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Everything posted by snake_eye

  1. Hi LLF, I would be very happy, from what I read, to try, test and report, your Ramadi Mout fighting. Having read about the tactics used during the Fallujah battles, however a bit less for the Ramadi’s, it could be challenging to have these known, tactical squads movements applied among your map, huge streets labyrinth; If you agree, send me a mail. Thanks again for having done such a map that will stay as a monument dedicated to that area numerous fights. Cheers
  2. You have around 6 LAV's-AT being deployed, on a 2400 X 2544 meters map, in the scenario "A Counter Attack at El Derjine". You can have them cooked right away, if they are shooting straight at the T-72 from a short distance and even from a long one, usually from 1000 meters to 2000 meters, if not well sighted. If, you want them to survive more than one shot (that shot, might not even go for the tank , but dive sometimes into the ground (if the LAV –AT is on an inclined ground), you have to open up your LAV-AT( the commander and or gunner acquires the tanks quicker), position it on the flank of the tanks' LOS, hull down preferably and it must fire from a long distance (more than 900 meters). It should fire once and reverse, just when the missile hits its target (otherwise, you are stopping the missile guidance) If you don't have a way to hide, with a ground feature right away, your LAV-AT, you are doomed in return to get shot and destroyed by the first tank's round, while reversing. Smoke canisters, even if they are used do not hide immediately your track. Within 2 seconds you are killed. If, you have managed to hide safely your LAV-AT, you can take another shot, but as already said, surely not from the same location. As for myself, I have made quite a number of kills, firing from the flanks from well hidden location and from long distance. Doing so, I only lost a third of them at the most, while not doing so, I lost all of them in a finger clap. But in other scenarios with not a sufficient distance to the targets (don’t get closer than 1000 meters), they are sitting ducks and you better let them alone in a safe ground. They won't have the time to sight and fire from a short distance.
  3. Winecape, I thought that you loved to have a glass of a vintage bottle of wine, sometimes, Let's say a good year of a Chateau Lafitte and or Margaux........... Just what you need to get that cheese breath you are talking about away and I am not talking about the frogs legs and or snails with garlic.......You have to empty the cellar....A good way to get to know wines. Anyway, Let's keep the cider for the tourists, most of them nowdays are factory made.
  4. Look here : http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94339 They will be included for some of them in forecoming modules. When and how ?
  5. Neither,in Normandy the place of birth of all coming scenarios, if we can say it that way. Periers, Carentan, Sainteny, Sainte Mere l'Eglise, Saint Lo, Cherbourg, Saint Come du Mont, La fiere............. They have forgotten you................When I look at the Bronze star of my father earned in that area in july '44, I feel sorry for that omission and many French gamers will.
  6. That's true, but one should not forget that the TB are not trying to win a conventional war, but an unconventional one. They are hitting where it has the most impact in term of world wide coverage and since we are not willing to accept losses the same way they are, the politics at one time will be backing up and that leads to a handover of the fight to the country forces. That's why the OMLT are there. Meanwhile, it is better to suppress by fire and or Recon by fire with a lot of ammo expenditure and avoid unnecessary casualties that will only give more points to the enemy. Body counts as done in Vietnam and later on, are no more the issue. What does it prove to say that x TB have been killed and to have x more TB attacking the next days! You do the counting anyway, since they are there, if they have not been removed already, you estimate the number that might have been KIA or WIA depending on the volume of fire used and there are no press release about it. We are doing surgical strikes. Everything is clean ! no blood, no bodies, no more pictures seen on a front page. You only see them when a terrorist attack has been done on civilians. The Politics can then say, see what they have done! Meanwhile the guys are strolling in the contryside and doing their job. They can use all the expenditure of ammo they feel fit for one enemy KIA, is not that important. The important thing is that they get back to the COP unarmed at the end of their patrol.
