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Everything posted by z1812

  1. Thanks for posting..................a very interesting article.
  2. We had snow yesterday in Ontario.
  3. Do you mean interior or exterior? We designed our kitchen using a program native to ikea where you can move from 3d to 2d. It was very easy to use and the Kithchen looks exectly as planned.
  4. Hi Bubba, I would not use any of those apps. You could end up with all kinds of bloatware and very often malware. First apply any outstanding updates from Microsoft. Then go to the company sites to get the newest drivers for your graphics and sound card. Speccy is a free and respected software that tells you exactly what your computer specs are if you don't know them. Free Download here https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy Just download Speccy.
  5. Not a particularly pleasant article, but one I found interesting. https://quillette.com/2020/03/28/social-distancing-during-the-black-death/
  6. https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2020/04/22/sir_antony_beevors_the_battle_of_arnhem_115222.html
  7. I have been reading a fair bit about the 1918 pandemic concerning social distancing, and the economy. I eventually read the following article that seemed to sum up most of what I had read. The paragraph in italics below is the last in the article but I suggest you read the full article, link below. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/3/31/21199874/coronavirus-spanish-flu-social-distancing VSL ( the value of a statistical life ) is sometimes attacked from the left as craven, a reductio ad absurdum of economistic reasoning trampling over everything, including the value of human life itself. But coronavirus helps illustrate how VSL can work in the opposite direction. Human life is so valuable in these terms that social distancing would have to force a 33 percent drop in US GDP before you could start to plausibly argue that the cure is worse than the disease. That social distancing likely won’t cause a reduction in GDP relative to a scenario where there’s a multimillion-person death toll, as indicated by the 1918 flu paper, makes the case for distancing policies that much stronger. I was thinking that considering the 1918 pandemic lasted 3 years, taking us to 1921, the Stock Market crash was only 8 years later. It has me wondering what the link may be, if there is any, from one to the other.
  8. Great Video................and just what this Thread needed........................yes this virus is serious business, but a little bit of humour is always helpful.
  9. Hi Kevin, It is usually a mistake to assume what another person's circumstances are without knowing them. In every way you are wrong. Our sole income is from a small business..........and it is not one that can be run from home. So yes we are in discomfort just like everyone else. We suspended our business since the last week in March to protect clients and workers. A few days later business closures were mandated by our Provincial Government. We live in Canada and there has been a reasonably good response from the various governments regarding Business and Individual circumstances. So while there are difficulties, there has been a financial and social cushion as well. The general population is observing social distancing and as far as I know there have been no demonstrations against it. I am one of those that fits into the high bracket of risk because of my age and pre-existing conditions. This is also a worry. So as you see can all your suppositions are incorrect. We are very, very anxious and eager to get back to work, but not until Science and Medical authorities think it reasonable to do so. This situation has obviously upset you a great deal.....................but be thoughtful...............in one way or another it is upsetting for everyone...and it will pass. Keep well Kevin and hopefully we can all go back to work soon.
  10. Herd Immunity works, unless you, or Family members are among those who die while trying to achieve it. In terms of social distancing, the idea is to immediately manage the level of contagion so hospitals will not be overwhelmed. Social distancing buys time to develop treatments and vaccines, while saving lives and lessening the burden of overworked health care workers and emergency responders. Social distancing also has us finding ways to deal with daily requirements in a responsible fashion that can be used when the general economy opens up. For instance at grocery stores, shields have been erected to protect cashiers and customers. People are allowed in only in smaller groups. People line up 6 feet apart. Regions are playing dice with the grim reaper should they prematurely abandon social distancing and Business closures. During the 1918 Flu epidemic those jurisdictions that mandated Social Distancing and Business closures suffered much less than those who did not. Those that lifted closures and other precautions earlier suffered greater casualties when the second wave arrived. These measures "generally" were instituted around the middle to end of March. It is now the April 22. So we have been dealing with this lockdown for about a Month. Have we really become so impatient and unprepared that we cannot bear some discomfort for the general good?
  11. The Gatling gun did not show up until June 1864. It seems it was used mostly in the trenches at Petersburg until the War ended in April. Again predictive of World War 1 tactics.
