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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Let us not forget radar.Allied patrol boats could pick up uboats at night.Have to factor that in.
  2. Just put your axis ships in port.Although i dont think they(the french ships) should be allowed to go suicide.In reality(i know there is no way to prevent this)the french wouldnt go nuts because they had no way of knowing that they would lose.
  3. Thats what i said. Landing craft can attack occupied beach hexes,combined with shore bombardment multiple air attcks & airborne drops(sounds just like dday)you could open up a beachhead.
  4. Is there a way to make it so you can only invade actual beach hexes(like in third reich)not every spot.Not every square inch on every coast line was invadeable.This way you would have a real chance to stop an invasion.Just make the landing craft have an attack value against defended coast beaches before they disembark.
  5. Most people here feel that if england was completely occupied they would continue the fight.The only country left for them still at war with germany was canada.Tell me,where would they get the troops supplies etc to continue this fight in the amount that would give them any real hope?Remember america isnot directly at war.The few troops we had were no match for the experienced germans.Look how long it would take for a troop transports etc to get to africa.They would be in huge trouble as soon as england was invaded as would be their whole empire.Everything possible would be sent to jolly old england to try & defend it stripping everywhere else.As churchill told roosevelt that if england goes down the axis have a very good chance of conquering the world.I really think that if england is invaded their african empire should really have no hope or very little.
  6. Blashy hit the nail right on the head.Ater america entered the axis only hope was for hitlers wonder weapons to trully be all they were cracked up to be.Also if germany had pursued flatout with atomic research they may have had a war winning weapon before we did.Hitler refered to nuclear science as jewish science.Bad for germany,good for us.
  7. I believe it was me just making a comment about air power & somehow we got onto the topic of mass murder.What gives?
  8. I dont know if there is to much wrong with the way airpower is set right now.Since each turn represents a week of fighting, i think if a unit was under constant bombardment from multiple air attacks they would get the crap kicked out of them.One of my dads very good friends had the honour of landing on normandy.He also fought at the falaise gap.He saw first hand what air supremecy means.He told me how he watched an attack on a german tank force by some typhoons.He saw 12 german tanks destroyed in a matter of about 15 min.Also the germans as rommel said would have no chance of victory if the allies were not defeated on the beaches because of air power.He was right.I know smart bomb tech. didnt exist back then but the number of planes used in an attack was much higher back then.Air attacks also had a big effect on morale.I say leave it.We all have the same atvantages.
  9. Also battleships would never attempt to attck a uboat,neither would a crusier.Ive never read in any of my books where ships other than destroyers frigats or corvettes attacking uboats.I know adding the above units would probably get to crazy but maybe limit it to just crusiers.
  10. Ive had the game crash on me while playing my turn.my computer was recieving updates(avg etc).Does this mean im cheating if i redo my turn.It happened to me while i was playing & the first turn i had was better than my redo.
  11. Does seem possible that the allies or germans would try a cross channel invasion in say oct nov dec jan feb mar considering that the weather then is so unpredictable that it was never attempted at all.I think that the next patch should make it impossible for an invasion of england or france in the months mentioned.The germans felt it coudnlt be attempted no latter than mid sept and the allies pretty much the same.Look what happened in normandy when that big storm came in and wiped out one mulberry harbour & severly damaged the other one(this was when the weather was supposed to be relativly good).
  12. Blashy ive read many books on ww2(about 200)& from waht ive learned & talking to vets on this subject if hitler hadnt declared war on america roosevelt would have had a real if not impossible goal of getting congress & the us people to back him up on a dow on germany.The americans were so mad at japan that germany was the farthest thing from their mind.They wanted to wipe out japan first then go after germany.Luckily hitler was an idiot.As far as stalin goes from what ive learned he was planning an attack in 1942 sometime depending on what germany was up to & how many troops were massed on his border.He knew that the germans out classed him.So this is a tough one for you to decide.It does sound like fun though
  13. If someone needs to win that bad to me they have a problem.Remember its just agame.Its supposed to be fun.But your right some people will cheat & you cant do much about it.
  14. That happend to me once.Just keep attacking them & the frenchies will be toast
  15. I had to wait untill the home guard stopped blowing up the ports.It took about 5 turns.I found that as soon as you get england get out of there.
  16. germany could still have won against just russia and britian.Remember britian was also fighting japan.With no usa like you said japan would have run rampant through the whole south pacific & threatend britians overseas empire.Germany also way outclassed russia in fighting ability.Russia lost over 800 tanks just taking berlin.You are right though that until germany went to total war production in 1943 the british did out produce them in some key areas.Even though in 1944 when we thought(accuracy in bombing was not all that good)we were bombing germany back to the stone age germanys output of weapons increased.
  17. When germany attcked russia alot of the ukrainians welcomed the germans as liberators.(Boy were they in for a suprise)It was only because of hitlers stupidity and radical racial views plus help of the einsatzgruppen that this didnt happen.Ive read numerous books on this subject & the vast majority of writers felt that had hitler not made this mistake russia would have been in big trouble.Probably another revloution just like in ww1.Somehow add this to the 1.05 patch?
  18. I think that if germany took and held moscow in 1941 it would have had a big effect on russia as a whole.Not to mention german morale.Moscow was a major communications centre plus it had alot of important factories.I really think it should be factored into the next patch.
  19. I find it hard to believe that if a major country is being clobbered that the overall morale of its fighting forces wouldnt start to decline.Case in point:germany lands on england occupies the whole island & yet the british forces still in africa fight on at full morale.I would bet that if this really happended they would fold like a house of cards.Patch 1.05 should have something to indicate this.I also think that maltas ability to interdict axis supply should be severly limited based on the fact that if england was under major attack all resources(fuel ammo etc)would be almost non existent for anything but to defend england.
  20. Hey retributar i dont have my soft build limits on either & the game willnot allow me to buy a minor hq at all.
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