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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. I will make a version2 of the mod with the T-34/85
  2. Kieme CMBS additional flavor objects 5 (monument) Could be used as war memorials, gate guards of military bases or museum props. Special thanks to agusto for the idea. This mod adds 3 new flavor objects to the game, in form of three world war 2 russian tanks (T-34/76, T-70m, JS-2m). The models and textures were ported from combat mission red thunder game. These flavor objects are not present in any game map created since now, but they will be available for map makers from now on if they decide to use them. You will find these in game's editor, under "monument" in the flavor objects 2 Group. Note: these flavor objects do not provide cover, don't block shots or vehicles movement and are sometimes glitchy with their shadows. Download: https://app.box.com/s/odn7zwh274fd2chzwfvhtafmqoya04mj Previews:
  3. Hi, I wrote it in the description: You will find these in game's editor, under "vehicle" in the flavor objects 3 Group. Those mods only add new flavor objects, they don't change anything already existing. They are like all other flavs, you can turn them around etc. I didn't thought of a war memorial, it's a nice idea, indeed you could create the classic embankment stand with a tank sitting on top. I'll take a look at that. Would it be a T-34/76 mod.43?
  4. Hi everybody, I am wondering, what is the advantage (if there's one) in having on the battlefield your company HQ / battalion HQ? Suppose you need a few platoons, or a few companies, for your quick battle, is there a reason why you should spend those few hundred points more to get an IFV/APC + the command team/support of command team? These units won't make the difference in terms of firepower/support (unless in extreme situations), and you'll try to keep them quite behind your own lines and safe.
  5. The Centauro uses 105mm gun. The 120mm version is just a prototype. Besides, there are stories around about how never to fire it with the turret at 90 degrees...
  6. More than that it's Nvidia, which has little interest in improving OpenGL technology, because it's open and no billion dollars title uses it...
  7. Thanks IanL, yes that building is quite tricky: the "open" walls are in truth without Windows, this means troops won't be able to shoot/spot from there. Example: A solution would be to add balconies (with one door each), such as this: Example: In order to enter the building at least a door must be placed in the ground floor, alternatively, a blank/empty wall can be added to create the entrance. It's not exacltly what you would expect, so it's more of a aesthetic building than a fully functional one. Best choice is to use the rooftop, but the balconies work well too. This mod integrates well with one of the previous part 1 add on (it's the same base texture), an example:
  8. Kieme CMBS modular buildings add-on 2 and 3 (HD) I had to split these two due to upload troubles. Anyway, this mod adds 4 new buildings variations for the modular buildings in game, bringing the total of modded buildings types to 16. This mod won't change any current buildings in game but will give more options in the scenario editor and future scenarios that might use this mod. This mod is in HD meaning it's double the resolution of standard vanilla textures. Contents: a modern concrete/brick residential building, a multi storey parking lot, an under construction building covered with tarpaulins and a metal sheet covered structure. Important note: this mod requires the installation of Kieme CMBS modular buildings add-on 1 (HD) in order to show up in game, available here: https://app.box.com/s/3whq3ye3oxl5k1ru6qsj7b68xyp0ffxx Download part 2: https://app.box.com/s/3b38gl6wykb1h1sqmovv4z5gicof4krf Download part 3: https://app.box.com/s/3jvzj9rmgdbpg14gpcgbok88qk3ik8es Previews:
  9. Indeed the game is quite old concept when it comes to multiplayer. Play by email, while suiting well a turn-based game, has no real support, such as an automatic in-game lobby or system that tracks the ongoing games and let you play without the need of external supports (email accounts, dropbox accounts etc.). The direct play option is quite hard to work with. I belive that there will be some kind of new multiplayer support with the next generation of combat mission games, not any sooner. As for the reason of slow development of multiplayer features we should remember that the company is very small, the budget and time constraints do not allow for the same pace of development of larger companies with broader constraints.
