thing to help you forget the work having been done the all week
  7. Hi Erwin, It has been done, but I am pretty much tied up with not so much available time to upload it with a new briefing taking in account the changes. 1/ You must have Marines and Nato add-ons. 2/ The ANA has 6 Zils Russian trucks and 4 MTVRs that can also be used partly and or fully 3/ There is a new track running on the left side of the airfield and going through the two hills where Marines are on overwatch. They can replenish from MTVR, that have been put there during the set up and or use them to move 4/ The set up areas are multiple from the left to the right side of the map. You are able to switch forces as you want, depending of the place you want to recon, probe and or attack 5/ The ANA relief forces are waiting near the control tower tarmac most of them loaded in the Zil’s trucks. You can decide to unload them, use some MTVR or have them go forward on foot from that point or decide to set them in another area. That will be a wider choice available to the player, than earlier. 6/ You can set the mortars F.O on an observatory on the hill beyond the control tower and eventually, why not, a Javelin’s team.. 7/ The platoon at rest on the far side of the runway and having Strykers at its disposal, will have to be moved after the set up. Normally, you have to consider, that they are a reserve force, to be moved once, you have been able, after the move of the ANA to draw a picture of the enemy blocking positions. I think that these changes will provide most players with different tactical choices, but to be honest, I must say that this road opening is difficult. I had thought one moment of calling a helicopter to help in probing the road. In most roads opening they are mostly called when the enemy is already engaging the convoy. It takes usually from 20 minutes to an hour to get it overhead. In R.L the ambushers are already away since a long time. In CMSF since we can not trigger an action to tell them to retreat 10 minutes at the most after having fired on the convoy, they will be pretty much shaken by the helico, since they won’t move. If, however, we make an A.I plan to have them move away at a determined time, since we don’t know at what time the contact will be done, they might have moved away and not be there any more to fire upon the convoy. So, there is no helico Don’t despair, I shall do the up most to upload it at the closest available time, I can manage.
  8. It was the shortest AAR to come of all time ! After 1 minutes in the game Noob and I agreed, due to my pretty tight up schedule in the coming month to wait the release of B-N and try our hands on it, when I shall have more time available. Besides that we were going to be engaged in a PBEM of 180 minutes, with the files weighting 40 to 50 Mo right at the beginning, we were due to end it in 6 months in a daily basis of one file a day. Better to play it in R.T
  9. Ok, we will manage to put down a protocole of who is doing what and how. That if the Reds don't storm the Blue defence right away ! The cherry on top, would be to have the shortest AAR of all times ! If that is the case, we would not have time to think of the sugar.
  10. I am starting a PBEM with Noob today. I am only fearing the time it will take and the weight of the files. BTW, the third one sent for the Blue set up weights 40 mo ! I shall see with Noob if the game runs smoothly if an AAR from both sides would be of some interest to some of you. Let us know. If you give it a go, it will be done in a dedicated post.
  11. Yes, it can be played H2H, since the Red A.I is emplaced at its departure line. From there, you can unfold the counter atttack and reach your objectives. The same is naturally possible for the Blue. The only things, I should check are the ones about the artillery and air assets. I think that when you play H2H, you have the hand on them, the A.I not being used for they move. Never had the chance to play it that way, it could be interesting and fun to do so Cheers
  12. To NOOB, You should try "A Counter Attack at El Derjine". Its is a huge map and you are playing the Blue side. The Reds, with ample tracks, tanks and infantry, have at the beginning a more than 3 to 1 ratio for their attack. However, they can be slowed toward their objectives. That, if a rather wise deployment in defence of the Blue is done and permits to limit the casualties until the coming Combat Team reinforcement with its M1 Abrams. BTW, Blackmoria gave me invaluable helps and advices, while doing multiple testing and finally finalized into the V2 that should be released soon. It is for him the ultimate Version that could be done of that battle. You can almost fight the battle till the end of the 4 hours, that if you have survived the Red counter attack, re taking the lost ground and pushing all the way down to the Red departure line. You will find out that the BMP-3's, to speak only of them, are not to take on lightly and that the Reds can really be very agressive in their attack as well as in defence. That is made possible by the tweaking of the forces in the editor and by testing the results and testing them again, until it seems good. The goal is to provide the player with a realistic battle and not a shoot them up, which will please an Hollywood scenario maker, but surely not a military simulation enthusiast. Just a small spoiler. You might think that doing the scenario, I might have the Blue side on the winner side at the end ? Sure, it happens, but on the 4 hours (against 3 before) new scenario, more than one time I was just able to hold the ground by clenching my teeth in it. There are only,two A.I plans, more were not interesting, since they were not giving any valuable and more important realistic, tactical advantage. Since , I know the A.I plans, I should have fare better. That was not the case. Blackmoria, having played quite a few times the V1 was also surprised by V2, but as usual managed to fare pretty well. Cheers
  13. Definitively. Yeah,with Radio Syria 4th battle, the tide of the Red pulling back with heavy casualties and not being able to inflict the same to the Blue seems to slow down. For the first time the Reds are able to relinquish and or hold grounds without too much casualties while the Blue are sustaining their first high casualties since the beginning.
