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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. I did notice that troops hiding behind a wall and given a Cover Arc will ignore it and not open fire until the enemy advances right up to the barrier. Or over it. We thought they were 'peeking'.
  2. You're right. The game probably needs a defence boost in certain details. Just saying... The 3:1 maxim may be true or a leftover mechanism from the boardgame era. Of course, the higher the marginal odds the greater the predictability. Fact is, no battle was ever designed by any military staff to be 'interesting' in the CM sense. An interesting battle results from miscalculations and unexpected events.
  3. Or, BFC felt it was a matter of good taste. Even if the German laws preventing its depiction didn't exist, one wonders if they would have included the swastika as a graphic. They don't live in a societal vacuum.
  4. Most of the patch desiderata, namely; more potent MGs, stouter defence works, more resistant buildings and, arguably, tanks not firing on the run, etc, are going to seriously imbalance existing scenarios and some QBs in favour of the defending side. Everyone realizes this, right?
  5. +1 But one notices that even soldiers in foxholes can fire through hedges with the the grey LOS line. Better yet, it would be cool if the trenches could be moved up right to hedge. Now they can't. But such a position becomes, one imagines, nearly impregnable, requiring intense arty to move them out. But the Germans apparently did fortify to this level on occasion.
  6. I don't think so. I set up a test, 3 US squads firing at 3 German squads. Germans occupied a trench, foxholes and open field. Firing lanes were separated by a wall. The American squads have, of course, a numerical advantage: 12 vs 9. Distance is ~170m. Results: Germans were very stalwart in their trenches. The squads lost 2-3 men and cohesion was maintained. US troops disintegrated after a few turns. Germans in foxholes proved slightly more resistant to fire than the ones in the open. But the effect was barely noticeable. Sometimes they routed before the exposed troops.
  7. You mean this one? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7mjfs_the-simpsons-british-smiles_shortfilms
  8. No. They'd probably need to treat fences, low walls, et, as 'units'. There are programming challenges we no doubt underestimate. I wasn't even aware of it until the OP brought it up. OTOH, this opens opportunities for misdirection ploys.
  9. If BFC coded that in, we'd all be dumping our -2 Commanders.
  10. Can't argue there. When,as was a kid, I visited Britain in the 70s. The only interesting food was found in the Indian hole-in-the-walls. Though Simpson's wasn't bad. I've heard the fare has improved since, possibly due to the civilizing effects of the Chunnel.
  11. Not at this rate. And not with populations openly hostile to the prevailing culture. Remember the melting pot? Why is multiculturalism or diversity a good thing in itself? Not being provocative, just curious.
  12. Blowing up a hedge creates a lot smoke and commotion so I have no problem with the result being graphically available. When a tank knocks down a wall you're endangering the tracks so there's a downside. Fences are another matter. That's a problem.
  13. Using family relations as an example, I question whether a father who stridently desires his son or daughter to conform to to an exalted standard really likes that kid.
  14. Government entities all over the Western world, elected or not, are have been, for many years ,in the process of replacing their traditional populations via mass immigration. Great Britain being, perhaps, the most egregious example. But I hesitate to offer my theories why on this forum.
  15. Small item: I noticed that in a platoon the Allied HQ tank doesn't show an entry for Track damage only Wpn Control. The other tanks do show track status.
  16. Sorry, I can't let this go. If you want to pass judgements based on absolute morality be my guest. But sans comparisons they're weightless. You engage on a slippery slope which leads down the road to moral equivalency if not contempt for the person or entity who fails to measure up. You demoralize him. Balzac wrote that every great fortune is founded upon a crime. The same can be said for nations, all nations. Every present nation, at one point, dispossessed the indigenes. So? One arrives at a state where we have high schools kids well versed in the evils of slavery or our alleged environmental transgressions who can't name the century in which the Declaration of Independence was issued.
  17. Have you tried inserting a layer of Light Forest tiles under the bocage?
  18. We suck! We should have strived to live up to the sterling example set by the Japanese in China, Korea and elsewhere. Mandatory name changes, summary execution, rape, forced labour, artificial famines, and looting was nothing compared to horror of the internment camp.
  19. Narses.... That rings a classical bell. Wasn't he that that Byzantine eunuch who became a great general? Around the time of Justinian? No inference, of course, on the state of your pudenda, Narses.
  20. Not gamey. Jeeps and kubelwagons were used for recon-but- most likely dismounted. Which you can do in CMx2. The jeep/truck rush was a hot topic back in the day. I recall that Battlefront addressed this issue by lowering these vehicles scouting abilities and raising the cost for getting them blown up. One suspects that similiar restrictions are in force in CMBN. So the pay-off not longer exists.
  21. That reminds me of the the classic scenes in the Simpsons. The diabolical Mr Burns has a roomful of monkeys chained to their typewriters, pounding furiously. Burns grabs a sheet from one of the machines and reads: 'It was the best of times and the BLURST of times!'. And angrily crumples the paper and tosses it.
  22. My vision is fine but I'm discovering that the night battles are playable only in a darkened room. If then. I though the earlier games had a gamma adjustment option.
  23. I to have been frustrated in getting a combined arms-type force, iow, a satisfactory mix of tanks and inf. Also, the AI seems to buy a lot of AT guns. This may be an problem related to small sized battles and the second issue has been acknowledged by BF and designated for a fix in 1.01.
  24. It's there chiefly as a player aid. Has anyone considered placing Light Forest tiles under bocage? That way, when the hedge is blown by engineers or a Rhino equipped tank it leaves a realistic residue. The negative is that this may render existing bocage more formidable than it already is. Not sure about that.
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