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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Liam makes a good point that spain should join the axis if the allies dow portugal.look what happens if the axis land in canada before the americans have joined,or if the axis attack turkey before russia joins the fun.
  2. If this topic has been covered before i apologise.Wouldnt it better to have it when carrier strikes are intercepted by enemy aircraft or AA only the carrier aircraft are lost.After all thats whats being engaged by the enemy,not the actual carrier.Could this not be indicated somehow?
  3. Launching counterattack in west.Allies stronger than i thought.I have noticed that when i attack with my aircraft his rarely shoot back.Mud has come to the east and forestalled my planned offensive on stalingrad.Russians will be VERY hard to dig out.
  4. I think my italian engineers must have been drinking to much french wine and had their brains somewhere else(brothels)when they built those forts.Thats two major mistakes i made.Colin is capitalising on them.He is playing a very good allied game.
  5. Allied ultra longrange air power is beggining to make itself felt.The russians are just sitting in their forts(smart move).
  6. German aircraft taking pot shots at russian tanks,make easy targets.The threat in the west is growing but we are prepared.
  7. My ss stuff includes sol books wher passes helmets,ss officer winter(with rabbit fur)cap.
  8. The russians feel the brunt of the luftwaffe.Rostov feels the full fury of the attack.One of the russians guarding around sevastopol is foolish enough to come see if we are guarding the mines.We are.The commies around stalingrad had better get ready.The forts will only prolong the inevitable:GERMAN VICTORY.
  9. I paid $500.00 18 years ago.I got quite a few others that are all signed.I have 2 me262 aces sign.I also collect ss material.I had to stop because i couldnt afford it after i got married.What a suprise.
  10. Rocko1 give me your email adress(mine is tomnichols@shaw.ca)and i will send you my krauts.Ok?
  11. Russian partisans not so tough now.The weather starts to clear.Lets see if his allied para.try droping where i can get at them.
  12. One of my dads good friends fought on the russian front from 1944 on.He experienced many times the "fun"of the katusyhas.He told me about it and i cant believe how anyone could survive such a devisating attack.He ended the war fighting in the streets of berlin(surrendered to the british).
  13. Hey bill ive got ross bucklands painting:In a pacck of trouble.Its where zemkes p47 is after ralls 109.Its an artist proof#41 out of 60.signed by zemke,rall,buckland,rankin.
  14. After the beating we laid on the russians,the mud has come again to save them.Those longrange fly boys he has had to come at the expensive of something,What it is i dont know.
  15. Rocko1,Unless you are doing this to learn the basic mechanics of the game there is no point.You are sure to win.You should P.B.E.M.one of us.I would be happy to play you.You can pick sides.I consider myself about average.
  16. SeaMonkey we wouldnt be doing anything new.Already if anyone attacks spains vichy allies it has a big effect,not just on spain but also romania and hungry.If russian ships in the baltic move to far, finland and sweden get upset.If germany starts massing to many troops or doesnt have enough troops on the russian borber russia gets upset.If germany attacks greece or yugoslavia russia gets upset.Im just saying make it that if you choose to fly over an enemy neutral their war readiness goes up.
  17. Im hoping my tech.will catch up to his.I think he must have smuggled out an enigma machine afterall.We have a plan to deal with the western imperialist warmongers.
  18. The krauts launch a second devistating attack in russia.Wiping out 1 plane and MANY more russians.In spain those evil allies first try to appease spain with hollow promises,and then attack them.They hang on for 1 turn but the allies blocked any attempt for us to liberate them.It will get interesting when he starts to move in france.
  19. Well i warned him, 1 ami crusier is now rusting on the bottom(guns not so shiny).One battleship limps home.The massive attack on russia has begun,starting with a massive luftwaffe attack.1 commie H.Q.(didnt notice who)and many russian units destroyed.We await his response.
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