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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Whoa, you are probably gonna start a firestorm comparing a war time act (no matter how callous) with 9/11. Actually the targets were selected for military industrial value. Nagasaki was actually a secondary target only bombed as the primary was overcast that day. Nagasaki was the launching shipyard for the Yamato class battleships though it's usefulness at this point in the war as a military base was questionable. The firebombing of Tokyo is a better example if you need one of an attack specifically targeting civilians. If the US wanted a gut check attack on Japan and really wanted to terrorize civilians, they would have hit Kyoto. As an attack on the Japanese psyche, it would have had a much bigger impact.
  2. The 82nd can't be counted as a full formation. Only the 505th as a whole was a veteran formation. The 504th did not participate and the 507th/508th were new formations.
  3. You are giving Japan credit for holding onto so much by the simple fact that it was not a contiguous land mass. The Allies did not need to reconquer all that territory to defeat Japan. The Soviets showed exactly what Japan could expect when faced with an opposition with a real army and room to maneuver. The Kwangtung Army never stood a chance. The German Army may have been largely horsedrawn, but the Japanese Army didn't even have that. Digging in works on an island, you opponent has no options but to attack into your defenses. Given some room though, and that defense works about as well as stand fast did for Germany. As to the question of nukes, I don't think even in the bitter climate of war the US casually decided to nuke Japan as a message to Russia. The fact is they looked at potential losses to America and decided, screw this if these guys don't know when they are beaten, then we need some way of dramatically proving that. Whether the A bomb really fully accomplished it's goals or whether Japanese fear of Russian occupation was the primary motivation, one way or the other the handwriting was on the wall. Japan had seen 3 months previously the Allies had no qualms about Russian occupation of the Axis powers. They had no way to know Japan would not be subdivided amongst the allies and how much Japanese territory was gonna end up in Russian hands..
  4. No Way!!! Man that was way out of left field, I hate when books don't reveal key facts until the last page just so you can't figure it out.
  5. Nice, this would sell me on it better than any review. Gives a real feel for the decisions you have to make and the struggle for intel.
  6. Quick update - am running a PBEM of Huzzah right now and both my opponent and I are looking to see if we can recreate this. So far we haven't so I am not sure if this has to do with me using the same PC in the the inital incident. Will try and get some better data.
  7. You know having gone over and read the wargamers thread, it isn't so bad. Heck I think I have seen far worse tirades against CMBN here. The moderators seem to have stepped in and warned about certain behavior, Erik from Matrix came in and commented about the continuing nonsense of folks going on about CM and PCO as if they were mutually exclusive. All in all I'd have to say the thread didn't get me all hot and bothered. Now it does start going off the deep end about the box, but I have to admit it did leave me laughing. Not a bad thing for a Monday.
  8. You know I was trying to keep this on the up and up and have a genuine reasonable exchange, but the "special" forum comment just showed that was pretty idealistic on my part. I don't know what you did in your previous life, but it must have been awful. I really feel bad for you as apparently your karma just sucks. The glass somehow is always half empty. Whatever the compulsion is that drives you to buy something before investigating it and then complain that what you found wasn't what you expected, you should really work on that. It seems you can only post when complaining and EVERYTHING works badly for you. Your snipers can't hit the broadside of a barn. Your helicopter view couldn't spot the increased horsepower or drive changes in an armor vehicle you are citing as proof of mobility. Your ammo guys who don't want to share, even though no one ever said they would. Is there anything you do like about this game? C'mon there has to be something, otherwise it seems like you just come to this forum to try and bring a downer to everyone else's enjoyment. Oh wait that was exactly the original point of this thread. It's your fault Wodin...damn fanboy.
  9. btw Michael, thanks for the recommendation. I spotted The Wages of Destruction on the shelf at my local used book store, it is now in my reading queue.
  10. am playing Huzzar right now and very much enjoying it. Still in the inital recon "knife in the dark" phase and am trading blows..mostly trying to injure my opponent by having my vehicles explode in his face :-P but having a very nice tense time. Whoever thinks tank hunter teams are flawed should tell Von Kleist. He apparently doesn't know that yet to my regret.
  11. But that is what I don't get. I myself have posted items I have found in the game. For example I noticed recently that I could see my opponents reinforcement messages. That to me is a bigger deal than my infantry firing on TCs as I am now getting information on variable reinforcements my opponent might be getting and when they show up on the map. I have no hesitation at all about posting it and no one is flaming me. What I didn't do was say "BFC this totally sucks, I had something happen once and I THINK it isn't right and my opinion having already been formed like concrete now demands you fix the game!... immediately even though I have had said game only 8 weeks." Yes there has been push back on some issues and usually with a reasonable expanation. Sometimes they disagree the behavior is wrong, sometimes it impacts other items and a fix would only make other behavior worse and sometimes it is something they want to fix, but is low on the priority list. And sometimes it is fixed in the first patch. No the game isn't perfect, and yes some forum responses can get heated, but to state that folks are afraid to post because of the response they might get belies the sheer number of posts about issues, perceived, real or imagined.
