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Everything posted by purpheart23

  1. I don't recall a cmsf wwII mod. If it was done, it was probably done poorly, no offense to the author of said mod. Hard to make modern assault rifles and armor act like WWII era weaponry when you have zero access to the models are the statistical information that drive them. Play some red v red, it's the closest we're going to get for now unfortunately. Or reload CMBO. Thought about that myself for two seconds.
  2. Oh ok, I didnt' catch that, so I guess they'll be bucking their recent trend then. Cool. Always nice for the people that had the patience to hold off pre ordering to get a taste before they take the plunge.
  3. Lately the demo for games (read shockforce and modules) has come out after the release. Think that may be where some of our false hope and optimism is stemming from. Looks like I'll be playing some I44 this weekend. Good times to be had there. Patience at this time is key.
  4. Alright, now we just sit and wait.........................anytime........................................ whenever you're ready BFC..........................................
  5. I'll give it 24-72 hours of the first duck or kitten being threatened with a firearm.
  6. Not to be a buzzkill but given battlefronts history as far as releasing on historical anniversary dates i'm gonna go ahead and say that it's most likely not going to be that day. I'm willing to bet your next paycheck on it.
  7. Why doesn't my F5 key look like that? I got robbed.
  8. Oh hai stag. I look forward to discussing this subject over freshly roasted shermans. Cheers mate.
  9. I would pay full module price for Co Play, no extra content, just co play. Back to reality now. I'd love to see early war Western Europe as well. All that good french hardware turned into war trophies. To be fair Fenris I don't think you left much ETO out.
  10. Tried Airsoft? Once when I was in college, but I really needed the money. Used to paintball quite a bit when I was in my twenties but I don't have the motivation to go play on the weekends anymore what with the fam and such.
  11. Ahh....... i wanted to see him continue on with his insane rant. Off to another thread I suppose. The Ugh thread seems to be turning into something special......or was anyways.
  12. Does anybody know a good class action suit grog?
  13. FOW necessities if I recall correctly. Doh. Beaten to it by MikeyD.
  14. Thank you very much LLF. I figure the syrian reserves look close enough, granted not enough hodge podge uniforms but they'll suit the purposes I have for em. Thanks again though.
  15. I am wanting to change some regular Army Syrians(Opfor) into ANA commandos(Blufor) but can't figure out how to do it. I know it's possible and I used the search feature but came up empty. Thanks in advance for any help.
  16. I agree BillyR, here's to battlefront. Great Module especially enjoying the Canadians and there Leo 2A6M, awesome battle tank.
  17. Good for you. There are people who are interested though. Guess we'll just have to sit back and hope for a DoD or MoD or other such agency to take interest. In the mean time roll on with the Canadians.
  18. Bring on the Canadians. Seriously Interested in their LAV's. Huge fan. Wankers.
  19. I'm willing to wait. Hell I'd even give you some more money for this feature alone.
  20. I don't think BFC understand I have an early Tee time and it's the start of a three day weekend for me. That or they don't care, which is more than likely.
  21. First they have to release the feature/bug fix thread then we wait again. If I recall correctly that's what happened with the Marines module. Look for Tuesday at the earliest would be my best guesstimation. Hopefully I'll have to eat some crow today. But I doubt it.
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