  10. Swapping models sure is possible, but not desirable. Not a casa that no big swaps have ever been made. The only exception was the european mod for CMSF where a BTR-70 was used instead of a BTR-60. If only the visual model is ported while the vehicle itself remains what it is by game's logic, it's just awful to deal with something that is just not what you see.
  11. The idea is very interesting. Now, I am not an expert of youtube, twitch, broadcasting in general. But what would really improve your idea is a voice commentary, I mean, I have no idea of how this could be made, but I wonder of a video format, where you two both comment live, like in a radio chat. Maybe over the span of few turns. (probably this idea will be the future, if a save replay of battles feature will ever come). But a very good idea that can help a lot new players or people looking for ideas and concepts on "how to play". It won't be easy to act like you don't have all the information you are going to learn by looking at your enemy's plans and positions, so you'll need to show a lot of "mind discipline".
  12. If you ever noticed, there is in game a tile that covers 100% of its surface and it's painted directly on top of any kind of terrain: it's the highway tile, and as far as I know the game has specific paved road conditions for it. Maybe the same concept could be used for snow, I don't know.
  13. The problem is indeed more noticable with modern vehicles.
  14. The actual crysis in ukraine has nothing to do with the game really and even recognizing that russian forces are directly participating the situation is not what would be if the russian army was committed to a full scale war. Chechen war is older than 15 years already (even more in 2017, game setting), and it was an asymmetrical war, quite different from what the game depicts. The old concept of "russian conscripts" is quite hard to wipe out of the mind, but the time goes on very fast and things change.
  15. I see some small adjustments to the turret when, for example, a T-72 is ordered to target light a precise spot at 90 degree on the side. It will shoot the coaxial MG while moving and make small turns to the turret to keep it aligned. -It's not as smooth as one would imagine, that's for sure. When it comes to the same movement using the main gun (target a precise spot) it will aim and shoot the main gun, then the turret will keep fixed for the time of the re-loading and then the gunner re-acquires the target aims and shoots again. Maybe this second case depends on the fact that the T-72 autoloader requires the turret to be fixed in position? Or can the system rotate independently even during the loading process of the main gun?
  16. Thanks Bud. Anyone wants to try a PBEM?
  17. Russian conscripts can be done in game, but you will rarely see such kind of unit... the modern russian army has some highly trained units and it's far from what it was 50 years ago... the game reflects this. In this game you can have a crack russian RPG team, with high motivation, linked to its platoon command, company command, up to battalion command, well fitted, that will perform much much better than any ISIS fanatic... just like a trained professional russian soldier of modern russian army would do.
  18. I never had this sensation, I care for my infantry units all the time and plan their movements accordingly. "just plowing ahead" is not something that will lead to victory, ever. Let's not forget that sustained casualties are most of the times (if not Always) one of the objectives you must achieve, that means keeping yours as low as possible. We can split infantry units (the movement plan of a basic platoon of rifle infantry can have up to 8 movement/fire command paths at the same time!), so in the end it's up to how we play the game, considering that we can control even a 2-men team I belive the regards to the human factor is due to players decisions not game limitations. As regarding the "jog into battle", that's why transportation is a basic and essential concept in modern warfare, there are Whole families of vehicles in game to cover this, such as APC, IFV and even tucks and jeeps...
  19. If you make a 2 hours scenario, with a complement of scouts, main combat units, all arriving at different time as reinforces you get exactly this in game, not to mention campaigns, have you ever played a campaign?
  20. The game simulates a specific action that is part of a battle, if you want to get an extreme simulation you can make a series of 4x1 kilometers maps, link them to make a campaign, and recreate the movement of a combat formation from the mustering area to the front line, but would it be enjoyable for all players? Infantry casualties tend to be high due to the very Dangerous nature of modern weapons, some of them designed to deal specifically with the infantry (such as air burst rounds), even behind cover. At the same time the game simulates personal vest protection, and in general, the better protection modern soldiers wear.
  21. Wait a second.... Who's the Hollywood star? BA2: CMRT:
  22. The over passes are functional. There's indeed a bug with the bridges that pops up sometimes, but it will be corrected by the next patch.
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