  12. Don't need any glasses and am still happy. The game has issues, after all it is a computer program. I work on phone systems which one would think are a lot less complex than what BFC is trying to do and constantly find oddities in behavior (Like Music on hold suddenly being active in certain scenarios despite the options clearly saying it should not be) my vendor then issues an MR to fix it. I don't scream and yell at my phone system or my vendor and insist it is completely unable to fulfill it's primary function. The difference is I don't let my frustrations on individual items make me lose sight of the product as a whole. It rocks. BFC is very responsive and the testers as well when we can supply actual data for them to review. My two PBEMs are working fine..well my recon unit might not think so, but I'm the one who sent them rushing over to that building... If folks feel it is completely unplayable and that bad, well I agree with Wodin. Stop playing it and leave those of us who enjoy it to keep playing it and keep working with BFC to make it better. Heck look at how many patches WiTE has had. A good game, still being worked on. Do I regret buying it, not in the least and it was more expensive. Folks can try and convince me as much as they want that the issues that CM has make it completely unplayable. Sorry, not buying into that. My urge to boot it up whenever I am in front of my PC is not fading.
  13. Admit it. you are a fanboy. It's your fault. You are not allowed to defend or even like a hopelessly flawed game. Until you realize you aren't actually enjoying the game, it is their responsibility to make sure you understand that and stop thinking you are having fun. Oh well, back to my two (yes two now, OMFG who the heck do I think I am? Don't I know that PBEM is now hopelessly flawed and unplayable as well!) PBEM games. My tank crews are really pissed too as after hearing all the hype about shooting TCs not being possible to hit I had two hit. What is even worse is in one the radio operator took over as TC, poked his head up, then he got hit! BFC fix it, my TCs are being shot too often!
  14. As a Wego player I take offense! Okay not really. As a Wego player I just see no alternative as I want to be able to review the action. If RT offered that I would probably be more open to playing that style. You didn't really just say that did you? Have fun explaining to Charles you just opened the topic of a CM of the entire Eastern front.... Gonna take a Cray to work that map.
  15. I actually do know how Germany could have one, but we can't reveal our plan can we Pinky? No Brain but gee, what do you want to do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!"
  16. Just tried Bois De Baugin in pbem mode veteran level. At end of German turn I got the reinforcement message that 120mm mtr have arrived. At end of US turn I got the 81mm and 75 mm reinforcement message for the German arty. Have a saved file if desired, but it is pretty straightforward to duplicate.
  17. Have noticed an item while trying out some tactics. In Bois de Baugin, when the German Artillery reinforcements come on, it is visible to the allied player in HTH hotseat. Have not tried to see if it also occurs in pbem or not. Am running in 1.01 and it is not a game saved from 1.00.
  18. I think he was referring to the theory Oswald shot kennedy on the USS Liberty as he was discovered planting WMDs. Or was it Col. Mustard in the library with the candlestick?
  19. there are quite a few locations, but here is a good one to start with http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=74
  20. Not to take this off on still another tangent, but on the gaming of "what if" discussions. One of the problems that I think will always frustrate me with strategic games like WiTE and WITP AE, even though I own both and really like them, is the key aspect of the war that we can't emulate is not working with the same info as the combatants did. WiTE is a classic example and I see once again appearing in discussion on their forum in many different ways is you can't refight Barbarossa and expect the same results simply because neither side is going to fight as their historical counterpart. The Germans know there are more forces coming once the border battles are won and the Russian winter is something you have to prepare for and the Russian player knows they are hopefully outclassed initially and therefore will not make the same errors Stavka did historically. The same holds true in 1940. There is no surprise for us that the Panzers come through the Ardennes and we already have a comparison of capabilities. I guess that is one of the reasons I really like CM scale, there is no preordained standard that I am fighting against. My chances of winning or losing are much more in my hands and not just based on trying to do just a little better than my historical countrpart.
  21. LOL yeah I was finally motivated enough to open the manual and look. Imagine that, expecting me to actually READ? Sheesh I was happily surprised to see there were a few additional items I was unaware of not necessarily where I would expect them, however I now have that manual info handy as I work on maps and am enjoying map making quite a bit more.
  22. How far are you thinking the Germans could have withdrawn from the coast? I just can't see that Germany had very many viable options in the West. Strategic issues had by this point determined operational capabilities to the detriment of the Wehrmacht. The Allies through Enigma generally had very good intelligence for large scale German maneuvers. The Bocage at least limited the Allies to fighting in ideal defensive terrain. Giving that up for an elastic defense just wasn't a better option for an Army which was actually the less mobile of the two and was essentially blind.
  23. Ahh but that loss of control is one of the reasons I play Wego. To some degree it allows me to pretend I am not the total God commander, more like the God commander who only gets to bother my pixeltruppen once every 60 seconds.
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