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Everything posted by arado234

  1. One of my tech friends told me that I should replace my video card.I have a(i dont know if this matters)Dell Dimension 4550,with the original card.Even now sometimes the game still crashs and I have to restart it.Would a better video card help and if so,what one?Hubert I did change the settings like you said and it does make a difference but my friend was watching me play and he said that the game should be faster(A.I.).
  2. Im just finishing a game against the A.I.(me Japs)on only normal setting.Kinda glad I did judging by whats happening to SeaMonkey.Its early 45 and I just took the Aussis out and still hold China and all the other early conquests(Russia is in it now and things are starting to go south).Ive sank over 50 Allied ships to my 12 (no Carriers lost).I got real luck in the tech. dept by having L.R.3 and jet Carriers by early 43.I dont even want to think what the A.I.would have on expert.SeaMonkey all I can say is that you must be playing a pretty good game to still be in it,judging by what ive sunk and by what it still has coming at me. I did try something kinda gamey.I ignored the battleships at Pearl and went on to the Westcoast with my Carriers and sank both the Allied Carriers.I was also able to lure the A.I. out of Pearl with a crusier and sank all its ships with my battlefleet.I got a bit banged up in the process though.Ive only played this game once ,so I dont know what if any overall effect it had on what the A.I. chose to do.Im sure it would never work against any human player.
  3. Im with Blashy.Leave it the way it is.Japan had no hope so giving them some would be wrong.As it is the A.bomb is a scripted event.Just imagine if the Amis. could go allout and have them who knows when.BOOOOOM.Japan dies even faster.
  4. At first I wasnt sure that I was going to really get into this game.I dont know alot about the Pacific but now that ive played a little bit and am starting to figure out how to use my Carriers(I still like to forget to change their mode before I move them)its now alot more fun.I love how Carriers just blast other ships to nothing.I havent so far found tac.or Carrier planes overly deadly against ground targets(ive only played one game against the A.I. and ive got 1 going against the K MAN im the Amis). Yes Blashy you are right,the Amis have a HUGE force and im sure it will take me quite a while to figure out how to slow them enough to ''win''as the Japs. It also looks like you have to figure out which of all those freaken islands are important to hold and where to put your L.R.air to spot.Much different than Eurpoean SC2.
  5. Ive seen all of them.They are quite good.Japs had no chance
  6. Hubert I just turned off the full screen mode and it seems to have solved the problem.I never noticed any difference in the screem size.What does the full screen mode do?
  7. Sometimes when im playing(A.I.so far)after its done its turn and just before the usual partisan attacks etc the game will crash and thats the message I get.It never happens on my turn.I have Directx9.
  8. Rambo I think(especially now)there are rules to war(in a way it is kinda strange)is because the weapons that so many countries have are so deadly that if every weapon was used it assures total destruction of the Planet.Back in WW2 days im guessing people still thought you could be ''civilised'' and still destroy your foe,hence the Geneva convention.If there was no Geneva convention then you can bet there would be absolutley no hope for any P.O.W.s.even though I know how alot of them were treated.
  9. Rambo I maynot agree with some things you say but in this case for the most part(I have a bit of a problem with the chemical weapons)you are right.You fight to win and to keep your losses as low as possible and tough for the other side.As far as civlians go,dam rights.They are a big part of any war effort so to me they are fair game. The reason im not fond of chemical weapons is because even the Nazis didnt use them for a war weapon(no I didnt forget about what happened in the concentration camps) and they had them.Dont know if you want to go down that road.
  10. Just goes to show how futile and idiotic it was for Japan to even think about attacking America.Imho it should be left alone except if someone wants to edit the Allied might and make it more for play balance.
  11. Hubert I havent downloaded any patch atall.I dont get the message anymore either.I dont know what happened.Im figuring its K Man has some Jap.spy in my upper command.
  12. Ive just started my first game ever,(have never read any scripts or played game yet)and when I went to load the game the following message came up:Warning original campaign not found 1941 operation Z.It still loaded and I was able to play my turn.I sent my turn back to KSW and I dont know if he gets the same message.Any ideas?
  13. Good point SeaMonkey.Its hard to say what Stalin would have done if the Germans launched their attack in the East(depends on how successful the German attack was).I would think the West would have moved into Germany faster and this probably would have freaked out Stalin.He imho would have figured the Allies to stab him in the back and take Berlin.I then cant see him ever attacking the Japs.
  14. SeaMonkey Army group centre was destroyed in june 1944,way before the Ardennes attack.The Germans had no plan to attack in the East because even if they did destroy a bunch of Russian units it wouldnt matter because the Russians had loads and they had alot bigger and better tanks then we did.Plus the distance traveled for the Bulge used up prettywell all available fuel reserves.A big part of the German attack in the West depended on capturing Allied fuel dumps.Since alot of the Russian vehicles were diesel and most German vehicles were gas the fuel wouldnt have been much good to Germany.