  14. Right now, I am into the heat of the battles (one third to a quarter of the campaign done). The Red are no match for the Blue on open grounds. They can hold it a while in suburbans areas. For the time being I am getting in RT minors defeats most of the time. In the actual battle, the first in a suburban area, I am faring a bit better. The T-55's are however, still iron coffins when trying to engage Challengers. Even at close quarter range, hidden among houses courtyards providing cover, they can't destroy them ! The tank hunters teams don't fare better. They can destroy and or stop the tracks, but they seem, most of the time, to aim badly. Numerous RPG's want aside and or over their target. For the rest, the maps, the topography and none the less the senarios are very good. If I want to manage a possible victory, I should reconsider the way, I am using my Red forces. I believe in fact that the scenarios tactics used, are very well thought and seems to get straight out from a Military course. Alex and Alek scenarios briefing and their troops deployment made me think that they have a military background. If that is the case, it is used here, for the best that CMSF can give, that is as far as a simulation can. Pretty good job done, Alex and Alek.
  15. Glad to read about the upcoming release of CM:SF V 1.33. I shall then be able to go ahead on some project involving German NATO assets, if by the time it comes I am not entirely taken by CM:BN
  16. To Erwin, Yeah, I know that you were rightly upset to find the Afghan troops mounted in US MTVR at the airfield. Don't worry, following your remarks made at the time, I have done right away a slight modification about the setup Zone as well as to permit the US troops to retrieve ammos from the MTVR's prior to the Afghans boarding them. I have not uploaded that V2 for the time being. Partly because I wanted to replace the MTVR's trucks with Zil's ones (that has been done). Zil's trucks were only available in NATO prior to the release of the patch 1.31 (if I am not mistaken). I thought at the time, that to use Zil's trucks will make the V2 only available to people having NATO. Then V 1.31 came along with the news of some bugs specifically with the panzerfausts when played with NATO. I think that there are no more reason to delay that release. If I am wrong (about the Zil's available with V 1.31 without NATO) let me know. If it is OK, I shall release V2 at the end of march, not having my BF HDD with me while travelling. Thanks for liking the scenarios
  17. JNT, thanks for your answer. It is sure than in a RL with such assets available it would have taken less time to reach Al Ghania School and in the run Al Ghania town through or on either side of the main road. However, it would seem likely to find that axis fully registered by the enemy and have them pre positioned along it with good kill zones. To maintain, anyway, such an attack axis, the Air assets would have made an overwatch in front of the advancing CAB. The artillery would have registered all important and potential troops position and made pre planned and or on call fire missions. The units would have moved using the marching fire doctrine. Brad’s troopers either mounted or dismounted near strong points, while others try to outflank them. But as an axiom is saying :”To halt under fire is folly. To halt under fire and not fire back is suicide. Move forward under fire”; To do that, in the game is relatively difficult. To control all units during their move even in WEGO is difficult. So many things can happen in one minute time. In RL each unit would have pre planned fire area and mutual lateral support and the air and artillery would be called on targets being seen during the move, besides the ones already registered. As a matter of fact, as I said it in my previous post, I am a bit jealous about all these support facilities. That was a thing, I have not seen around many times. However, I would rather have them and save precious lives. Ours, needless, to say. For the rest I know what you meant about walking on a battlefield. War has nothing to do with what we are seeing on TV or even on well done movies. Blood and guts splashed all around and even on you, that you will never forget. The cries, the sight and the odour. Now days, when I am taking care of cats, I am very satisfied to open a dry pack for them. Years ago, I used to give them heart and lungs. One day coming back, I was just unable to keep up with cutting the lungs. Don’t wonder why ! Something like a PTD. Years went by and things have settled down. But even in a game, I am trying to use artillery and air with care and not abuse of its mighty power as long as my pixels troops are not endangered. That is my real challenge today. What I was doing fast years ago, I do it, now with time and caution. In the game it works, in RL I don’t think the enemy would wait for us to take our time. So we go back to the marching fire doctrine and its axiom. Again thanks JNT for that scenario, so close to what you might encounter, that it brought back memories that I have a tendency to obliterate, keeping in mind only the tactical and materials issues
