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Everything posted by sburke

  1. rotflmao! Really sad thing is I can totally relate. In one of my current PBEMs I have been pushing through some punishing artillery fire and have finally gotten a clear view past my opponents initial defense line. A couple of his guys are relocating to a better position (or are just running away) and my GIs were able to hit one on his way out. That one casualty gave me so much gratification and my opponent probably didn't even flinch over it.
  2. Von Kleist and I have launched into this monster with me on the American side for the first time. I am not reading any of the rest of the thread to avoid the spoilers, but I have to say. Nice Map! Looks like it is gonna be a b**ch to assault. I will try to compile an AAR for review, but some initial comments. My starting units are mostly locked into place, that isn't bad I don't mind a planned jump off point and Von Kleist and I can always edit the initial placement if we want to explore alternatives. What is a bit more difficult, but also appreciated is despite the briefing I am not exactly sure where the follow in forces will enter the map. What this creates for me on this initial play through is the feeling of a company commander who didn't get enough time for a full briefing. So I am pushing a probe forward but not sure if I will be fighting with my own company or as the lead in a full battalion assault. I have to say, I actually like it. FOW on my own side, how cool is that?! The map is big enough that this could have severe implications. I could push forward and be hanging out on a limb when I find the next company to join the assault is too far away on my left to give support. My opponent also has to keep that in mind as he can't commit too much force to counterattack and leave himself exposed on the other side. Last item - All other scenarios I have played have been about 60-70 turns. Resupply hasn't been much of an issue. With 3 hours and a big map, I think my opponent and I are going to find keeping ammo resupply up is going to be a bit more important. Thanks for all the effort, 15 minutes in and we are both really absorbed. Hard to believe one scenario is going to generate more play time than a lot of games I have passed through.
  3. I am actually finding the recon phase to be getting more and more interesting the more I play. Both my opponents are very patient and spend quite a bit of time trying to collect information prior to attacking. I am both learning how to conduct recon from their game play as well as how to try and counter it. Not sure what tactics various people are doing, but you don't have to concede your opponent the advantage in spotting simply because they are on the defense. Concealed approaches through cover and use of smoke can allow you to get closer before they have spotting opportunities on you. Judicious use of mortars and MGs can force some movement to enhance your spotting opportunites and at a minimum may force them to cower reducing their spotting capabilities. The game has a LOT of tools, your success is largely in learning how to integrate and use them. The tension of seeing who can win the recon battle has become for me a much more intense cat and mouse game than the battle once it is joined. I would certainly not characterize it as easy, but I seem to learn something new every game I play and can't wait for an opportunity to employ it. The other thing that can make a huge difference is the map itself and the environmental conditions. Just keep in mind trying to sneak up in and of itself isn't gonna cut it. You need to also disrupt your opponents plans and focus.
  4. Lest I forget - Bois de Baugin!!! Excellent map. good balance, differing objectives. A good time was had by all.
  5. It's a reference back to this thread - http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=100383&page=3
  6. That is where we intend to have our soiree to observe the panzers on maneuvers. Oh my, did you not get your invitation? I must really have a word with the help.
  7. He's just kicking himself for not having gone with Combat Mission Farmville.
  8. The guy yelling son of a b**ch in mord's voice mod. Caught me by surprise my first game playing the americans under artillery fire. I had to replay the turn I was laughing too hard.
  9. Just ran a test with 20+ bunkers. Was able to start with half set up in the bunker then ran folks in and out of the bunkers for several turns no problem. Will check terrain next and see if it is possible that an elevation issue is blocking their exit. Doesn't explain the destroyed one, but he's just plain weird.
  10. I am now over 4 minutes into waiting for this guy to be able to do something but he seems content to continue hanging out in the broken down shack that was once a bunker. Maybe he's just a redneck hillbilly and thinks the accomodations are just fine. My other team that hasn't been in any contact with the enemy has also gone a full turn now and not exited despite a dismount command. They have target, target arc, acquire, hide and pause as available commands now. None showed exiting as status during the turn and instead are spotting.
  11. I bow before you sir. I need to print all this and put it up on my dang wall once I start laying out buildings.
  12. I thought that was insanity...mmm maybe they are the same thing...
  13. I am trying another unit in the same game that has not been in any contact with the enemy. I was able to issue a dismount order and will see how long it takes to comply. How long have you waited on your unit so far?
  14. The game doesn't have that logic as that is a formation order- that would be your job. ;-D As to the specifics of individual tanks reacting under fire, I honestly don't have enough data to comment as I also use them different tactically. In those few instances I have actually set a CA for an armored vehicle it was because I wanted them to wait until an enemy vehicle was within a specified distance. Generally those situations have my AFV way back keyholed on a specific area and far removed from any other threats and with infantry to keep an eye on their rear and flanks. Most of my PBEMs have been with me on the defense so far. If I am going to expose a vehicle to other threat angles I usually only have a face command. AT guns on the other hand I have more difficulty managing. I don't care if an AFV opens up on infantry, I can always relocate. An ATG that gives up it's position though better hit something good as odds are it won't last very much longer.
  15. I don't use the FO for spotting. His job is to call artillery. I try to keep my FOs back where they have as much a view of the entire battlefield as possible or at least the areas they need to spot rounds and not too close to anyone else who might call in unwanted enemy fire. I hope to keep my FOs unrattled, safe and secure as much as I can as they aren't doing me any good if they aren't prepared to call in arty when I need it. I leave the spotting to my platoon HQs etc. My infantry need to know where the enemy is and the pltn HQs have binoculars etc. I haven't found keeping infantry covered arcs to be that much of a detriment for spotting and I use them extensively to keep my infantry from firing until the enemy is close enough for the fire to be more effective. Hiding on the other hand can really impact you as they have their nose to the dirt and are fairly blind.
  16. I use a 360 degree short spotting arc. It has worked for me no problem. My FO only needs to see the terrain not specific units.
  17. You missed my engineers sneaking in and changing all the locks. How long did you wait from dismount command? I need to go try exiting from one that hasn't been involved in anything in my other PBEM. I honestly have not had bunkers in any other game yet so my experience threshold with them is nil.
  18. Check out the resume of their President. http://globaldownlink.com/Management%20Bios.html
  19. No he is wearing boxers not briefs. Comfortable fit. Now he had gone to merely cautious, but still unable to do anything other than ponder the great mysteries of life - If nothing sticks to teflon, how does teflon stick to the pan?
  20. Interesting, I hope that is the case. I don't seem to have much choice about waiting, but I do hang onto my turn files so if it doesn't sort itself out I can turn it over to our coding warriors.
  21. I can agree with almost everything there, but one. I still prefer the Western Front. Airborne operations that succeed are one thing you won't get much of on the Eastern Front.
  22. Sadly Google has ruined all trivia contests.
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