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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. I found this highly interresting read about the American effort to develop an effective combined arms tactic for fighting in the Normady bocage terrain. I hope you might find some useful things there to try out when the game finally gets released!


    Great link. A level or two up provided many more documents.


    Infantry field manual 1944


  2. Delays are caused by the 90-90 Rule of Software Development.

    The first 90% takes 90% of the time and the last 10% takes the other 90% of the time.

    I think BFC learned their lesson of unfinished SW with the premature release of CMSF. We will mumble, gripe, and bitch about the delays, but we will will much prefer a finished product...especially if it comes in a tin box.

  3. Does the game model the trajectory of shell fragments and take into account intervening armour on infantry? It does on vehicles. So, if it does on infantry, missing that piece of helmet will increase the casualty rate.

    So Schultz, where did you get hit?

    Right where the helmet would have been if BFC had designed the damn thing correctly.

  4. Good stuff in this thread

    T....But they also had a self-defeating casualty replacement system that could turn a veteran unit back into a green one after a couple of engagements.

    Are you saying, in real life, a 6 man squad or 60 man company of vets is a better fighting force than a 10 man squad or 100 man company of 60%vet/40%green. I don't get it. Care to elaborate?

    How did the other armies replace troops after extended combat?

  5. Its something of a danger to try to extrapolate one incident into a 'pattern'.

    For example, I've got a savegame saved just as a tank dual is about to start. Each time I restart at that point I'm at the mercy of the laws of chance.

    First time through my M10 got its shot off first and got a good penetration. Enemy Stug bails.

    restart: the Stug go its shot off that glanced off my gun mantlet.

    restart: M10 got holed first shot, the ammo explodes and everyone immediately dies in an inferno.

    restart: lots of shots traded, misses, partial penetrations, and popped smoke on both side.

    The only pattern I'm seeing is that there is no pattern. Except that each incident is entirely logical seen as individuals.

    Are you using a 6 sided die or a D&D 10 sided die? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/10-sided_dice_250.jpg

  6. I remember reading an article in the Avalon Hill magazine "The General" about Panzer Blitz scenario 10-Kursk.

    This battle had the 3 boards lined up end to end. There was a small Russian blocking force on the 1st map, an empty map, followed by a tank force on the final board. The scenario was originally designed with a block (X) as part of the Russian blocking force.

    Placing it at a point on the road that passed thru the trees (green lines), would basically make the game unwinnable for the Germans just by forcing them to climb a hill. Remember how climbing a hill was next to impossible in that game.

    The scenario was redesigned without the X on the OOB cards - and made the battle more playable. Check your PBlitz Scenario cards if you have the X you have a first printing.

    Bottomline: An improperly designed scenario or map can make a battle no fun at all.

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