  7. Hi Gibsonm, As Blakmoria rightfully pointed out English might be a second language for some. I will just add that the Informatics’ language is also a specific one, like acronyms are specific to the Military language. From the posts already written, I have been able to have a clear picture of the proposed alternative to the bug of the panzerfausts. That is to revert to 1.30, for the time being. I just felt obliged to write these following indications deriving from the difficulties, I myself had in reading the different posts, due to the terms used and sometimes of the slightly different ways, all of these leading to One confusion came from the terms, Revert (To go back to a preceding state) copy and or duplicate (make a copy of an existing folder for exemple), Install and or reinstall (the original program is being loaded and started to install a fresh and or clean copy of the game). To add more confusion some of us wanted to have their scenarios (the one downloaded and or made) being brought back to 1.30 or if you prefer reverting from 1.31 to 1.30 But, you CANNOT revert from 1.31 to 1.30 from an existing folder. You can only have again, a 1.30 folder with a new install and or by using a copy you have made of it (possibly including your own scenarios) previously before applying the 1.31 patch Be also, advice that if you have previously saved some scenarios patched 1.31, you have made and or downloaded, they will work only with CMSF 1.31 and not CMSF 1.30. There is no possible reverting for the scenarios. So, there is no need to copy them in your NATO 1.30 So to resume clearly to have NATO again 1.30 patched A/ You must copy (you use that term in informatics’ environment, when actually your program and its content has been already saved and that they can be installed from that copy). In that case it should be a 1.30 save, of the complete CMSF folder that you might have done previously. B/ If, you don’t have that save, you must install or reinstall the original program in a different folder. In order to do it rightly. For A 1/ Just rename, your actual CMSF folder having NATO (It can have also Marines and UK on it) being patched 1.31, let's say CMSF NATO 1.31. Do a short cut of the install EXE found in the folder (call it CMSF NATO 1.31) and put it on your desk Make a copy of the folder, put it in another folder containing your different save game version, just in case you need it. 2/ Take your NATO 1.30 copy and copy it in a new folder and at a different location from the 1.31. Rename it, let’s say CMSF NATO 1.30. Do a short cut of the install EXE found in the folder (call it CMSF NATO 1.30) and put it on your desk. For B 1/ Just rename, your actual CMSF folder having NATO (It can have also Marines and UK on it) being patched 1.31, let's say CMSF NATO 1.31. Do a short cut of the install EXE found in the folder (call it CMSF NATO 1.31) and put it on your desk Make a copy of the folder, put it in another folder containing your different save game version, just in case you need it. 2/ Then, make a new installation (in a new folder and at a different location from the 1.31) of CMSF and Then NATO (you don’t need to install Marines and or UK, since you might have them in your CMSF NATO 1.31 folder). That new installation is patched 1.30. Rename the folder, let’ say CMSF NATO 1.30 Do a short cut of the install EXE found in the folder (call it CMSF NATO 1.30) and put it on your desk Now 1/ Click either the desk CMSF NATO 1.30 and or 1.31 icon to start either one as needed. 2/ CMSF starts. Check that the 1.30 mark and or 1.31 mark appears in the main window. That in order, to be sure you did not start the wrong folder program. That’s all. Again thanks to all and particularly to Gibsonm for its constant rectifications and clarifications leading to a complete understanding of what can and or can’t be done, to revert to 1.30, without loosing his calm, even when under the fire of many interrogations not always clearly define by some of us.
  8. Hi Erik Springelkamp Don’t worry, we are not at war and the inconvenience is slight, if care is taken. Thanks again Hi Gibsonm, Make you do extra work ! very sorry for the inconvenience and thanks very much for your detailed answers. The reason I uninstalled, what I had done is the following : I uninstalled the folder, I had created with a copy of the original BF folder patched 1.31 (it has on it,CMSF, Marines, UK & NATO) and was brought back to 1.30 by installing NATO on it. You told me since, that it should not be done. Since, all the unit names for the scenarios I had copied became German names more or less. Seeing that, I decided to uninstall it in order to try something else. This is what I have related in my preceding post. After the uninstall and the caution, I wrote about, the original being removed and the unlicense question being asked, everything works as before with the patch 1.31, since I had taken thoughtfully a copy of that original folder. Now, if I do understand correctly what you wrote, since I have the originals patched 1.31 and I want to revert a copy to 1.30, I should follow your Scenario 2. But I don’t understand clearly when you write at : 2. Install a fresh copy of 1.30 and call it 1.30. Since I don’t have, anymore a copy of 1.30, being now 1.31, does that mean, that I should reinstall CMSF, Marines, UK & NATO ? that seems the only option to get 1.30 If that is the option, are my scenarios, being in the scenarios folders of the original with the patch 1.31, going to revert to 1.30 when paste in the scenarios folder of the new install ? Could you clarify that for me and presumably to others. Thanks again for the time taken
  9. NEW CAUTION for reverting to 1.30 When you are uninstalling the 1.30 installation having being copied in another folder and in another HDD, you will see the following information "Do you want to uninstall 1.31" ! Yet it is the folder with 1.30 in it and the uninstall icon. Do so and the original folder as well as that one are uninstalled. They demand if you want to desinstall the licence and so on. To prevent that, COPY your entire Battlefront folder somewhere else and reactivate it after the complete erasing of the former ones. If you have desinstalled the licence, just reinstall it. The reverting is full of surprise with Windows VISTA. It should be the same with XP and or Win 7.