  18. Ended the battle with a Total Victory with the Syrian surrender with 01:14:00 remaining time. Playing elite R.T I really enjoyed that scenario. I think that I could have forced the Syrian surrender quicker but losses would have been heavier. I think that the CAB is well sized with its motorized scouts Platoon and its Infantry Company. However rather than a tank Company attached to them, one or two tank platoons would have been closer to what is usually found. A tank company is rarely 100% available. The artillery assets as well as the air ones are tremendous. We have here, if I am not making a mistake, a by the book movement to contact. Everything is made available to avoid and or minimize all possible casualties during the advance. The US Army is on the move and you better be good against it or beat it. Well, I am a bit jealous about the amount of troops and arms available, but I must confess that to move against an enemy that might be entrenched and which is in emplacements providing good kill zones is a bit hairy. You know that they are waiting the right moment to dislocate your tactical move and create havoc among your tracks and troops. Anyway, that seems to be the US doctrine of deployment in that case. I have probably drawn an easier A.I plans among the 6 available. I found it clever, but easy, once you get to the high ground and can overwatch the likely avenues of approaches. Besides the woods give a good cover. Casualties: Blue 12 KIA RED 113, 14 WIA 27, 1 MIA 17, 2 TL 7, 3 AVL 10, 3 OVL 3 -------------------------------SPOILERS------------------SPOILERS------------------------- I was in a position on the ridge overwatching the suburbs of Al Ghania, ready to shell and or bring air assets onto the town, before having the tracks moving in with the infantry, when the Syrian surrendered. Nothing of their forces, but burnt tracks and tanks,was left on the map, besides their last remains, hidden into the town, of 2 platoons (one under strength), a Company HQ team, one or two AT assets and some HMG. 2 BMP’s and a tank are also left . The Syrian shelling if I had taken the road at the departure Line would have been costly. If I had made my move along the road, the tanks were well hidden and they would have created havoc among the tracks. My idea to go for the high ground immediately was the sound one. I have been surprised to find the high ground not defended. If I had been a Red opponent, I will have done it, since it is a commanding area. If you don’t command it, the way to Al Ghania school and Al Ghania town is open. That is on my point of view a tactical drawback for the Red. Is the scenario made from tactical US Army vignettes, I don’t know ? Later the helicopters and planes (heavy bombs were released when I did not have any flights around) obliged me to move the tanks and tracks among the protection of the woods. I have had some mobility kills. Fortunately, most of my moves had been made away from the departure line, regularly shelled and sustaining repeated air strikes. I shall probably try it again tweaking the editor’s A.I plans to make sure I don’t get the same. Never the less, I enjoyed it, the movements were rewarding and challenging, the map well done, with well made slopes, orchards and woods areas. Nice job
  19. Playing it, right now. After almost two hours out of the four, I am enjoying it a lot. Just a small remark. There are quite a lot of tracks and tanks. Playing R.T and pausing (since it is an obligation to be able to see what’s unfolding on the map) I am quite sure that if I had move a platoon just by designating a pathway for its tracks, I would have been in trouble very quickly. Therefore, I had decided to move each single track editing its pathway while pausing. That way, I can plot their move, resume the game and pause to change, if necessary, a previous order. For artillery and or air assets, it is very difficult to find as usual a good vintage spot for the JTAC and FO. You really have to look closely at the map and register the few spots before starting the game. Thanks for that scenario JNT…. -----------------------Spoiler------------------------------------------- I have been able with 02:10:00 remaining time to take farm 156, secure the hill overlooking farm 157, then to take the farm and repulse a tank attack coming from the north east on the right of Al Ghania town through the woods and orchards. Moment later another BMP's attack came from Al Ghania school and was destoyed to the last track and men I have just taken the Al ghania school with 2nd Plt. 1st Plt is still on its departure line on the HW 126 axis, having had to engage and destroy tanks in that forward area. They have been attacked by helicopters and have taken casualties besides losing a track. 3rd plt has moved on the left of the map toward farm 163, outflanking and destroying some hidden tanks on the way. My intent is to have them clear farm 163 and turn right toward Al Gahnia school, with the 1st plt rejoining, while moving along HW 126, the 2nd at the school. At the moment, I am quite convinced that a counter attack might come on my right flank, from the east on the axis of the farm 157 and Al Ghania school. The good thing is that there are 6 different A.I plans.