  12. When this Pandemic is under control, I am sure there will be a lot of criticism, as well as much praise for the way it was handled. We would do well to acknowledge that without the measures taken we can never know how bad it might have been.
  13. As I understand it the "new weapons" , were available, for the most part only to the North, by virtue of their greater ability to develop and manufacture them. Cavalry was transitioning from the shock charge to being used as quick transit to ferry troops to areas where they would dismount to fight as regular infantry. This signaled the eventual demise, during WW1, of cavalry as a direct combat unit to one one of transit and reconnaissance.
  14. It would seem to be both. New technologies like the repeating rifle, rifled barrels, submarines, iron clad ships, recon by Hot Air balloon, and the gatling gun, existed beside muskets and sabres. I would say it was a transition period from the Napoleonic to the Modern.
  15. American and Canadian Intelligence warned Governments of Covid-19 threat. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/08/politics/intel-agencies-covid-november/index.htmlhttps://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/coronavirus-pandemic-covid-canadian-military-intelligence-wuhan-1.5528381
  16. A treatment is being tested against the Virus. https://globalnews.ca/news/6769386/coronavirus-covid-19-survivors-blood-treatment/
  17. DisplayPort version 1.2 was introduced on 7 January 2010. The most significant improvement of the new version is the doubling of the effective bandwidth to 17.28 Gbit/s in High Bit Rate 2 (HBR2) mode, which allows increased resolutions, higher refresh rates, and greater color depth My MSI monitor was capable of a 100 hertz refresh rate. I originally connected it with a HDMI cable, however my computer would not set higher than 60 hertz. I was looking for the monitor manual, when I found a cable in the shipping box. It was a 1.2 display port cable. After hooking it up, the refresh rate of 100 hertz was available and the picture quality was improved. My nvidia graphics card is an older 700 series ti, and it had a 1.2 display port connection. I am sure your newer card will too.
  18. This article is very interesting. It lists the Flu Mortality rate in Italy, year by year, from 2013 to 2017. It seems the current death rate while extremely tragic, is not unusual for the country.Make of it what you will.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971219303285
  19. An interesting article: Link below. Back in 2015, Bill Gates published an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) warning that the world would likely see a pandemic in the next 20 years. He was writing in the aftermath of the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, and argued that while the world had an effective system for containing Ebola, it did not have adequate preparation for dealing with a disease with a substantially higher transmission rate. “[O]f all the things that could kill more than 10 million people around the world, the most likely is an epidemic stemming from either natural causes or bioterrorism.” https://quillette.com/2020/03/03/dealing-with-a-once-in-a-century-pathogen/
  20. Yes there is no stretch or distortion. The resolution is 3440 x1440. My current computer has an i5 intel chip, 8G Ram, and a Nvidia Gforce 750 graphics Card. It runs CM smoothly, at the highest settings, and without stutter. It looks great. I also occasionally play Arma 3 and Battlefield 5. I have to tone down the Graphics settings a touch with these games but they look fine and play well. With the system you have detailed above you should have no problem running anything at the highest settings. I have been using Samsung SSD's for a couple of years now and they really work well. They have a software (Samsung Magician) for transferring the contents of old hard drives to the new one(s). It is quite easy to use. If you are getting the Gforce 1660, I would suggest at least moving up a little to the 1660ti. If you can, the 20 series would be better. I do a lot of my own upgrades. If you do the same, you may want a full rather than mid tower, just for ease of access.
  21. I have played CM on a large Screen TV and it was fine. I did find the atmosphere different on a TV to a Monitor, not any better or worse, just different. What I finally decided upon for a monitor was 34 inch curved widescreen. It really works well for games and CM looks great on it. Here is a link to the one I bought. https://www.msi.com/Monitor/OPTIX-MAG341CQ
  22. I agree that it is time for a new engine. However, releasing the the Allied and Russian Forces in a "pack" with existing maps, and relying on the community to provide scenarios and campaigns as suggested in this thread, might provide a income stream while working on the new engine. There may be other "creative approaches" to using what is already available to create new products.
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