  10. Gibsonm CharlieMike24 Thanks a lot ! I shall do a clean re-install as said.
  11. CAUTION about reverting to 1.30 I just played my scenario for testing, it works fine, but read here after, what goes wrong. I thought, I had done it right to revert to 1.30. I did indeed, but the names of the units of the scenario made previously are a mix of German and UK and who knows what ! In the Editor the name of the country units are Stummel, TRP, Tribial Militia......... everything seems to be mixed up. Following what I have written and applied, what went wrong ? Any idea.
  12. Thanks to you guys it works fine. 1/ Copy your CMSF folder having the 1.31 patch and put the copy in another folder than the initial one. 2/ Rename the folder, let's say CMSF NATO 1.30 3/ Install the NATO program into that CMSF NATO 1.30 folder. NATO contains the 1.30 patch 4/ Do a short cut of the install EXE found in it (call it CMSF NATO 1.30) and put it on your desk 5/ Click the desk CMSF NATO 1.30 icon 6/ CMSF starts. Check that the 1.30 mark appears in the main window. That's all. BTW my scenario which was a 1.31 is now a 1.30, Great ! Going back to test it and finalize it.
  13. REVERTING TO 1.30 ADVICES Erik Springelkamp About( the programmers, having done some programs in the past, I am fully aware of the difficulty of switching from one to another one. It is a pain in the …. Thankfully guys like you, are around to resolve and or help in the resolution of the Panzerfaust issue among others. Erik Springelkamp Gibsonm Thanks for the advices. I shall revert to 1.30. Unfortunately, I was doing a scenario, begun under 1.30 and now done under 1.31. It won’t work, if I am right with 1.30.Stroke of bad luck, I think, that I don’t have any save under 1.30.
  14. To use Fennecks to retrieve the Panzerfausts launchers I had not thought about. However it is only, what we could call a bypass emergency procedure to be used in order to play and or make a scenario using NATO German forces with Marders. About the awaited bug patch: I do understand the intricacy of the unpaid volunteers testers, of spare time works,of the load of work with BN……….. But since the game is a commercial release, some attention should be given to correct it in the best available delay. Some people might not understand that all BF is focalized on B.N and that NATO is left on the side of the road for an undetermined time, for what seems a relatively small bug to be corrected. More, BF does not do any comment about that bug (If I am not mistaken) despite all what is said about it. Don’t tell me, also that if they are doing that correction, BN will suffer an undetermined release delay. That I‘ll not buy. Because ,if that is the reality, what will happen with BN if it suffers some “slight” bugs. Are they going to be corrected again at an undetermined time, because they might be working at that moment on BN 2 ! I don’t like to write these things, since I enjoy very much CMSF(having all the addons and CMA), having bought CMBO, CMBB and CMAK, as soon as they were released in their time. Because of that, I would not like BF to get deaf about some sound issues, being brought to his knowing by people that have always been firm defenders of their release. If they were only answering to our demand, we could understand their problem, if there is one, accept it and wait patiently !
