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Everything posted by cabal23

  1. Could you clarify? Because Steam really does an amazing job. Just curious how much their business model could differ from what you guys do.
  2. The tops of the trees look like they are spinning on the tree itself. Not exactly high end swaying.
  3. No the real armed forces don't have timers, but they do have to do things under a schedule imposed by command. Command doesn't say capture that when you want, they say get it done in the next few hours and be ready to move onto the next objective. I agree that another hour could be added for larger scenarios, but few scenarios have ever made me go longer than the time limit. I approach all scenarios with a mix of speed and caution. Especially when I use Marines. You just can't spend all day taking an objective when command expects you to blow through multiple objectives in a day. I just try and suspend reality and keep in mind that this is a simulation and external factors often affect things. That is my justification.
  4. They provided support to Marines of the 3/1 on the ground in Fallujha while the rested at night. They would fly support all night raining down fire around the location of the Marines bedded down. Check out the book "We Were One" by Patrick O'Donnel (fabulous book) and they talk about it many times. They too said it was like having the Gods on their side at night when they were most vulnerable.
  5. Also make sure the right AI plan is selected. I can't count how many time I had programmed the blue AI plan and not the red because it defaults to blue.
  6. The setup zone paint job doesn't affect anything. it is purely a visual indicator where players start. It still needs to match up with AI setup plan. You have to place them properly in the scenario editor and then paint the setup area in the A.I. setup. I am assuming your OPFOR will have an AI. Unless this is a head to head map exclusively, then I am sure that you just need to place them on the map in the scenario editor and they will appear there when you start your H2H match. I have had an issue similar to what you are saying and I deleted all forces and started over and it worked fine. I am not sure if that clarified anything. Just trying to help.
  7. I mean why would someone want to resupply their grenades? Sometimes it amazes me the things that have been missed in this game. Still love it, but sweet jesus!
  8. Oh I don't know..maybe a freaking civilian vehicle other than the same truck and cab. Syrian transports??? Because you know all the soldiers in Syria ride around in cabs and pickups when their APC's aren't available. Maybe a few flavor objects until Normandy comes out? Actually the possibilities are quite endless and not all of them require a huge amount of coding. I suppose my original post wasn't clear when I said units, it could include any number of things. Not to mention if you add more, you are more likely to sell more copies. As it stands this isn't going to sell like Marines. And from a business point of view, the effort to add a few items to make the game sell better seems like a win win situation although it would take more time. I know we are a demanding audience, but it's hard to understand why they can't mod a civilian car and give it out on their website(Many people would do this for free I am sure) if they aren't going to include anything in new modules other than the core units for that module. As for phasers..I wasn't aware the Syrians had this technology yet. And we all know only Jedi have light sabers. I was not aware of any Syrian Jedi's, Sith or otherwise.
  9. I never had a problem just setting the breach on the other side of the wall. I just simply drag the red line to where I want the engineers to go. I have had 100% success every time with this. Actually i have never done it teh way shown in this thread. That looks more complicated to me.
  10. Good luck UnVistaing. I had an upgrade version of Vista that I upgraded from an upgraded version of xp. I think the last full version of Windows I bought was Windows 2000. Imagine installing a full version with an upgrade. I wasn't about to go buy another full version. Well it took tech support in India over three hours to walk me through the mess of UnVistaing. That's what i get for buying a half off priced version of Vista and thinking it was a good thing. Back up, format and start over with XP. I can only compare Vista to Windows Millennium. All window dressing. Why they decided to reinvent the wheel is beyond me. Other than Quad core support and Media player why? And then how many Quad cores are running around out there? Not enough to justify a new op sys. Lastly Vista's mail client stinks. I could go on but I won't. Abandon ship..................