  15. I could see Stalin attacking in 1944 after the Russians wiped out Army group centre.By this time the Axis were done.I cant see Stalin passing up a chance to grab more land.Remember the Russians kick the Japs ass at Khalkin Gol in 1939.By 1944 they had way better tanks that would blow the Japs to bits.The Russians had also in 1940 infiltrated the Jap. high command with a spy network set up by Richard Sorge(code name Ramsay).They knew prettywell all of Japans moves and this would have been a huge asset in an attack on Japan.
  16. Hey panzerkiller the SC2 series are a blast.W.a.W.and PDE are different from regular SC2. I prefer W.a.W.and PDE but some people prefer regular SC2.Since you need SC2 to run the others I think once you get them you will see the differences and will probably enjoy both.Imho they are more fun HvH.As with PTO imho they have the best A.I.there is.
  17. Blashy/Colin do you think this game will end around the Historical defeat of Japan?How do you feel about the overall historical feel of the game as far as the fact the Allies should win unless the Allied player makes some real bad moves.
  18. Kuniworth im not saying the Allies didnt miss some big opportunities(especially when all they had to do when Hitler first marched into the Rhineland was stand up to him same with the Czec. debacle he was done),im saying once the war started and the Axis had the early atvantage then they had a small window of opportunity to cause some real problems.Once the war was past the early critical stage the Axis were done.Didnt really matter about missed opportunities then because the Allies could afford to miss more than the Axis and still wipe them out.
  19. As far as the Axis being able to win outright when you consider the missed opportunities by both sides then yes Retributar is correct.The Axis early on had some HUGE opportunties that they just threw away for various reasons. -When Germany had a chance to easily wipe out the B.E.F.in 1940 that would have left England virtually defenceless on the ground.Germany then could have Para. droped onto England,grabbed some airfields and start bringing in airlanding troops(like on Crete)It would have been a big gamble but if it had worked Britain may have sued for peace on German terms(that would sure be pleasant). -Next when Germany attacks Russia go in as''liberators''not butchers and have most of western Russia join your side(which they were willing to do at first).This would most likley force Stalin to move his troops from watching the Japs to defend against Germany and her Russian Allies.This would be the time for Japan to attack Russia from the East.Russia would be in ALOT of trouble.There would be a good chance then of another revolt(like in WW1)and with Germany having the most influence by far would have easily put in a pro Nazi govt. in Russia.Now the outlook of the war changes dramaticlly. The problem with this plan is that it required total co-opperation between the Axis which didnt happen. Once England survived 1940 and Hitler went on with his lunitic plans and Japan though it a good idea to attack America(more Lunacy)BYE-BYE Axis.
  20. You have to wonder if the world would have accpepted a negotiated peace with the Axis when you consider who you are attempting to make peace with.
  21. Dont know what happened but as I was saying as far as Ultra and Majic go towards the end the Allies were reading Axis military traffic just as quick as the Axis combat commanders were.Its pretty hard to win when the enemy knows your moves before you even execute them.No hope of suprise in any Major attack(yes I know about the Ardennes offensvie). Even if Japan had built these jets,where would they find the fuel to train the pilots and use them in combat?By 1945 even Canada was producing more crude than Japan. If you allow the Atom bomb to be a allowable build(which would only be fair if you give Japan the jet upgrade possibility),all the Amis. have to do is go allout and just start dropping them on Japan. By mid 1945 it was the little island of Japan vs prettymuch the whole world.Jets or no jets Japan had no hope.Plus the fact the Amis.were major pissed about Pearl Harbour and would stop at nothing untill Japan was wiped out. The only hope the Axis had to win was to pick on one major power(Britain first)at a time and completely defeat them then move on to the next one.Even by doing this it would have been so hard for the Axis to actually win the war.
  22. Retributar the Amis.were also testing and did fly two jets.One was the P80 and the other was the FR1 Fireball.They had problems at first as did all countries but they could produce atleast 10x what Japan could hope to build and they had ALOT more pilots and by 1945 way better pilots. The Amis.by the end of the war had produced(this includes the smaller escort Carriers)140 Carriers. Majic and Ultra are in noway properly represented in this or anyother
  23. I havent recieved my copy yet and and I was wondering what are the victory conditions for either side.If its set historically then Blashy is right in that Japan had no hope against America so you cant (or shouldnt)take anything away from America.Japan is hoplessly outgunned and remember this game doesnt even include the Atomic bomb except as a script,so Japan is already one up one America.
  24. Retributar I like your idea but imho if you include the Shinden then you have to include the ultimate weapon as an actual build not just a script.
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