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Everything posted by meade95

  1. Do we / Is there a template for which units actually have "night vision" equipment? Knowing this prior to purchasing would be nice (or is it just trial and error until we know ourselves?).... Does equipment ratings have any thing to do with this prior to purchasing? Good Vs Poor? I think it would be a nice feature (simple) to equip all units rated "elite" with Night Vision... Thanks
  2. Do we / Is there a template for which units actually have "night vision" equipment? Knowing this prior to purchasing would be nice (or is it just trial and error until we know ourselves?).... Does equipment ratings have any thing to do with this? Good Vs Poor? I think it would be a nice feature (simple) to equip all units rated "elite" with Night Vision... Thanks
  3. Thanks again for commments / observations - Good to know - Though, I really think the "elite" solider class should be (used unfrequently) but these soldiers should have a higher value within the game - Than currently are - Added weapons accuracy, better at spotting, and a morale/tweak rating that keeps them steady under fire......
  4. Thanks for the additional info - Glad to hear it - I think I would like to see some further differences (improvement) of elite soldiers especially in weapons accuracy, spotting of units and maybe even in sometype of way (formula) as to being less of a likely target to be hit....
  5. What exactly are the differences in attributes for the varying values of soldiers - Be it from Green to Elite - I've been doing some playtesting and I don't find there to be all that much difference? Though, maybe my playtesting is too limited...up until now. Do elite soldiers fire more accurately? (which I would assume) Do they tire less frequently? (which I would assume). Do they spot enemies sooner? Do they seek better cover? Are they less likely to be hit? Thanks
  6. +1 - I'm with you on this as well - At the same time, I also think the accuracy (small arms weapons accuracy) ratings for elite / crack U.S. soliders needs to be tweaked "up".......
  7. I agree - Additional weapon info for created scenarios could be nice as well - But it would just be nice to a have a whole weapons sheet that tells which units carry what weapons - And additionally what weapons will be asigned when creating a sceanrio (if they are equipped as excellent, low, etc).
  8. It would be nice if there was one document that listed which weapons were outfitted with each unit - From the differing U.S. Army and now Marine breakdowns - Be it a sniper team, or Jav team, Rifle, Machine gun, etc, etc. Better yet, which come outfitted with what depending on their rating from poor to excellent (prior to purchasing them).
  9. I currently have CMSF 1.08 on my system - Learning the ropes and what not - (new to CMSF prior to this)........ I think 1.08 is quite stable and I'm managing the small areas that have problems..... Quesitons I have. 1. Is the Marine Mod even more stable than 1.08? I've been reading here and there some pathing issues / mainly with Vehicles....... Are these simply small issues no game stoppers? 2. Is the TACAI increases alone worth the install.... 3. Once installed..... Can you edit existing scenario's ...and include both Marine and Army units within those already existing scenario's?........ Thanks!
  10. Also? In the Mod SOF Black Helmet - Does this make the whole uniform black as well, correct?
  11. Great work! Question? is there any way to mix it up where some U.S. forces would be wearing regular Army gear / uniforms......while a select group of others (just one or two units) would be wearing these SOF looks? That would be nice......if there was a way to pull that off.
  12. Let me ask this - With the TacAI improvements (since 1.08 and now 1.10) what is the most optimal movement order (under most circumstances, lets say)........Is "Hunt" mode now operating effectively enough.....to set Infantry on this more often than not?
  13. I wish to play RT (over WEGO) but am finding it difficult to manage all my forces (managing them, positioning them, etc, etc). Espeically under the time constraints given (man, I wish this was an OPTION for the customer to turn off). Question, do most people who plat RT...use the pause button? And if so, how so? it what manner? I would love to see some walk-thru's (even on a much more limited scale) as Hunter (sp?) has done with his AAR for WEGO gameplay...
  14. Does CMSF model U.S. force to have night vision or not? I would hope so for the most part (especially U.S. Army.....as the Marines don't always, I understand that.....but the U.S. Army almost all units do).
  15. I think in what mode the game is being played also makes a big difference. In RT, it is much harder to get a grasp on all that is happening (while the clock is running) as compared to WEGO..... But again, just giving the customer the option of no time limit would be a great start. IMO
  16. Small correction - Lynch was rescued from a Hosptial by SEALs and Rangers (Not Delta).
  17. I agree completley! Being able to have time limits turned OFF (as a customer option) makes complete sense. Leave it, as is, for the campagin (I can understand that to a degree).....but why not include many of the campagin missions as stand-alone files.....for which these aspects can be adjusted within the editor.
  18. I believe with CMSF there could be a very good role for DA-SOF type units (be it SEALs or Delta). Simply a small unit that coule be used to takedown specific targets (within a larger operation). That you could use such a unit to hit a specific target with a larger battle gong on around it - And while of course there are no "rambo/super heros"........DA-SOF are more proficient than others, even other quality light infantry. Of course they have other skill sets outside of shooting that make them extremely valuble.....but DA-SOF units (those doing direct action type hits) they most certainly are more proficient (lethel) when putting guns on targets than other units throughout the Mil. They hit targets with an overwhelming force, speed and accuracy that other units aren't capable of.....(because of their constant training, training, training)..... So, I would love to see CMSF add in the avalibility of SEALs/DELTA (in small teams) with an added proficiency than is there now (something above elite).
  19. This would likely work fine for Rangers.....but in terms of SOF type units.....I think an additional tweak/s (internal) would be needed (and hope to see them!). Just making the units slightly even more proficient than what we see from elite now (in terms of weapons accuracy, morale, etc).
  20. "The Curve" is a great one - Tough SOB - Do you advise dismounting early?
  21. The notion that in some missions / scenario's "time" factors may be useful and desired isn't the point....... I think the point is...there isn't an option to NOT have such "Time factors"...for those missions that some want to create..... Have both options avaliable. That is it. That would clearly be the best case for CMSF owners.........For those that want to use time-factors...so be it.....For those who don't....Don't need to. And again, even for those cases where some think "time factors" should be part of a mission....."time" really isn't the problem (for actually conducting the mission)....In that CMSF is not a FPS....where you control basically the only one unit (or squad). What takes up so much time in CMSF is just getting around the map......Keeping up with whole battlions and what is going on.....
  22. +1 - Yes, If BFC could include a SOF Team with say an increased weapon's accuracy ratings (for close combat) and such......that could be a very unique and great addition to CMSF....
  23. I would love to see the inclusion of a small SOF type unit - Maybe one for special direct action missions - While the rest of the conventional forces are blocking and providing overwatch / security.....
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