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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Ive done it(uboats at plus5 german,italian ships at plus 2)and won but its real risky because you spend so much on the tech. and upgrading that you dont really have a big land army(in size or tech.) for russia until 1942 unless you get real lucky in your tech.hits.Its fun to try though.
  2. Blashy the only way you could change the game to atleast make a major power think twice about attacking certian neutrals would be(im assuming)to have the readiness of the other major powers go up or down depending on who is attacking who.Otherwise i dont see anyother way????????I think what hellraiser says is true in that the game is hardwired to some degree historically and both sides having the oppertunity to change that is what makes the game fun and much more interesting.Terif and jollyguy seem to think the game is balanced and from what ive read terif has probably played this game way more than anyone.
  3. Thats my point liam.There are alot of things that arenot included in this game for both sides but was is included keeps the game open to many different options(remember its about fun).As far as terif and jollyguy go they are probably the best at this game.Im assuming they played it alot and studied every and all aspects of the game and use them to their atvantage.We all have the same oppertunity to do this.If we choose to do so or not is up to us.As for morale yes i agree with you.That would atleast make french naval suicide missions a little more costly.British morale could start to drop off if she started loosing to much to commerce raiding.Violating neutral airspace is one thing (it happened during ww2) launching a major attack across a whole country(attack finland from norway)is a different matter.You could easily have it that if a country violates ANY neutral airspace the country being violated joins the other side or atleast gets a big diplo hit against the attacker.As far as amphib. invasions go i know the germans didnt have much in the way of actual invasion craft but neither did the brits or france so the game is balanced in that it gives them ALL an option.Remember their is no ultra included in this game,unlimited allied resources.The chance that in 1941 when germany first went into russia ALOT of the russians(and if germany had done it right)the whole country would have atleast been synpathetic or joined the germans isnt included.The game would be pointless if any of those options were added.Maybe the designers of the game could develop an actual historical option setting for this game.this i know would take alot of research and testing.
  4. The way the game is set now''might is right''(which is fun)is what rules.If we go making the penalties to high for attacking minors(no matter which side the minor country was leaning towards)alot of us(except for maybe terif or jollyguy)wont do it and the game becomes much more predictable.BORING.Even now with game being quite balanced things are allowed that historically were not possible(the allies especially france)can launch major amphib.invasions in 1939 when they had almost no landing craft.It forces germany to act right away even though historically britain and france had no hope of invading in 1939,1940.You can use the french ships on hopless suicide missions when HISTORICALLY there is no hope they would have done it.You can launch major attacks against other countries through neutral airspace with no penalty which should be changed.(attacking finland from norway by flying over neutral sweden).The western allies would NEVER attack finland.The brits were contemplating HELPING finland when russia attacked them.These possibilties make the game FUN(which is what its all about).Terif and im sure now jollyguy seem to win no matter what side they choose.The game is fine the way it is.Both sides have the same atvantages.The only thing that needs to be changed is if you violate neutral airspace there is a penalty.
  5. I dont see how you could put ultra into the game except that the allies could somehow on thier turn only turn off the fog of war.Also one of the big reasons why ultra was so succesful was that the germans believed thier own propaganda when the said enigma was unbreakable.It also didnt help that canaris(head of the abwher)and alot of his staff were huge anti nazis.There were plenty of incidents during the war that should have raised red flags about enigmas security.From what ive read gestapo codes were never broken.They trusted nothing.
  6. Foko, the brits would also position thier carriers around liverpool to help defend it.Now the germans are out numbered.
  7. Im up for a game.I will play either side.I have resolved my computer issue.No virus just my stupidity
  8. It has.the axis bow out.I have been(gasp)defeated.I have no more troops left except what you see on the board.Good luck next round colin.It was a pleasure.I hope to clash with you again.
  9. I think the one thing that does make sense is that when a minor country is attacked the defending nation should be able to place the troops in question where they want them.I dont know about having poland holding out longer.Remember they were attacked by both russia and germany.They had no hope.I also think there should be a penalty for violating neutral airspace to attack another country,especially if the country in question is already leaning towards joining the country fighting the country violating the airspace(i think that makes sense).If you want to add something else this could be one addition.
  10. The germans DO fight on.We still have a couple of tricks up our sleeves.I do concede it is beginning to look like an uphill battle.
  11. Axis hit back.The allies WILL PAY for attacking the helpless greeks.As far as the russians go.BRING IT ON.
  12. We will see if his attack in the balkans really is the soft underbelly of europe.
  13. The fuhrer has issued the latest directive:NO RETREAT.We will fight to the very end.German counterattck again kills more russians but they seem to keep on coming.We hope by cutting off murmansk it will begin to have an effect.SIEG HEIL.
  14. I will as soon as i get this freakin email problem i have figured out.
  15. The mighty luftwaffe responds with massive air strikes(red airforce no where to be seen)destroying two tank armies.Main werchmact counterattck smashes soviet thrust destroying many more commies than what we suffered.This battle may decide the game.West front quiet.The weather will now have a major effect on the rest of this bloody massacre.
  16. I feel the ground start to shake in russia.I think there will soon be many dead.
  17. Finally the silence is broken.The luftwaffe with new and first rate flyboys launches a massive attack in the west resulting in the total desrution of 1 brit airfleet and the crippling of two others.Should the others stay within range they to will be destroyed.They are also trying to convince turkey to join thier side.We will try snd put a stop to this.
  18. I dont know if you are recieving my turns as of today.My computer says im trying to send you a virus and terminates connection.Then i go to my outbox and it says its sending them.Then after it says its been emailed from my outbox i still get the same message and it starts to do it again. Ive tried various things(changing my computer settings)Ive tried to override your first email(redo turn) and still same message.I have no trouble recieving your turns.Anyone have any idea whats up?My hard drive was acting up about a month ago.
  19. The axis brace for the allied attack.I hope he does try an attck from the other side.
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