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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Feb.1940,The bad weather has arrived.My sub is sneaking around taking shots at allied convoys.Nothing else yet.
  2. One more thing.Remember ultra.German ships would have been found.
  3. Retributar is right.If germanys plan was to try and contest the british navy,the only hope they had was with uboats.British capital ships combined with their carrier force would have destroyed them.Just think of how many uboats that would have been built if all that material & time was spent on mainly uboats.Doenitz may well have had the 300 uboats he clamied he needed to starve england.
  4. Poland has seen the light.They tried to sneak out a captured enigma machine but were caught and treated accordingly by the gestapo.Denmark has also been freed from imperialism.Now we are lining up to free the french.I should have attacked france early as i never had one bad weather turn until early dec.I never had that happen before. Colin is just waitng.I dont trust the silence on the allied side.More to come.
  5. Seeing how well sc2 turned out,it would be great if you could get ahold to the rights of THIRD REICH and fix it so its as good as sc2.I for one would for surely buy it.GO HABS GO.
  6. If the USA and japan dont go at it,maybe the germans persuade japan to attack in russia.At the very least russia wouldnt know what japans plan was and quite possibly would have left the siberians where they were.Also america maynot have started gearing up for war(isolationism)I know the american public was for helping britain but the war had been going for a while and the americans output hadnt gone on a war footing.It probably would have increased very slowly.I think Edwin P.and minty are right.Britain would have been forced to send more troops to the s. pacific.I know ultra was a huge help to the british but it cant fight battles or hold ground.
  7. Arado,the peace loving axis vs Colin,the imperialistic allies.Not much happened first turn.Just trying to show the poles we mean no harm.
  8. I guess the neat part is you wont know when or if it will happen.The other unit could start to entrench in your forts.
  9. I guess the neat part is you wont know when or if it will happen.The other unit could start to entrench in your forts.
  10. I know this is a game but do you really think the british would just abandon their country?Iknow its also fun to try new things but leaving england to germany without a fight seems kind of gamey.If the british isles fell where would britain get her men and material from.Her industry would be gone.England would probably carry on the fight but from canada not africa.Remember the brits and french werent to popular in the middle east.Colonialism and all that sort of stuff.I think SeaMonkey is right,if you just abandon your homeland there should be some punishment for it other than whats in the game now.If germany happens to conquuer all of russia but the allies take berlin and munich germany is gone.How much sense does that make if germany has her main army intact and could probably wipe the allies out.Plus germany would have access to all the russian industry & I know it would have to be rebuilt.
  11. Yea your right TaoJah,you dont want to get to complicated.I just figured maybe some set mpps for capturing forts.
  12. Im playing a game(HvH)and my russian moved onto a german fort.The fort didnt die.As a matter of fact my russian is now entrenched three.Any idea why?
  13. Im playing a game(HvH)and my russian moved onto a german fort.The fort didnt die.As a matter of fact my russian is now entrenched three.Any idea why?
  14. Exel you know as well as i do that if one major power lets fly with all their nukes there will be massive radioactive fallout.Alot of the latter testing was done underground to prevent such fallout.The scientists who made the bombs are the ones who said there will be massive fallout if the bombs are used.They should know. Chernobyl did cause alot of human suffering.China and russia wont let america or israel fire nukes at iran without responding.They both have to much to loose.China has that huge oil and natural gas deal with iran.They will defend it.There is no such thing as limited nuclear war.All gloves are off if one side tries that.
  15. I dont like the A BOMB either but like you said in saved allied lives.War is war,you fight to win.
  16. Terif it looks to me as if you know everything.When we have the sc2 tournament im guessing the winner will play you.If it happens to be me(which i doubt)i will look foward to getting killed by you and learning some things as jollyguy has.WOW
  17. Normal Dude you are right about that.I dont know if radicals could get ahold of enough of them to cause a major global disaster.The thing about iran is that as it stands they are doing NOTHING illegal.Under the nuclear nonpoliferation(which WE had them sign) treaty it allows them to do exactly what they are doing .They say its for non aggresive(i personally dont believe them)means.Ive read where iran claims they are worried about global warming(again i dont believe them)and say nuclear energy is much cleaner..As far as america nuking their enemies,those who want to die for their cause will have achieved their goal because the atomic fallout(depending on how many used)will kill the user.I dont think they(the terrorists)will get the ability to fire a nuke from say iran and hit america.Americans may have to worry about a biological weapon brought into the states and used.That to me is a much bigger threat.
  18. True enough,but what about trenches,or when an all around defence was built for a city.Maybe you could get a few mpps for taking a fort.Give each fort type a value.
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