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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. The best person to write a tutorial is someone who is NOT that familiar with the game. It is amazing what new player insight can provide.

    High familiarity with anything can lead to all sorts of erroneous assumptions as to how the product will be used by new customers.

    There appears to be no shortage of volunteers who want to help BFC make the CM series be all they can be. I would suggest that BFC provide a fairly new player or players (but not totally inexperienced) with a demo scenario for CM:BN (and if it doesn't cost you anything even for CMSF) and have them write a tutorial based on how they perceive what to do. The "Tutorial" player(s) should have access to more experienced players who can explain issues/answer questions when they come up.

    The objective is to produce a tutorial that a newbie can relate to, and which does not make assumptions as to the players' prior knowledge. This is simply an elementary consumer manual writing strategy.

    You are correct sir. With 30 years of technical writing Experience under my oversized belt. BFC would do well to pick ME!!

  2. I'm not saying music died in 1975. 65-75 was the Golden age.

    Disco - barf

    Punk took some getting used too. A few good bands Ramones, Social Distortion.

    The "Hair" Bands of the 80s. - freaking noise. White Snake, Van Halen, AC/DC, Mottley Crew, etc. They all sounded alike.

    KISS:Make up with a few good/great songs - Why the paint? I don't get it.

    The screaming banshee women of the early 90s- Mariah Carey, Celineon Dion, Paula Adbull - I'd prefer to jab sharp pencils in my ears.

    I recently discovered New Order 80/90s - great music.

    Blues is great too.

    Best song writer ever - Paul Simon.

    Best vocals - Tossup between Eric Burdon - Jim Morrison.

    Guitar - Carlos Santana or Eric Clapton.

  3. 1965-1975 was the golden age of rock & roll and it generally declined after that. There was still some good stuff that came out of the late '70s and '80s, but it became rarer and rarer. There is still some good stuff that pops up now as well, especially among musicians that take their music seriously rather than just a way to parade their egos and make a lot of bread. But for now, the heady days when lots of artistic ground is being broken are long behind us. Probably the cycle will continue and something both truly revolutionary and worthwhile will turn up, but I haven't seen it yet.


    Michael one more "You may be right" to add to your sig line. 65-75 was the best years of rock.

    From the Animals to Frank Zappa - all good stuff in that era. And then along came disco - barf.

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