  15. Very kind of you Rune, are you providing the sleeping and the meals ? Don't worry that is a bit far for me. What amaze me is that we are all wondering when the game will be released and we don't have any way to predict a date within a 7 days period. It looks like a weather forecast on a month period. One sure thing, I know, I won't be among the preview, so I don't have to check the barbecue and the fridge. When, it will be released and I shall start the game, I shall get out the finest Calvados bottle, let's say a 30 years vintage and get into the battles. That, if I don't have too much fog on my glasses. So, BF hurry up to release it, so that I can get my bottle out and remove the dust from it. Cheers
  16. Hi Erwin, Your idea to leave in a V2 scenario, the trucks empty is something, I had not thought of. To get the left unmounted Plt (for exemple)to board the trucks and replenish in ammo, would be a considerable asset in fire power. You can even decide to have the replenished forces carry on with the road opening, by themselves or with the ANA as a mix. I shall try it as soon as I can and when the brainstorm , everyone is doing, will be mature, I really think that a V2 should be released. Thanks again for your proposal. Cheers
  17. Hi Erwin, I was just answering to your questions about the do and the don’t of the units placement prior to their deployment from the FFL, without trying to give any spoilers. Again , what you decide to do, after these placement explanation is up to you. Believe me, whatever you do, I guess you are going to be surprised and that will be fun and you’ll get adrenaline pumping, that’s for sure. Hi BlackMoria, About your following setup comments: (BlackMoria Quote)Setup: I know what Erwin means about the deployment areas. About half the blue force is 'fixed' in place and not moveable and I wonder why you didn't go with setting most if not the entire airfield as a deployable area. You might have a reason but if you did have one, the ability of blue forces to quickly reorganize in a minute or two negates that. I personally don't have a problem with the setup as is because of ability of blue to reorganize and redeploy in a few minutes but it seemed somewhat odd to 'fix' some of blue's forces in place in the first place.(Quote end) After having thought, a while, at what Erwin had written about it before and following your comments quoted above, I am now convinced, that I should have set the entire airfield area as a deployable area. The obvious reason, for having not done so, was that I had placed the forces as a security screen and or reserve. I had allowed some units to deploy, since it was obvious to me, that they were the ones that should be moved first. But as Erwin wrote about it, it is more fun for the player to decide what move he wants to do. More, the fact that some of the units could not be deployed, made some of you think that there was something behind it. If, there was, it had anyway no important impact on the move that could have been done or not. At the time of the scenario design and testing, I was more like a chess player analysing every move and subsequent ones, since I had in mind the enemy deployment and reaction. That is somehow a designer drawback, that I should try to temperate. About the mortars( 2 X 81mm).I have been quite surprised by their fire volleys more than once during the testing. I felt that it was sufficient, since they are used in Afghanistan in quick and short volleys, before being dismantled, hidden and or carried elsewhere. Maybe, a tube or two could be brought at a latter time as reinforcement for a brief period. That has to be considered. About the enemy counter attack. As usual, intelligence assessments are not the best. The S2 can be blame, once again!. If, in the briefing we give some indication about its feasibility, it is no more a surprise. However, one should consider, that nothing is granted. In many road opening, I have seen in the past, the attack of the convoy, was more often a way to have the reaction force leave the compound and leave it understrenght in order to attack it and or the Reaction Force. The first time, you are surprise, but you are learning very quickly about the different tactics used by the enemy. They try hard not to use the same tactic, the next time, but some time latter. About the objectives : Well, that part is the most difficult one. You get points, for touching some unknown places (obvious ones however), for holding others, for having not destroyed others and finally for destroying enemy units. However, if you are on an objective, like a village, if it is clear of enemy and not destroyed, you should get points. If you could send me more detail by mail about that, I shall have a look at it, to understand if something went wrong and how.. Just a short briefing reminder: You are told to secure the Nira Bridge and the Nira outpost, where the convoy has to go. It is told to fire mortars on hamlets, only if the ROE permitted it and if it really had to be done (You get negative points if damages are sustained). You are advised to secure the Al Farouk hamlet. That sounds obvious, since there is a ford there. That, makes it a possible infiltration way. That brings an answer to a possible threat. The S2 has finally not to be blamed. The other one is, by the bridge, near the airbase. Not the best place for the enemy to move by, with the troops overwatching the area. You are finally adviced to retake hill 54 and set an FO there. That seems logical, since that is the second high point providing a good view after the house on the hill near the control tower. From that one, you have a good view on hill 54, but not on the Hassan village. You are not told to clear the Sidi Bou Said and Hassan villages, but since you are told to clear the road to the Nira bridge, it sounds logical that its edges should equally be clear. About reinforcements: As, I have responded about it to Erwin, I have made an error for the Bradley’s timing, writing midday, instead of around 08:30 AM. Thank you again, for having taken the time to analyse the scenario and providing sound comments about it. I am awaiting your details to check the objective issue. Cheers
