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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Man I am so sorry Ian, I meant to flame you but got side tracked. I really didn't mean to make you feel left out. Please forgive me and I promise to flame you at the next opportunity.
  2. I think it is required behavior to be considered cool.
  3. Amazing find! Look at the identification card for types of warheads! What kind of diabolical weapons were they planning to deploy?! Difficult to believe, but the evidence is overwhelming! This all but incomprehensible story, as seen here in the gas station restroom off Hwy 280, really became a big deal when Yeknodathon burst onto the scene with his seminal research on this forum so utterly devastating to the Standard Model of History that after reading it, I have been in a veritable daze for 10 minutes! At a stroke, everything I thought I knew (via reading and um make believe), had been taught (in Grades 1-5 (I dropped out) and a remedial course in prison), or even read in comic books during my former career as a window washer for Dewey, Fleecum and Howe, went not only straight out the window (freshly washed), but clear off the planet!
  4. rotflmao, maybe this thread should have been titled "what is Mord up to?" Get that PC fixed up, I think we are gonna need a whole new portrait set soon
  5. Please I beg of you most humbly, dispense your wizardry at making maps!!! Don't leave us in the gnarled hands of those who only think they know how to make maps!! Dazzle us with your skill and brilliance, we are craving to see to what heights you can take us!!
  6. See this is the difference between true research by professionals with access to a network of sympathizers in the intelligence community and amateurs. As I noted in my recent book "The PLA and it's participation in the intergalactic hummingbird shaped alien wars" the PLA had set up their first military coordination outpost with the fish people and the Venus flytrap brigade on Mars. The graffitti as you called it was secret Chinese code for "Goldfish bowl", the commandant's coach of the fish people. Unfortunately the Chinese had not noted how long the Fish people's message had been in transit. In the intervening period Mars had become a desiccated wasteland. The PLA arrived only to find the Fish people delegation flopping around. My sources tell me that the scene in Total Recall where Arnold's face is ballooning is actually a message to the Fish people informing them of the fate of their delegation.
  7. Okay, I was having an "oh my god not another uber weapon issue" moment. I'll get over it. The issue of buddy aid is players want it to be way too specific and not include in that the possibility that the aforementioned weapon might be out of ammo, damaged etc. What it comes down to IMHO is CM is a game where you don't so much command a unit to do anything as create the conditions for it to do something. What I mean by that is you don't click a unit, tell it to do action X and then it just goes and does it. It is a lot more involved than that. Spotting has a huge impact. The TAC AI might change unit decisions etc. Loose plans in my experience tend to work better than trying tightly scripted plans. When it gets down to the level of buddy aid, I can certainly see guys picking up the MG or AT weapon, those were uniform decisions based on the need of the squad to have more firepower. The individual small arms however are too prone to variable conditions. What is the terrain like, does it make sense to pick up an automatic, how much ammo do I have? That level of decision making is I think too much to expect. That is an individual's decision, not a squad's decision per se. BF may disagree and intend to have that level of decision making eventually, but I won't miss it if they don't.
  8. I have to reveal something friends so shocking I am still trying to assimilate it. Recently my secret sources have found materials so deeply classified that they didn't exist. However now that they have been declassified into existence it has left my deeply embedded contacts in the intelligence community speechless. They had to handwrite their messages to me with all the potential for exposure that entails. Yet the risk was worth taking!!! And now only you will know the truth! The super occult Nazi scientists working on the Speiseeiskampfwagen found that the energy required to cool the device on Earth was much too inefficient. It also risked compromising the project having it so close to the enemy. The Allies were only several hundred miles away! The solution, move development and production to the dark side of the moon!!! Yes shocking isn't it, but here we have proof! A recently uncovered speech reprinted in an amazing explosive expose of Nazi technological development by me is quoted in part as follows: All you create All you destroy All that you do All that you say. All that you eat And everyone you meet All that you slight And everyone you fight. All that is now All that is gone All that's to come and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon. fair use This clearly indicates the fiendish plan by the Nazis to hide their project in a place unreachable by allied intelligence. Not only that there is something even more shocking!! The Nazis not only had designs on Earth, they had also uncovered evidence that indicated their new weapon would enable them to launch a galactic expansion!! http://www.aliensloveicecream.com/index.php/site/color_high_ufo_rainbow_page_me_ufo/ fair use Here we see the Secret SS training ground to combat extraterrestrials http://www.flickr.com/photos/shima_shima_da/8483462029/in/pool-ufocatcher fair use And even more, the uniforms of the new cadre http://www.flickr.com/photos/jpellgen/5331216619/in/pool-ufocatcher The sheer diabolical nature of this plan makes me shudder at it's implications for life as we know it!
  9. the crew all cover their eyes. The theory being I can't see you, you can't see me.
  10. This? http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110856
  11. geez dude really? Six posts in 11 days going from a great product to now I won't buy anything anymore? Did you not refill some prescription or something? Even if BF was listening to you (which I'd almost guarantee they won't now), what did you expect them to do in 11 days? And wtf is it with you German weapons dudes? Brit Paras can't pick up Stens either which are killer weapons in close combat yet I don't hear anyone freaking out threatening to never buy the product. JFC I am about sick of German uber weapon nuts.
  12. I don't use smoke near enough and I think about it a lot. heh heh Usually I am thinking about it afterwards and saying to myself - you idiot why didn't you use smoke. The primary function for me is to hide movement. Not that the enemy doesn't know I am moving, but at least they aren't shooting at me. I don't necessarily use it to attack, that is to iffy a proposition. Running into smoke is just a coin toss as to who will see who first. It is a great way to get past a killer defensive position so now the enemy starts feeling that maybe staying put isn't such a great idea. Assuming you aren't playing the AI.
