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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. You mean the icon floating over the unit? Yes that would be nice, I could imagine some kind of a symbol on a corner of the floating icon that represents the current order it is performing (moving fast, hiding, cover arc, etc.) The only problem would be that this little information needs quite many variations, one per order type, and it could be a bit too little to be seen.
  2. Would you mind if I took the russians? I have two matches where I am UA already, could use a try on the other side...
  3. Unfortunately Vin's mod is one of the few that doesn't really like Patches, I am sure he will update it as soon as possible. This should be the last patch for CMBS for a while so it's Worth it.
  4. Infantry left with freedom will fire all its weapons to the enemy. If they have more than one rocket and an RPG be sure they will shoot that too. In order to avoid this, either: -use a cover arc (armor) -detatch an AT team from your unit -order a target light command
  5. Couple of videos from the parade trials, these are quite good as no rock music playing and crap like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOzrf4iyE8o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukxiz7HGmaA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4wTNW2PMnA In the last video, at 5:31 you can see the heavy IFV version, not sure of the name... anyway, I notice quite a stress on the front suspensions. Maybe it's an impression, the road also seems a bit going upwards, nonetheless seems pretty heavy on the front, also in the first video the stress appears evident.
  6. What if the russians aim to use the new vehicles to create a very modernized unit or Group of units instead of using the new equipment to modernize their entire mechanized forces?
  7. I would like to know how many men are part of a given squad/team/unit
  8. I understand Steve, but is it possible that the Russian approach will be a bit different? I mean, is it possible that the Russian will simply "impose" some elements of their design even if the crew don't give much of a positive impression during the trials? I am sure that some Russian rifleman wasn't convinced to see a door full of fuel when he first used the BMP-1, and there surely was a tall guy who couldn't fit in it, but the design wasn't changed...
  9. Thanks for sharing Lock, I would like to reply to Steve using your list and adding a color code to see what's planned and what's actually implemented (at least confirmed by this source). Done = already happened, not under discussion (again, given the source is perfect) GREEN Planned = might happen, might not happen RED I see more green than red stuff. Unfortunately, I give you the red stuff is what's more important for Steve (and rightly so)
  10. I am no dev, but: The cover armor arc is your best option, even if you don't see a soldier embracing his AT be sure he will in a matter of little time when a tank shows up. This is the best option if you want your soldiers to use all possible AT assets only for AT use. When you got a unit that can effectively shoot the enemy tank, but doesn't, there can be different reasons, soft factors such as: squad training level, motivation level, etc. Also, some soldiers could not be able to see the target, or the range is not favourable for the use of AT weapons etc. there could be many reasons, so the example should be very detailed to get an explanation. If you have a house with a blown up side, while there might be a pathfinding bug where the soldiers don't recognize the opening, be sure to use short movement commands and guide your unit in small details right over the opening, so avoid using a generic and long movement command.
  11. My two cents: the only good concealment is provided by elevations, buildings, and very large Patches of Woods. Spot your enemy first, by any means; then, knowing the enemy position, move your units under concealment and use the best possible cover (buildings).
  12. Is one of the Armata (third from right) in the third photo showing a busted suspension (first wheel)?
  13. Yeah it's a remake of an '80s movie where the russians and cubans invade. by the way '80s>new movie.
  14. I did some tests few weeks ago with the Bradley, and distance/target/crew experience were important factors when it came to the weapon preference. All in all I noticed that the use of TOW2 is preferred at extreme distances, but can happen at 500m too.
  15. Yes, thanks for the correction, I have the bad habit to call ERA any box on vehicles. So, in the specific case (and maybe the BMP-3 ERA, like the one we have in game), do you think that the buoyancy is given by an empty chamber inside them or the use of a very light filler material? Because, if I am not mistaken anything based on ceramics should be quite heavy.
  16. The idea of a similar setting on US soil is extremely interesting. The next module in CMBS (although being very far away in terms of time), might most probably add snow environment, that could give an additional flavor to a total conversion based on your idea.
  17. Those horizontal tubes might be just empty indeed, not to mention the radar boxes, full of vodka for now.
  18. No problem. I like the idea of using a Btn HQ if not just for the good sake of a complete and realistic force.
  19. Then this thing is fully amphibious? Maybe this explains the very large ERA on the sides.
  20. Wait a second, those two smaller hatches in the back, lower part, look like swiveling hatches, maybe it's a water-propulsion system (seems too small though)?
  21. You owe me a few points worth of quick battle...
  22. I can't tell anything about the positive effects of unbuttoning tanks in CMBS (I never give that kind of an order). What I belive is that a tank that has a crew of 3 can't really spare one of them in the worst case...
  23. On a side note I would like to point out that also Italian Army has gone with upgrading their wheeled IFV with 30mm guns instead of 20/25mm.
  24. I understand your point Steve, but calling the armata a "fantasy" vehicle is a bit too extreme in my opinion. A "fantasy vehicle" is for me the E100, which was made in form of an unfinished hull (that could be even incapable of moving during a first test)... while the Armata, the Boomerang, the Kruganets ec. are real vehicles, at least they can move with their own engines, they can be piloted, there are more than one of each, maybe we can call them a prototype (or "first run" of prototypes), but not really fantasy (which is a term that brings to the mind high elves, orcs and crap like that). I also agree that showing up in a parade does not proof anything, but at least it's there, there are some things that maybe are made of plywood or not working, but it's not too wrong to assume they are made for the reason to work. Maybe in a few months we'll see more videos of these vehicles in action, aiming, firing, moving, being trapped in the mud, tilted over a roadside etc. that would increase the positive sensation they are real, just in case. If that's not going to happen, and the stuff remains a parade showup finishing their days in the backyard of Kubinka, then I am all against their introduction in CM too.
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