  18. Most important, you can play it with the patch 1.30 and or 1.31(the last one available). Unfortunately, there is no way to replenish ANA’s ammo, besides, what might be available in the BTR’s. I don’t recall, if they are carrying RPG’s rounds. The MTVR transporting the ANA, are Marines trucks and the rifles calibres available, are not the same. I have tried to have them grab AT -4 and or LAW’s to no avail. About your troops setting. You are right, something should be done to the right village ‘Al Farouk) before the left one (Sidi Bou Said), since there is a ford on the former. The Plt on the left hill, since they did not have any strikers, was placed there as a security screen. They are checking by fire the all area from the Sidi Bou Said village to the bridge, up to hill 54 and as far as the edges of Hassan’s village and its near wood. The left Plt was the one I intended to use against Sidi Bou Said latter on. In the game, when I had them move, while the ANA was further away than the bridge and near or on Hill 54, they did it without any trouble and where able to move along the river on to the village and assault it. An MG team stayed on the opposite river berm and brought suppressive fire, when they close on the village edge. Mortars were fired during their advance as well. A Bradley, when it became available, was attached to them to help in the clearing. The reserve mounted Plt can be use on the right if you judge it right. It is not a bad choice, rather a wise one. I just have checked the editor, I made an error to write midday. The game starting at 06:10 AM, the Brad’s are due around 08:15. The FAAC, just wanted to make a ride in the Bradley. More seriously, I don’t think that the fact that he can not call any air assets is a problem. In RL he would have been better elsewhere. He can however, in the game, call mortars. Effectively an FO would have been better suited. Keep on going, We are going to discover different ways to get to the Nira bridge. Cheers
  19. Euri, You are damn right the road in front of the hill allows someone to transfer units from the center to the left or the contrary, rather quickly, with some caution however. Erwin, I shall be very interested in knowing about your new departure positions and or overwatch and how you are doing Thanks to both of you for your renewed interest in that scenario Cheers
  20. Hi Erwin, Well, I am not very helpful in the setup, it just happens that it seems normal to have a security screen around the airfield boundaries on the enemy side. If , I had permitted during the setup the move of all the units wherever the player wants to move, the scenario would have looked like a Human against Human one. In that eventuality, it would have been right to park in a laager all the troops and the player would have moved them where he felt it was the best suited. In that scenario, I just wanted the player to grab the sense of some reality, just before he would be allowed to play. When, he pushes the red button, he is free to move, where he wants for the best or the worst depending on the FOW and the A.I behaviours. More, I don’t think that a Blue posture of some type would bring a great difference, besides another one, in the first few minutes. Cheers
  21. Well, Erwin, I am not sure, if I have clearly understood your question. The player doesn't have to follow the defensive posture, I have set on the airfield edge with the Marines Plt on the left hill crest and the Recon's Strykers on the right with the MGS. That defensive posture is one I would have taken, if I had been there. The left Plt has a good view on the road and the near Sidi Bou Said village as well as on the edge of the Hassan village. They have also a good view on Hill 54. On the right side the recon teams have also a view on the Hill 54 and on the Al Farouk village, where a ford is located. That could be a place, you would like to have interdicted with fire if needed. You can have an FO team sent on the hilltop right behind the airfield tower. With these troops watching and or overwatching from the FFL, you can gather quite a few intelligence assessments on the enemy. The Plt at the rear with its Strykers is a reserve that can be deployed when and where it could be needed. That is your tactical choice, depending of the move you have made. The ANA truck's convoy is ready to leave at your command, when you feel that it is safe. before the BTR's come or after. That is your choice. But as I said, it is up to the player to do what he is feeling best when the game button is activated. In that military tactical road opening, there are no safe place. If you feel to be in a quandary, it is exactly what you are going to feel if you are going to move the convoy on the road straight away without any alternative plan in mind and or troops able to react to an imminent threat. So to resume. the troops in a defensive posture are in a logical place to be at the beginning. That doesn't mean that you have to stay there. But if you move, you better have alternate positions from where you can gather intelligence and or defend. More, since it is a road opening. that doesn't mean that you have to stay on the road at all time. You can move troops on hillocks near the road from where you can check it and defend it, while others are probing forward by bounds. The villages can be cleared or not (that depends if you are having them under control by fire that could be drawn on them instantly) . The only one that is really a threat is the Hassan one, since it is located on the side of the road and that the Nira strongpoint can't have a full field of fire on it. Don't forget to have the Nira outpost as well as the stronghold, near the bridge operational at all time, since they are able to draw interdiction fire on the bridge and its access, against a possible enemy threat.... Jnt62006 could, surely, write the right tactical analysis about that pending battle and I am sure that he will surprise us with a sound tactical plan as usual. I give him a go ahead if he reads that post Cheers
