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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. One would believe that a tank with its nose in bocage has issues rotating the turret. Of course this may be already reflected.
  2. I recall a great number of indoor struggles in previous BF sims, but in CMBN haven't had a single one so far. When my side enters in a contested building the defenders seem to be all dead. Or already flown the coop. Anecdotal, to be sure, but rest assured it's not my brilliant play. One also misses the asterisks from CM1x that alerts the player the structure is about to come down about his ears. Or are there visual clues? And, are there different grades of buildings? It's not clear. BFC seems to assume that, being in Normandy, all are massively built. Maybe they are...
  3. En route from CMBO to CMBB, the devs iirc, hugely amped up the effects of infantry suppression and the resultant routing, cringing, and cowering. The result? Wailing and gnashing of teeth from many posters. "It wasn't fun'. The softened these factors somewhat in CMAK but Some believe the depiction in the 2nd game was the most accurate yet. Maybe BFC doesn't want to go there again.
  4. When the team leaves the gun they're assumed to have first disabled it. Re-crewing might prove tricky to program. A more useful enhancement would be the option of backing up the gun with the Reverse command. Which I don't believe is possible now.
  5. I think the single cover arc command worked better in CMSF where there was capability overlap among the units, esp the US ones with their javelins. Not so well with the discrete teams in Normandy.
  6. Seconded. I hid a 'Regular' faust team in C2 behind bocage facing a road with a tight cover arc. They opened up on a passing enemy squad with their small arms, killing or wounding nine of them (hmm, seems a bit much...). The enemy HTs which were following promptly backed up out of range. Bottom line: what good are AT teams with an armoured cover arc provision if they can't prioritise targets?
  7. If your halftrack has only the driver and no gunner the MG can can be operated by any other passenger or passengers, for example, a scout team.
  8. In the briefings the direction of the wind appears to be 180 degrees off: e.g., from the NE is really to the NE. Makes laying a smoke screen a bit tricky.
  9. Minimal, one supposes. Maybe shrapnel effects if the target is in a building.
  10. Be careful with the hubris. You don't want to irritate Nemesis. It is a great game. The best in the series. Hiring that extra programmer paid off.
  11. If memory serves, there were three MGers who surrendered. On the following turn a beserker Germ popped out from the adjacent building, pistol blazing, and rescued two of them. Personally, I'd prefer sitting out he war in a comfy POW camp than the Western Front meat grinder from '44 on.
  12. The pic shows the final placement. During at least one turn they shared an action spot. Caveat: 'I think'.
  13. My brave boys have loomed over the surviving remnant of a machine gun nest for five turns. Isn't he- eventually- supposed to turn into a white flag and disappear?
  14. I thought the plane shadows in previous version was an elegant programming decision on the part of Battlefront. Depicting actual aircraft being a waste of resources: just fluff.
  15. Due to the misguided 'Repple Depple' system in the US Arrmy during the war injured and lost soldiers were returned to a replacement depot and redistributed to new units. This, it was belatedly discovered, had a result of diluting the quality and cohesiveness of veteran formations. Which leads one to think that during the time period depicted game there should probably a wider range of quality per unit.
  16. Funny, a lot of posters have mentioned this so there must be something there. But I've not seen it. My pixeltruppen inevitably crawl around in a pitiful state after bailing. Could the Berserker Crew phenomenon be confined to crack/elite tankers?
  17. Brilliantly apt! There are indeed two distinct PBEM communities in CM (and probably other sim games). And sometimes they can barely communicate with each other. My theory is that the latter vent their testosterone overload in work and sports. The former, well, don't. But the more the merrier.
  18. Agreed that 'low bocage' could be fattened up a bit. As a visual clue.
  19. Here you go: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001298697222&ref=ts Er....
  20. This works only for solo play, no? There's no way of verifying that your opp has chosen a 'typical' force and not three platoons of Stugs and a rocket battery. In the past I was a partisan of letting the comp chose both sides but ran into resistance from some players. (You know who you are!) Currently, QB auto-select spews out hordes of anti-tank guns. So this may be an option for CBMN 1.01.
  21. Not 'everyone'. As it stands the player exerts more control over the composition of his forces than a decorated commander like Joachim Peiper. But, as you say, Vox Populi.... My only beef is the mind numbing repetition that- inevitably- ensues. The Rarity restrictions do help. Somewhat.
  22. No, it can't, You're right. And, in the Cm1 games, Battlefront tried. They really tried. I wish they had settled on the formation concept of picking one's own forces. The player would pick a platoon of 'medium tanks' or 'heavy artillery'. He gets what's available according to probability modified by chance. A mid level commander would never have the authority, control or leisure time to determine down to the production date of a particular Sherman the precise composition of the force applied to any mission the higher ups assign to him.
  23. Maybe a new task for the create a Scout team command? Hide the bulk of the squad except for the two guys spotting.
  24. Now the interesting question is learning which unit will be propelled to the top of the charts by the ME-playing, green eye-shade types. The 60m Mortar? The Stummel? Only time will tell. It's sort of like P/E stock ratios.
  25. Hehe, the gamey Jeep rush. We were young back then....
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