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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. I submit they would still have some suppression value even at that range. Bullets whizzing around one's head concentrate the mind wonderfully.
  2. 'In the meantime, I am preparing the Commonwealth Forces module manual for the web viewer right now, and will probably be able to release it tomorrow. If you behave, I may just throw in the 1.10 changelog for good measure... we'll see.' Hey, that was two days ago. Who didn't behave!?
  3. That works. But you'll have to read it in landscape format. Unless you have x-ray vision.
  4. From my review: 'Be careful what liquid or hallucinatory substance you intake while playing UoC. I could picture one of those little busts spilling out of one's monitor and landing on the desk with a thud. Then fixing you with a basilisk stare until you turn to stone. '
  5. Release or my kitten pulls the trigger. He's not kidding. Oh, he's demanding an Armor Cover Arc, too.
  6. Thus creating a game that few of us, including probably you, would want to play. And BFC has already nixed the SOP concept. Wisely, imo. And, frankly, I'm not seeing a lot of boneheaded targeting decisions in game on the part of tank commanders.
  7. As far as we know sound contacts accumulated as a battle progresses may alter a tank's targeting priorities. Wouldn't put it past BFC.
  8. You're right but are misquoting. Never said that. My point was that the defender doesn't always KNOW that the enemy has armor. In a CMBN scenario he normally does. If putting in an ACA was that simple and didn't produce undesirable side effects or confuse the AI Battlefront would have added it. They've already done it. I'd like to have the option but one suspects it's not that simple. Patience....
  9. Once again Mr. Armor has spoken. Let's see some credentials, big guy.
  10. One suspects that the tank commander would be chewed out if an enemy squad was advancing in plain view and he DIDN'T attempt to blast them to kingdom come with HE. One of the gamier aspects of the ACA is that it presupposes knowledge of the other side's force composition. Not philosophically opposed to the concept but I believe it's re-implementation might prove more complex than we realize. If present it should be triggered by unmistakable sound contacts.
  11. Re: Armor Cover Arcs. As posted elsewhere ACAs in CM1 amounted to a user cheat in single player as the AI was never programmed to use it. The real test of the game's target selection algorhythms will occur in the upcoming module where armor engagements will be MUCH more plentiful. Villers-Bocage? Goodwood? I've actually been impressed in the base game by the situational smarts of tanks in an armor heavy (rare) environment. Even when bazookas/schreck teams open up on infantry their choices seemed appropriate in retrospect- most of the time.
  12. I played the Demo. If you're going to do a update of a hoary classic like Panzer General at least run the rivers along the hex sides not through them. Very retro design. But if the developer made some dough off it more power to him!
  13. Because with Battlefront different rules apply. But you figured that out already, right?
  14. There are some expansive maps available for CMBN. One thing to remember is the setting; much of action unfolds in claustrophobic terrain which forced the Americans to struggle with the bocage network. The Brits found themselves in generally more open terrain. Armor will be prominent and both sides in that sector found themselves constrained with manpower issues. So the upcoming modules will test the engine in different ways; Commonwealth stressing maneuver- tank to tank engagements, sometimes at stand off ranges- and Market Garden/Arnhem urban warfare.
  15. All the CM games evolve over time. Sometimes drastically as in the case of CMSF. It's a bit unfair to compare CMBN to CMBB or CMBO. The latter had 12 patches CMBN has had one. Personally, I could never go back to the CM1 series, finding the current one more engrossing, more challenging and, well, prettier. People forget the birthing pains of the earlier titles. One thing to consider: CMBN may not be for you if you lack patience. Like Shock Force it punishes impulsive, ill considered tactics. Whack!
  16. A small but good looking and well conceived battle. The campaign should be worth the wait.
  17. Yes. That's why many of us have remained blase amidst all the angst over mortars, allegedly fire-porous buildings and tank subsystems. These issues tend to get addressed over time, viz. Shock Force and previous CM1 entries. There's something about Battlefront that touches a nerve with certain users and causes them to explode in public with frustration, righteous indignation and even vindictiveness. As a phenomenon it's unique in the business and can be likely be attributed to their success, transparency and durability.
  18. Yeah, right... Who appointed you the resident expert on Shermans anyway?
  19. Great minds think alike! I'm on record as predicting- on another forum- that CMBN will hit its stride at patch#2.
  20. You seem a bit out of sorts, Para. I'm sensing a cosmic ennui. This video might prove helpful: http://www.hulu.com/watch/306779/saturday-night-live-frozen-mexican-dinner
  21. Could be imaginary but....are the units in buildings now firing from a recessed position instead of bunching up at the windows?
  22. Well, there are doors that Man was never meant to open. Or, it's a mystery! Like the Eucharist.
  23. Laptop is a 2.30 gigahertz Intel Core i5, with 6GB ram (to quote John Wilkes Booth considering his paralyzed arm: 'Useless!') and an OK video card: ATI 6650M. The old desktop is Pee Wee Herman in comparison but runs all the scenarios with aplomb. I've noticed that what brings the laptop to its knees is, above all (drum roll)... heavy vegetation. IOW, I can load up and play Bridge at Soloki (bare Russian steppes) but with Huzzar! (dense greenery)...choke city. I get an OOM notification. Unfortunately your pretty map appears to fall into the latter category.
  24. A bit O/T but hat IS the difference, if any, between Warrior and Elite? As far as I can determine with Warrior you get unit's identifying icon which can be acquired in Elite by clicking on the unit. Seems senseless.
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