  22. Hi jnt62006, Glad to read your AAR. I had not looked at your planning before doing mine and I was amazed to see that we did about the same thing, that is up to the hill I called B in my clip maps objectives. Your analysis from that point is however, better than mine, since having taken that objective I did only suppress by fire Hills Houses and had no intention to get there. The 2 hours limit running down, I decided to assault the Cain town, thinking that to get near it would result in a surrender of the enemy. Well, they don't know that vocabulary and My tracks in the open were shot to pieces, since I had run down on artillery, mortars and helico ammo . However,I did not care, since I knew that behind my second objective, to take Cain, was a near impossible task with the forces at my disposal. I just wanted to show it clearly and I got the point. Up to the second objective, I lost a scimitar at the bridge, a warrior along the road and had a challenger immobilized near the bridgehead. Casualties were about the same. I do agree perfectly with your views that the mission was achieved even if Cain had not been taken. If someone wants really to win, he will have to get into the editor and change a few things, that the designer had put into. But, for me, it is not necessary to win to have a good time playing it. It is rewarding enough to plan something that is feasible and to see it unfold the way we predicted it will. Against such odds, it is a good result. Cheers
  23. Erwin, Yeah, A Recon can be made and has to be made in effect to draw a tactical scheme to use. CMSF has worked well for me on that issue. I have delayed my scenario /campaign made on that map with the Marines getting on LZ by helicopters around the Nira bridge capturing and securizing the area, for a follow up by UK mech's troops. The first part works well, but I am not satisfied by the second. The ground through which the UK troops arrive is too restricted to allow a good fanning of the tracks and their subsequent move toward the airfield to seize it. So, I am working on it from time to time.There is no need to rush, if it results in getting something not enjoyable by the player. I have to think and think about it a little more and make a test. Dave, Your planning sounds good to me. As a matter of fact, I came to it after few tests. If you don't have casualties preventing you to move there easily, I think that you should anyway wait for the reinforcement of the Bradley's before attempting anything against the village near the Nira bridge. You could fix the enemy with your troops and have at least one or two of the Brad's go for the bridge and secure it. One remaining to assist the troops. Let me know. Cheers
  24. The comments of Euripides, gave me the idea of doing that advices post about the scenario “A Helluva Road Opening” http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=881 and wipe away his idea that there are considerable AT assets and not enough AFV’s . Well, if all available AFV's are destroyed, something has been done wrongly and these advices are done to help you. As the title might makes you think of what is going to take place, you should advance with caution. A road opening is not a pleasant thing to do. It is among, the most dangerous move I can think of. First don’t move out of the compound and or base at full speed, trying to reiterate a Thunder Run move along the road up to the dam bridge and the Nira outpost. Some of your AFV’s and or trucks (less likely) will get there with some luck and none might, eventually, do it. Since, I advice you not to move right away, it is simply because, I would like, that you could get a partial and or clear assessments of the threats along the countryside your are about to travel across. Get a team with an FO on a dominating feature, nearthe base and look toward your objective. Move along a Stryker. Choose one armed with 40mm grenade launcher. It will be better suited to pour suppressive fire on suspected locations. Get moving your Recon team with theirs Javelins retrieved from their Strykers on overwatch location. Finally move one or the two MGS Strykers on suited locations to support the convoy about to leave. Don’t forget to use the LOS of the Nira strongpoint and outpost to check and set their field of fire. Deploy their MG’s if not done already. Leave aside the villages for the time being. Just check them by fire for the moment. Don’t get involved in a fight and or an assault When, you have a clear idea of the enemy locations and or possible location, have the FO and or suited T.L call for fire on these. Watch for the results. When the convoy can finally move out of the base, have the BTR’s reconnoitre forward by bounds and move behind them to check area. Stay below the hills crest and move on low grounds. Dismount the infantry Plt from the trucks, if needed and have them, particularly the MG’s teams locate an overwatch fire position to cover the next move of the infantry. As for the AFV’s, you have besides the recon Strykers another Platoon waiting in the base barracks near the airfield. Another dismounting Plt is already keeping an overwatch from the base left hills. To use either one is up to you, depending of the intelligence assessment you have gathered on the enemy whereabouts. I won’t spoil anything more for the moment of the scenario. You can go through it well, if you don’t rush blindly along the road at the beginning. Do it a military way : take time, avoid open ground as much as you can and have mutual support it will work for you. All the forces, Enemy as well as Friendly have been weighted to make a credible scenario. The time limit has been set accordingly. A last advice. It is a road opening and IED’s or VBIED’s would not be out of place. That does not mean there are any! Just expect them, like you would in a real environment. Doing so, you won’t be surprised. And you, how are dealing ?
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