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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Something I've noticed that's still present with Fallschirmjäger troops after this latest update: when a soldier is carrying the M38 SMG or the FG42, there are no ammo pouches or bandoliers (common for the FG42) depicted as part of the soldier's equipment.
  2. I just checked the MG34 after installing the new patches for CMFI and CMBN, and it looks great! However, there's still an issue remaining in both titles: the MG34 model for all vehicles is still using the MG42 model.
  3. The forum, more often than not, does not update properly in various circumstances. There's three instances where I see this happening all the time: -After I login, I will see the page that says "login successful," but the next page I see shows me as still being logged out. Only after I press F5 will the site properly show me as logged in and which topics have new posts in them. -After I read any new replies in a particular thread and click on the link to go back to the parent forum (such as this link), the forum will more often than not still show that the thread has unread replies. Again, I have to press F5 to get the page to refresh properly. -After I mark a particular forum as read and click on a link to another forum, the site again will typically not refresh and instead show that forum as still having messages with unread replies. Again, I have to press F5 for the forum to refresh properly. I've seen this issue with IE, Chrome, and Firefox and with being logged into the site at locations literally across the planet.
  4. I was having a look at the muddy texture option for German equipment and noticed that the sIG 33 doesn't appear to have a muddy texture applied to it when this option is applied to the map. Intentional, or was it just missed when this texture feature was created?
  5. I would say smoke and timing for certain, but the PIAT is optional. The PIAT in my winning attempt written about above did absolutely nothing during the mission.
  6. Apparently you didn't pay attention to the whole video. Yeah, us RT players are such gamey bastages who never use real-world tactics.
  7. I finally cracked this one! Yay! (And no reloaded saves either!) Here's how I did it (in Real-Time mode): -I sent my Green section to the farmhouse and split them up so that the Bren and a rifleman were on the top floor with the FO team, and the rest of the section was sent to the bottom floor. All units, including the FO, were put on Hide orders for the moment. -The FO team targeted the center building of the railway station with a maximum length, max rate-of-fire 81mm bombardment, with a 5-minute delay to allow the rest of my infantry to get into position on the far side of the farmhouse's wall. -As the mortar barrage was coming to an end, I had my light mortar team lay down a smokescreen that would hopefully blind the Germans up on the hill and any left in the train station. At the same time I un-hid my section in the farmhouse and let them fire as they saw fit. -It wasn't pretty, but the first section into the train station cleared out most of the remaining enemy. I then pushed another section up to the station to help clean up. -All the meanwhile, the Bren and rifle teams in the farmhouse successfully engaged the Germans up on the hill. The 2-man Bren team singlehandedly took out both the sniper team and the MG42 team. -As I was moving my other mean to clear out the station, I received notice with 29:35 left that the Germans had surrendered. The only Germans left standing were the 2-man platoon HQ team at the top of the hill. The rest were all dead or wounded. The final stats:
  8. Thank you! Is the Lee-Enfield buttplate texture for CMBN also fixed for the next patch?
  9. Taking out an AT gun with grenades, CW The Mace scenario: (And nope, I didn't need to issue a target command. They lobbed three grenades on their own without any intervention from me).
  10. Can I add another bug report here? The Bren gun is missing its buttplate texture.
  11. Can add another question? When will the forum software be fixed so it refreshes properly when the user clicks on a link? That feature has literally been broken for years.
  12. Crewmen wearing steel helmets over headphones? That doesn't look right.
  13. One that has a forum where the posters use paragraph breaks.
  14. I hope so, because a GTX680 (which I'm running) should be able to run the game far, far better than it is right now. Not everyone is running the game on 10-year old hardware, Steve. Ultimately, as time goes by, you're going to be drawing in (or rather, trying to draw in) more gamers with newer computer systems, and they're gonna be rightly miffed to find out that their computers cannot run the game all that great.
  15. Agreed. Some "ragged edges" in terms of rubbled buildings would be nice, instead of the neat little squares we have now. The same could be said for stone & brick walls that have had a section blasted out.
  16. Should I interpret that as meaning people with outdated computer systems? Because if you say yes, then I see a disconnect there, as quite honestly the game (unmodded) doesn't run all that hot on top-line computer systems either (which I consider mine to be). I'm happy if I get 25 FPS on a moderately-sized map.
  17. I dunno Steve, I wouldn't exactly call it fluff. To give an example: if I hear a rifle shot or SMG burst right now, I have to look all over the map or rewind the game to try to find out whether or not the sound was from friend or foe. I wouldn't exactly call that a great game feature. To me it's a bit disappointing, given the attention to detail in the rest of the game is and has been given. But yeah, you're right: my opinion is colored by the fact that I either own or have fired almost every nation's WW2 service rifle and/or carbine.
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