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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Well I expected you to have a need to be first Genuine just says that that's the 'real' benefit. I usually don't pre order but just buy when I see it's available. And indeed I doubt that I'll miss it for weeks
  2. Iron sucks in RT play. But in WeGo during the command phase you can see everything even if selected one of your units so it's not really that much of a hassle.
  3. The genuine benefit of a pre-order at BFC is that you'll get an e-mail notifying you it's ready (at least in the past). Considering they usually soft-launch, that can be helpful if you need to be one of the first.
  4. True; but in Iron it is more obvious to the untrained eye ;-). Also, horizontal c2 between squads isn't clear/obvious if the unit is in c2 with the HQ. Anyway I mostly play iron for the situational awareness this gives in a blink when selecting a unit. But perhaps @c3k has more input
  5. I think for new players it might not be obvious that a platoon is isolated at all, and thus out of c2 and no sharing of spotting cotnacts. Also, AFAIK there is a morale effect when out of C2. Or better said troops in C2 get a morale bonus and don't break as easily when under heavy fire / taking casualties. And IIRC friendly fire is possible if the friendly troops haven't noticed the other friendlies at all. Some CMSF scenario about a decade ago featured such a battle. IIRC green troops who weren't in c2 with soldiers from another formation and hadn't spotted them. It was also at night, so they just started to fire at muzzle flashes. However, this might have been changed over the last 10+ years, or I might have been smoking a good one. But I'm quit sure about the memory.
  6. Two reasons: * so you have a good indication of what your men can actually spot (if they can't spot their squadmates 40m of to the side they will definitively also not spot an enemy 40m to the side). * Troops work better when in c2 to their leader and they can also share info horizontally. For the latter they need to see eachother and if there's no radio's they also need to be in viewing/shouting distance of HQ to be in C2. But I guess you know those already
  7. Interesting. Well, history is quite unlike most fiction I guess. Apart from the paintings, the stern piece of the captured 'HMS Royal Charles' is also preserved there if I'm correct. It was a long time ago I visited the place.
  8. I played TOW before CMx2 and while it looked better and I had fun playing it, I haven't gone back to it. I got it through BFC at the time, so probably one of the reasons I got into CMSF back in the day.
  9. There are plenty of youtube video's about the (L)MG-42 vs the Bren. I think it's a bit of a pointless discussion, they are different weapons. The MG-42 (and MG-34) are GPMGs and can be configured as LMG/MMG/HMG. For running and gunning the Bren is probably superior. However on defense with a good fire position the MG-42 can put out massive amount of fires which are accurate enough. So it shines there. While on offense if you can get it into a good fire position to suppress the enemy defenses it's also great. In CMx2 they aren't accurate when fired standing/kneeled, while the Bren is. So that's where the Bren is better imo. This seems quite plausible compared to the historical info's.
  10. I'll tell you about the times we sailed up the Thames and made you lot some proper cuppa.
  11. Being born in 1982 it's quite a long time indeed ;-). I think much of the land in The Netherlands are to be considered polders. I guess in south Limburg and South Brabant, which lay higher, there are less polders because there is no watermanagement necessary unless near to the rivers.
  12. Not that I'm a polder grog, but I'd been surprised if there weren't any polders around the area with the Maas, Waal & Rijn. A quick google learned me that they've been poldering around Gelderland and Brabant for quite a while. Some polders in Brabant: http://www.jvdn.nl/images/BD/Ham.jpg A polder just means a piece of land with it's own watermanagement, or something like that (the watermanagement makes the polder useful for humans). But Wikipedia does a better job: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polder
  13. I guess you trapped me and my preference for the preferred size of certain 'things'. At the same time you imagined an entire republic where there is a Monarchy.
  14. Yeah I don't imagine a 'rewriting' like that to be worthwile for a codebase that was started many years ago. But for the future I suspect it will be more easy to maintain. We'll see Having all CMx2 games and upgrades, yes I paid about ~$100+ on upgrades. However considering the time I got out of all games, I thought they were worth it. Of course not all upgrades introduced as much as others, but overall I'd say it's worth it. Many AAA titles I own have much less hours / $ spend. Plus they come with a AAA priced new version almost every year. Which game that is ~10years old do you still play? The only game for which that is true in my case, is the CMx2 family. So I'm happy they keep the games up to date with the new engine features.
  15. Sure isn't perfect. And indeed CMx3 with new graphics would be very welcomed! Personally I don't have much issue with the 'paid upgrade policy'. Basically it's a choice between BFC not putting work into upgrading old titles, or they do work upgrading old title and work needs payment unless people volunteer. What I do hope is that in the future CMx3 will be 'one family', instead of many different ones each with their own patches etc. I regularly took breaks from CM due to Real Life or just wanting to play something new. But always come back to it and like you during corona PBEM is ideal for a lunchbreak. Only thing is that if work is busy and my head is full of work, PBEMs can be too 'active' for a break. Overload
  16. That's some impressive test numbers! One thing that came to my mind is that the M4A3 has better armour compared to the M4, so that might also explain the larger difference in the second test.
  17. It would further limit the amount of uncommon tanks (and other assets like you state) one can take. But, if a Panther variant would still cost a similar amount of rarity points compared to let's say a Pz IV, you would probably still see the exact same usual suspects in QB's. I do agree that some purchase point relative comparisons seem not always optimal balanced. Perhaps a Panther should just cost more purchase points. Although that would probably mean some other assets for Axis and Allies also need to become more expensive. And from there continuous tweaks. I think BFC has stated that is the reason they won't be tweaking QB points, unless real oversights are found (like Vanir stated above I think). Maybe the best solution for this issue is the module for CMFB: Perhings and Comets.
  18. Worried is a large word for it. To my knowledge the discussion is about whether changing the game by slapping a bunch of rarity points to each tank would be a good way to limit the amount of tanks in battle. I just happen to think that it's not a good way to design an effect like that. There would be a change needed regardless, so if a change is made I'd rather see them make the proper change and introduce a limit for purchase points attributed to tanks/etc. The rarity option feels like a hack. And of course you could make sure to keep the rarity points attributed to each vehicle so low that it will never be higher than the purchase cost, but than it won't actually really limit tanks . I think that's enough substantiation for my opinion ;-).
  19. CMFB shipped campaigns also on the large side I think. CMBN and CMFI both have smaller and larger campaigns IIRC. However, there are also user made scenario's and campaigns for each title. So basically just go with what your gut feeling says. I'd repeat the recommendation by Heirloom Tomato for CMFI. It is a good game to start with, good training campaign. 43 is less lethal than 45. Really nice maps.
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