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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Plastic viking

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Everything posted by Plastic viking

  1. Did a Quick Battle this morning, with random selection of mixed forces on both sides, 30 minutes and relatively small. Two reinforced platoons it seemed like. Playing the American side. I had one Sherman to play with and probably miss-used it, as I got hit 4-5 times by AT guns, but they survived (mostly), panicked, only to be pressed into service again later. Surprised how effective infantry is at short range against a Marder. I was desperate as the Sherman was panicking. That worked well. Good work Battle Front. My wife is badgering me to come and get breakfast now and it is almost noon already.
  2. This is a good idea for any forum of this depth of discussion and amount of posts and discussions.
  3. If you have issues with your government charging you taxes or duty on goods which you import I think you should bring it up with your government rather than complaining with Battlefront. After all, it is not Battlefront who have caused you these taxes. There is always the option of buying a download only later on.
  4. And even when the day is over for us in Yerp, there is still hope, as the day isn’t over yet in the US...
  5. I take it usgubgub REALLY want Eastern Front. All joking aside, I would suggest that you start with an X-Price like competition for best scenario. Draw up the specs, select a jury (plus maybe a popular vote win too) and give out a price to the winner. This way you don't need to engage directly with BFC but can make a significant contribution anyway. Do that a couple of time successfully and I am sure BFC is going to pay serious attention. Just my two 9mm spent shells.
  6. nachinus, yeah a bit of France ’40 wouldn’t hurt. But then, I suspect I will be happy enough when CM:BN comes out.
  7. So what we, the community, needs to do is help write HOW-TOs for how to change these things then and get the posted here on the forum, that will help. I for one will face these challenges myself. I downloaded the CMSF demo years ago and tried it. I managed to do absolutely nothing with it and gave up (I don’t like modern setting anyway). I think a bit of “here is how you make your CM:XX experience better” on the forum, posted by the community just may have made me stick with it. Have a moderated thread with the best HOW-TOs maybe? And, rest assured, I am your target audience for CM:BN.
  8. Thanks MikeyD. Although it puts a bit of a spanner in the works for the scenario I was looking to create which required AT guns in bunkers. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1249163&postcount=31 Any chance of protecting them with something equivalent?
  9. It is really nice to meet you all war game ner^H^H^H folks. I am 46 myself and have never been better. I started with plastic soldiers as soon as I had a small budget. At 16 I moved on to SPI War in Europe, when a friend bought it. I have mainly stuck with strategy games, like the Europa series, of which I have a stack at home. I liked playing all sorts of war games, but primarily liked WWII games. SPI's Atlantic Wall being one of my favourites, which means CMBN is highly anticipated. We actually set up Atlantic Wall at the officers college and played it there at the back of the classroom for most of my time there. I got started with CM with CMBO which I really liked. Over the years I have spent quite a lot of time studying WWII (like most of you) and was relatively recently honoured by my grandma when she handed over grandpa's Winter War medal and other bits from the war in Finland. He served as a volunteer in the Swedish Volunteer Corps as an aircraft mechanic at the 19th Flying Regiment, where they operated twelve Gloster Gladiator II fighters and five Hawker Hart bombers, lent by the Swedish. During the flotillas brief time in Finland (62 days, the war ended on the 13 March 1940 with the Moscow Peace Treaty) they shot down twelve Russian aircraft and lost two to enemy action and four to accidents. Anyway, I am looking forward to get beat up by many of you in the hedgerows.
  10. As gibsonm said. My "phone modem" is 100 mbps fiber but it can't manage steel boxes. CMBN is going to be a keeper, so needs a good sturdy box to keep it in.
  11. IMHO I would say that comparing a small company's licensing policy with a big one, like Valve with their 260 employees and tens of millions of customers, isn't quite fair. It does cost more to develop for two operating systems and if you don't have the scale benefits of a large company with a huge customer base, well then it may be really hard to swallow that cost. Of course it would be nice if you got a license which worked on both OSes, but only one at the time. But if the choice is paying for each platform or no CMBN on both OSes, well then then I prefer paying.
  12. A question that can't be answered, and lots of good answers. Don't let me interfere, but I just wanted to say : Thanks!
  13. Simple question "What type of scenarios failed miserably?" There have been a lot of scenarios created for CMx1 and for CMSF. Us newbies to scenario making would appreciate your sage advice on what NOT to do. Your experience play-testing our scenarios will be better and we won't jointly waste so much time. Types of mistakes to make and examples of them would be nice, so we can avoid them. Thanks!
  14. So, does anyone have a feeling for what is "too large" i.e. when does the engine start protesting? Not that I am planning to do something really large just wondering.
  15. I hadn't thought of it before you mentioned Squad Leader, but the scale of CMBN seems a lot more ASL like than I thought it would be. Which is fine, but it was just news to me (have stayed away from CMSF, as the period doesn't interest me.) I like your thoughts about map making. I'll try putting that into practice.
  16. I am tinkering with a CMBN scenario based around one of my favourite Avalon Hill Panzer Leader scenarios (Situation no. 8, Marieulles), one which has a very uneven force balance, but balanced victory conditions. This scenario gave me a taste for "play the cards you are given", which I miss in most war games. The interesting thing for me when starting to do the research on this was that the scenario was a lot bigger than I thought it was, as in Panzer Leader each marker is a platoon. So three 88 anti-tank markers turn out to represent 12 guns and the scenario becomes a lot bigger than I originally anticipated. So I'll be investigating taking a piece of it and see if I can't make a good small scale scenario.
  17. I would be very grateful to be included on the list of people who would like to be participating in a new RoW tournament. I am new to the boards, but no to war games. I stared with SPI War in Europe in the early eighties and have kept playing since. I have enjoyed CMx1 quite a lot and before that I used to play a lot of TacOps. I wrote one of the first reviews of TacOps on Games Domain, which MajorH told me was one of the most balanced reviews he had seen when it was published. (Now long lost down the bit bucket.) I am tinkering with a CMBN scenario based around one of my favourite Avalon Hill Panzer Leader scenarios (Situation no. 8, Marieulles), one which has a very uneven force balance, but balanced victory conditions. This scenario gave me a taste for "play the cards you are given", which I miss in most war games. If nothing else. I look forward to reading the after action reports!
  18. Hurray! That was a long wait. The last really good war game I managed to play on my Mac was TacOps and that was on MacOS 9. Which I haven't used for a decade. Going to be bothering you all on the boards in the meantime.
  19. It is important though. If every application dropped their preferences in the Home folder then it would quickly become a mess.
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