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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Would it be possible to make it that when an unit moves into an enemy fort that it has the option not to destroy it but to use it.This happened alot in ww2.
  2. If the U.S.A. were ever to try and nuke all thier enemies they in turn would die eventually from radioactive fall out.I saw a very good show on this very subject.When the russians exploded some ginormus 50 megaton bomb the russian scientists explaned you cant use these bombs because of nuclear fallout.They suggested letting N.A.T.O.(U.S.A.)spend countless billions building nukes hoiping that the N.A.T.O.scientists knew the samething.MUTALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION FOR ALL.Nuclear war is absolutley POINTLESS.
  3. TaoJah send all your ships down to the mideast once you are sure he wont invade england.Then just blow the crap out of him.I did that and caught the axis coming across the med and sank the transports.
  4. That is true you sure can find out alot of interesting things.
  5. I must have hit disband because he wasnt shot at.Thanks terif.
  6. TaoJah,when i did it i took a big chance pouring all my tech.into longrange aircraft.Its quite expensive and you never know when they will get plus 5 range.Is that what you tried?
  7. This has only happened once to me but i was playing the computer and i put one of my H.Q.into amphib.trans.and it vanished from the game completely.Not available to be rebuilt.Any ideas?
  8. Thanks terif.I was wondering about that.I used that trick to drop on both berlin and munich.What a suprise it was for the other guy when i sent my turn back with the phrase:GOTCHA.I tested both cities with longrange bombers first.
  9. Subs can go truely silent.If the allies ignore sub hunting tech. uboats should be able to pass right through(travel underneath) and have allied ships move over top without being detected.Or have it that with each level of sub hunting tech the odds of detecting a sub go up not just run into him and you automatically find him.I know the sub may still dive but the allied ship still found him.
  10. Im talking about all at once(depending whats available at the turn in question)you may get seven or eight maybe more units pop up all at once,which means in the span of a week 350,000 plus troops become combat ready.I dont know if that would be possible.I see what your saying though.What do you think about there being a limit to the amount of troops that could be placed in a cutoff situation?
  11. JJR thanks.I was thinking about going to see it.I will wait for the dvd.
  12. Normal Dude people may live there but not trained combat troops.The ones needed to operate the tanks and other weapons that may be available.Also no spying or blocking with neutral units.
  13. If a city is cut off from its regular supply you shouldnt be allowed to put troops there.Case in point south russia is cut off from the motherland.Axis own iran iraq etc.No way russia just builds troops into south russia.Surrounding should have more of an effect.
  14. From what ive read the japanese believed(what a huge mistake)that if they built up a outer ring of island forts that america wouldnt want to attack because of the loss of life.They(like the germans both being wrong)believed in thier racial superiority.Remmeber that there is a fair amount of evidence that the japanese also exploded an atomic bomb in korea just around the time the war ended.So if america had left japan alone who knows what would have happened.
  15. One thing is for sure,as long as govts. refuse to trust each other(for whatever reason)there will always be gross amounts of money spent on the military which really benifits very few.America is in debt over 4 trillion dollars and spends vast sums on the military.One other scary fact is that countries that spend lots on the military tend to use it to try and justify the spending.Lets hope this turns out to be false this time.
  16. Edwin P.if we get into weather or not america embargos japan(if they didnt)japan may possibly have been talked into attacking russia in the rear when germany attacked.I know japans intrests lied elsewere but who knows what course ww2 would have taken.I like the idea but it opens up maybe to many possibilties for this game to go.
  17. I read that lars,looks like the U.S.were quite active in breaking neutrality laws(for good reason).
  18. Yea i get what your saying and it makes total sense but the science and tech.to do these things(non polluting power)has exisited for quite a while now.Only when the threat of a global catastrophy rears its ugly head do we act.Why not just prevent it from happening in the first place.But like you said the path of least resistance.
  19. TaoJah america was sending war material to the british in 1940.I dont call that neutral.Also reading what Lars says just confirms what i said.They werenot sending troops but war materials yes.
  20. The USA never really was totally neutral.Remember the 50 destroyers for bases in the s.pacific.They were sending britain rifles,fuel,protecting convoys,a USA scout plane helped track the bismark.Most of the US citizens were sympathetic to the british cause and had no problem helping britain with war materials.They were not so keen on sending troops.I think the game is setup pretty good as is when you consider the fact that when the americans do enter the war this game doesnt truley represnt thier massive industrial output( which keeps the game in balance).It would make the game quite complicated if you started adding more and more politics to it.One example:when germany attacked russia alot of the russian people wanted to join germany to fight stalin.It wouldnt be a very fun game for the allies if russia did join germany which was possible in real life.Maybe tweek americas readiness a little if the brits go to crazy.
  21. The USA never really was totally neutral.Remember the 50 destroyers for bases in the s.pacific.They were sending britain rifles,fuel,protecting convoys,a USA scout plane helped track the bismark.Most of the US citizens were sympathetic to the british cause and had no problem helping britain with war materials.They were not so keen on sending troops.I think the game is setup pretty good as is when you consider the fact that when the americans do enter the war this game doesnt truley represnt thier massive industrial output( which keeps the game in balance).It would make the game quite complicated if you started adding more and more politics to it.One example:when germany attacked russia alot of the russian people wanted to join germany to fight stalin.It wouldnt be a very fun game for the allies if russia did join germany which was possible in real life.Maybe tweek americas readiness a little if the brits go to crazy.
  22. One other thing is when politicans ask scientists to research anything and when the scientists come back with the answer the politicans DONT want to here they just ignore it or radically water it down.No wonder so many people dont vote.
  23. Yes thats what happend to me.I had to over research to get plus 5 subs early at great cost to my groubd army.Thats why russia is only going ok.
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