  11. Wow VBS2...haven't heard that around here before. Before this game I was so into that. Just waiting on the new public version which will not be called VBS but ARMA 2. I find the current version lacking in many way, but it was never intended as a game, just a training sim. But to have access to all of the units and environments of VBS2 would make CMSF a dream. Think of CMSF as mini me and VBS2 as Dr. Evil. I think I just wet myself thinking about it. If you have never witnessed what VBS2 can do check this link...Wow is all I can say. Wow is it expensive too, but like I said it was never intended as a game and ARMA 2 will have a normal price point and still offer most of the functionality of VBS2 http://virtualbattlespace.vbs2.com/
  12. The game rocks....quite simply put. I wish I had more friends interested in military games as much as me. Most Xbox 360 owners aren't too into micromanaging a military squad in a desert environment. Perhaps one day when they fine tune this bad boy and get some marketing, they might actually be able to sell this game in a large market. Games like COD4 and American Army do very well, so there are people out there. How to get the message to them is the question. Normandy will be the deciding factor. Lets see how it gets reviewed and maybe this engine can pick up speed. Based on CMSF's original reviews, this game isn't going anywhere fast other than where the great community that keeps it going has taken it.
  13. Not sure what BF's damage is with adding some new Syrian units in each module. I think adding Syrian Airborne was brilliant in Marines. To those naysayers out there I would invite you to pick up Marines just on that merit alone.
  14. No worries Mark. Yes I did try it and it does work, but that is a loose term. It just seems to create very wonky units facing off against each other. The old QB system wasn't broken in previous versions of CM. Maybe one day we can go back to that or some form of it. Until then I will just keep making scenarios made for H2H. They are way more fun and immerse you with the briefing. Your work is KISS Mark. I always like the simplicity of your stuff. Me on the other hand, like to create much more detailed scenarios. I am certainly not short on scenarios to play and with the editor, if I get an itch I can scratch it by creating anything I can dream up. QB system really doesn't make or break the deal for me since there are a few options to work around.
  15. Or take the small effort (Mark Ezra style) and create a super simple briefing and now you have a scenario. QB is FUBAR and in my eyes the only way to go is create a head to head scenario using the great maps the community created and now are wasted because so few people even use the QB system because it is, well...sh*te. Great maps out there that need some TLC.
  16. Or a hill or berm for the unit to start their setup in. I just had an issue with a scenario I was working on. Same problem. My map was huge and still had the problem. I played with the elevation and added some hills and Viola! no more flaming AAV's. And I personally love AAV's. Nothing like parking outside a village out of RPG range and leveling the village with the AAV grenade launchers. Too sweet.
  17. I am going to have to assume that breaching a wall does not constitue damage to a building. I think a few rockets rounds or arty are more what the computer is looking for. Nothing the grenade launcher on a AAV can't handle.
  18. Rename the HQ is the only way I found. Is that what you are saying?
  19. Brilliant! One of my favorite scenarios. Amazing attention to detail.
  20. I don't mess with Army much anymore. The Marines are way too much fun to play. I love watching scores of grenades arcing across the sky by the multitude of grenade launchers in my unit. Nothing is safe from Marines at a distance. The wall will not protect you from a rain of grenades.
  21. Borked is such a polite word. FUBAR is more appropriate. Run far away from the QB system. Run far far away. What a mess.
  22. I thought there was at least a minimum score to the ASFAB to get into the Marines? What did he think it was going to do, stick into the ground and go off like a Roman candle? Darwinism at its finest.
  23. That kind of tech would most definably be shielded against emp or other types of bursts that would render them useless. A lot of money if you are just going to be able to jam it or shut it down. I do see this as the possible future. Already jets are going unmanned. How long until the whole force is robots with a few people far away in a brick buildings controlling them remotely? It is only going to go towards less humans on the field of battle.
  24. I have a scenario where haze is making impossible for my Syrians to identify Marines 100-200 meters out. All I see is floating blue question marks. I have about 10 guys directly in front of them and they can't see squat. This is taking place around late afternoon. I am sure they see me as they have done a good job of whittling down my forces. I could swear the Americans and their carrot brethren have better eye site than the goat eating Syrians. Some days it's not worth getting out of bed if you are Syrian.
  25. I would because Z-bee makes that very easy.
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