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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Private Shulz


    Over six one-hour episodes, it tells the story of a German fraudster who tricks the Nazis into making counterfeit British five pound notes, millions of which will be used to destroy the British economy. However, Schulz is primarily interested in stealing them.

    And when the war was over a British unit had the following conversations:

    Private to Sgt - "I found 100,000 five pound notes"

    Sgt to Lt - "The squad found 75,000 five pound notes."

    Lt to Capt "The platoon found 50,000 five pound notes."

    Captain to Col - "The company found 25,000 five pound notes."

    General to Col - "Let's just forget about this incident of the 12,500 five pound notes that the regiment found..."

    Funny Funny stuff.

  2. It will be more than just adding new units or nations...we will be talking alot of new code allround...I expect also the tac AI reacts differently depending on the nation so you would have all that todo aswell....also as someone else stated new features are brought in with each new stand alone...

    From the movie Enemy at the Gates:

    "The man without the rifle follows the man with the rifle. When the man with the rifle gets shot, the man without the rifle should pick it up and begin shooting. The man without the rifle must follow the man with the rifle..."

    I think the TAC AI for these guys would behave a little different from a GI paratrooper dropping with 120 pounds of equipment on D-Day.

  3. WoKelly.

    I have only skimmed this thread... so I am not exactly sure if its just rolling pre-planned barrages you want.

    But would it not be possible to suspend your dis-belief by assuming that pre-planned barrages had happened just ahead of you loading into the map. Broken buildings and damaged vehicles being placed on the map for effect?

    Steve is their any kind of marker that indicates pre-laid arty fire zones. That can be called in at any time?


  4. Rolling Barrage Scenario.

    Create a map with a hill on one end and some tall building on the hill for clear observation.

    Create a scenario with 300 FOs place them in the buildings. Don't forget and plenty of TRPs.

    Now design the rest of the scenario as normal - a company or two of attackers and a company or so of defenders.

    Make it 3 hours long (if possible).

    Then give orders to 10 FOs to fire every other minute for the first hour - each group shooting a little farther down range than the previous.

    The attacking troops show up as reinforcements as the last cannon bombs fall.

    Really Fun.

  5. Regarding the pace of release...

    MOST of the time over the past 4 years has gone into improving the core engine, extending its game features, adding temperate environment, and making it understand WW2 technology. It's a lot of work that will never have to be done again.

    Sure, we will continue to make improvements BUT we will have more control over what we tackle and when. When we set out to make a temperate environment we couldn't very well say "we'll handle water and bridges next release" or "I'm sure people wouldn't mind bocage being in CM:BN 2". Meaning, when we signed up to do Normandy we had a HUGE list of must haves which were huge, time consuming undertakings. Going forward the list of must haves is pretty much done. Now it's mostly wants instead of needs, which gives us a lot more flexibility.

    We also hired Phil to help us keep things moving along.

    The last year was actually a huge year for us from a productivity standpoint. We were working on all these things at the same time:


    CM: Afghanistan


    We released 2 out of 3 last year and the 3rd is coming out very soon.

    We're getting the kinks of the Modular system worked out as we go, but things are already much better than they were when we started Marines.


    All encouraging news. I really hope this translates to a 3 to 4 month cycle for future modules. And some over lap between West and Ost front releases.

    There are two "must haves" still missing:

    1) Flame spitters - both carried and vehicular.

    2) Those pesky 3 legged MG stands for the Commonwealth forces.;)

  6. And you can even pit the Wehrmacht against the SS, or Yanks against the Limeys, or Yanks and Landsers against the fearsome SS-British tag team... well, it's doubtful if anyone would try that, but it is doable.....

    A little known fact: The Yanks nearly went to battle against the Brits when Patton insulted Monty for failing to close the Falaise gap.

    ...Well it coulda happened if they both upgraded CMBN to module 2. :rolleyes:

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