  20. To make it works, go into your clock setting and advance it to April the 1st. Don't mind about the year. Put on your sunglasses, don't forget your flakjacket and protect your beer can. You are ready !
  21. Very good and detailed screen shots. I just have a question, since everybody is looking closely to details. The MG 42 being fired has an ammo belt drum feed. I thought that the drum feeder could only be fitted on the MG 34. Am I right ? I have noticed, with amazement, that a German leaning rifleman seemed to move the bolt of its K-98 to feed another round. To have such details in the game is fantastic, can't wait anymore its release.
  22. I won’t speak in details about JOKER THREE, having not played it, but just read about it, seen the beautiful, very detailed LLF map and some spectacular screenshots. From my belief it can perfectly represent a MOUT fight as the one that happen in RL. Ok, there are some obligations due to the CMSF Editor and game possibility. However, they don’t prevent you to use all the MOUT tactical skills you have learned and or read about. The challenging thing about it if I have well read the post, is to rescue squads without flattening with artillery, helicopters and tanks the area around which, they are pinned down. That is not an unusual thing in RL. Some people have a tendency to think that when soldiers are attacking now days they have all the goodies that armament factories can built. If in a scenario they do have such stuff, it will be more a shoot them up game and in no way, it will be close to the reality of the ROE that you have to follow in RL. In all wars, when the technical support armament advantage that soldiers might have, can not be deployed in a particular surrounding because of the ROE and that is often the case in a MOUT fight, they are the one going in with what they have best : Their rifle and their training for such eventuality. As a matter of fact, when you are going into a small village and or a specific area in a town, the tracks are most of the time surrounding the area preventing by their fire capacity, fighters to get out of it and escape. Meanwhile, the soldiers are penetrating into the area to gather intelligence and take prisoners. If they are fired upon, they will engage, eliminate and or push the fighters toward the awaiting tracks. That you can do in a CMSF scenario and it is very challenging to do it using sound tactical drill within a time limit that can afford such movement. I think that this will be more than often seen in the coming B-N due to the weapons used, the distances of engagement and the areas chosen, like the restricted “bocages”, causeway with swamps around and small towns. The ROE are not the same, but the tactics are not so different. You still have two or three squads, a street, a sunken lane, the enemy in front and or on the flanks. We are far away from Stalingrad, do you think, but many fights over there and around involved only few squads fighting for survival among rubbles and they did applied, on either side, sound tactics. You can find some of them in MOUT recommendation written by or for the US ARMY. For all of these reasons I am sure that LLF did what was right and that he came with the help of the testers close to reality, as far as CMSF can afford it and that we can not denied.
  23. I came to that, looking at the shot you posted. It looks from it, that if you get into a house and or its surrounding, besides the entrance, you have tall walls all around. You are going nowhere So, if you want to move forward, besides having engineers to blast walls, between houses, you have to stick to the street to move forward don’t you ?
  24. It looks like LLF has perfectly retained the lessons of Fallujah where houses (in the areas the fighters wanted the fight to take place) had their doors locked and windows cemented to prevent squads infiltration from houses to houses, funnelling that way the squads in killing zones and some booby trap houses left open. You guys went through a nasty street fight.
  25. Thanks LLF. As soon as you put it on the repertory, I shall try to apply to CMSF these tactical lessons of Urban fighting well proven over the past wars. However, these days, the only huge difference being in the improved communications at squad level giving, not all the times, but rather more often than never, a sound situation awareness to the SQL (not to speak about the small, 5.1 pounds Dragon Eye, platoon and sometimes squad used UAV, out of the scope of CMSF) and in the high cyclic rate of fire of the weapons. That rate of fire, being pretty handy to saturate and or trigger response of enemy likely hide out during, a move using the recon by fire movement. Will let you know of the ending. Cheers
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