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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. I watched Combat on Tuesday nights in the early 60s. And had plenty of little green armymen and GI Joes. GI Joes are action figures NOT dolls.

    Panzer Blitz in 1973-4 thru Squad Leader (basic) in 79 or 80.

    Discovered girls/marriage and stopped wargaming for a while.

    I bought MAC in 91 or 92. I found TACOps in a magazine and ordered it. I played that and the V for Victory games until my MAC LC failed about 6 or 7 years later.

    It took me a few more years to get internet, around late 2002. One of my first searches was for TACOps for PC. I found BFC and downloaded CMBB demo (overnight) on a 24k modem. The next morning I ordered both CMBB and CMBO.

  2. If we someday see a photo of Steve wearing a mink coat, covered in gold bling, with a big purple pimp hat and driving a pink Cadillac convertable that would be an indication that sales were decent. :)

    Heh... what JeffSmith said ;)

    One thing is for sure... we're not going out of business any time in the near future :D CM:SF has put us in a very nice spot for this CM:BN launch.


    At this point, the dental appointment has been made for the grillz.


  3. I noticed that the tanks, especially the Americans, looked like they had just been driven off the boat. Don't get me wrong, I think the artwork is terrific. They just don't look like they have seen any combat or even been driven very far on dusty roads. But I am confident that the modders will soon take care of that.


    It was a little known fact that the 413th Vehicle Washing Battalion was embarking from England to Normandy on the 26th of June. This was the time of the storms that destroyed the Mulberry Harbors. The entire car wash (or tank wash, if you prefer) facility was destroyed. Thus the Allied tanks, armored cars and trucks remained dirty thru the balance of the war.

    I believe BFC is trying to depict a scenario in which the tank wash facility landed safely and kept the Allied AFVs in spic and span condition just as Generals Patton and Montgomery had ordered.

  4. The discussion we had internally, using hard data and sound math, shows that the M4A3 was pretty good under some circumstances against the 75mm guns found mounted in PzIVs, Pak40s, and various self propelled tank destroyers. The key factors were extremely good slope, decent armor, and oblique angles. A Sherman from the side would be toast if the round hit the hull, but that nice rounded turret might be able to shrug off a hit or two.

    The 75mm mounted on Panthers, however, is a completely different story. And this makes sense! The KwK 40 L/48 gun was introduced in 1942. A good rule of thumb for WW2 is anything produced a year later was at least moderately able to cope with anything produced the year before. Anything produced two years later was likely adequate to defend against.

    So what you will see is the PzIVs have no problems with some Shermans and some problems with others. Panthers, on the other hand, have little problem with any Shermans.


    This is why PzIV were 14-A-8 in Panzer Blitz and Panthers were 16-A-12.

  5. Well the "game" can be played as a game any way you please, sure. But the name of this game is Battle for Normandy.

    I just saw a lot of otherwise fascinating and well-designed CMSF scenarios become science fiction (while remainjng fun games) because of very simple (and readily addressable) flaws in map design. Bois de Baugin was a very "real" looking map to me; this one, not so much. More like a Starcraft map, no offense to the maker. And that means the players and units will behave differently than real armoured forces slugging it out in Normandy. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. Terrain matters if you care about history, just as much as the difference between L48 and L70.

    You are correct sir. This is a combat simulation NOT a game. Anyone attempting to have fun with this "game" will be banished to the Russian front. There you will wallow in the shortcommings of CMBB, while you hang in limbo, waiting the delivery of CMx2 Ostfront. :D

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