  13. Personally, I don't think it matters what CMFI has or not. In your situation I wouldn't buy any new games. I wouldn't feel right about giving you any other advice regardless of the game.
  14. Little known fact- Mr Whippy was Eva's pet name for the Fuehrer. Also Margaret Thatcher was their love child hence her involvement in "Mr Whippy" http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/reality-check/2013/apr/17/margaret-thatcher-team-mr-whippy. It's on the internet so it has to be true.
  15. I only have one question. Is the jingle jangle the forerunner of "more cowbell"? Is "more cowbell" Nazi code for "we gotta nuke this place"? Okay two questions.
  16. actually after a couple of those drinks it comes out more like "practish"
  17. When I was young we only had 3 fingers to work with and we LIKED it!!!
  18. Hold on a moment there. As I understand it shortly hereafter one of those Tigers bogged, two ran out of fuel and a fourth threw a track. All 4 had to be abandoned so ..oh wait Jack Ration and I won!!!
  19. Set the date to May 1944 and select British Airborne teams. Select the pack Howitzer section , that will get you a map deployable 75 mm piece. Then set the date back to whatever you want. (you need to have a formation already selected to assign it to.)
  20. wow, note the civilian in apron they have convinced to move the vehicle, so the stories are true!
  21. Unfortunately JK as you had admitted on July 11th (of this year) that you are working for the Rothschild Vampire Kings (albeit unpaid) anything you say is suspect. Now granted from what you say they can hold Earth in their hands, but yet their ships are only 2.3 times the size of the earth. Hey wait a minute..they can hold the earth in their hands and yet their ships are only 2.3 x Earth's size. So the Vampire Kings drive around in space ships like clowns at the Circus? I wonder if they use the SS Jingle Jangle Ice Cream bells? And they can stick Earth in their cargo bay and not think twice? Since when does the cargo bay of a ship occupy 43% of it's space? Answer - when it is a super secret Nazi Atomic Bomb delivery Opal.
  22. Ya see son, here is the problem with your theory. If Steve and Charles make too much too quickly they might simply retire. No our job is to always dangle the carrot in front of their noses... just a few more releases and maybe you can retire... but never let them reach it.
  23. And then we have a more reputable source. Rick Atkinson in The Guns at Last Light notes on the American intelligence units sent with instructions from Oppenheimer to check the University of Strasbourg. Discoveries in Paris and the Philips factory in Eindhoven had pointed to it as a primary research center. LG Leslie Groves Jr, director of the Manhattan project wrote SHAEF - that Germans were far behind US in their Atomic program. "Despite the Y program's supposedly high priority, captured documents showed the German scientists had been forced to file a "certificate of urgency" for permission to buy "two slide rules for carrying out a project of military importance." Colonel Boris T Pash, the ALSOS commander reported "the Nazis had not progressed to atomic development as far as our own project had in early 1941. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsos_Mission The Alsos Mission also uncovered documents in von Haagen's office, where the Alsos Mission established its headquarters, concerning secret medical experiments at Natzweiler concentration camp.[58] Importantly, the captured documents indicated that the Germans had been unable to develop a practical process for uranium enrichment. For the first time the Alsos Mission was able to categorically report that the Germans did not have nuclear weapons, and would not have them for some time.[59] So we can believe the head of the ALSOS program who knew exactly the status of the Manhattan project and had all the pertinent info on the Status of Germany's efforts... or some guy who wrote a book that stunned JK for 2 weeks..... hmm tough call, I'll have to think about this. Geeze, what to think...tap tap tap tap darn. This guy Joseph Patrick Farrell is an American theologian, scholar on the East–West Schism and the author of a number of books on alternative history, history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics. or this guy Lieutenant General Leslie Richard Groves, Jr. (17 August 1896 – 13 July 1970) was a United States Army Corps of Engineers officer who oversaw the construction of the Pentagon and directed the Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb during World War II. As the son of a United States Army chaplain, Groves lived at a number of Army posts during his childhood. He graduated fourth in his class at the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1918 and was commissioned into the US Army Corps of Engineers. In 1929, he went to Nicaragua as part of an expedition whose purpose was to conduct a survey for the Inter-Oceanic Nicaragua Canal. Following the 1931 Nicaragua earthquake, Groves took over responsibility for Managua's water supply system, for which he was awarded the Nicaraguan Presidential Medal of Merit. He attended the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1935 and 1936, and the Army War College in 1938 and 1939, after which he was posted to the War Department General Staff. In 1940 Groves, who "had a reputation as a doer, a driver, and a stickler for duty",[1] became special assistant for construction to the Quartermaster General, tasked with inspecting construction sites and checking on their progress. In August 1941, he was given responsibility for the gigantic office complex to house the War Department's 40,000 staff which would ultimately become the Pentagon. In September 1942, Groves took charge of the Manhattan Project. He was involved in most aspects of the atomic bomb's development. He participated in the selection of sites for research and production at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Los Alamos, New Mexico; and Hanford, Washington. He directed the enormous construction effort, made critical decisions on the various methods of isotope separation, acquired raw materials, directed the collection of military intelligence on the German nuclear energy project and helped select the cities in Japan that were chosen as targets. Groves wrapped the Manhattan Project in security but failed to prevent the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from conducting a successful espionage program that stole some of its most important secrets. After the war, Groves remained in charge of the Manhattan Project until responsibility for nuclear weapons production was handed over to the United States Atomic Energy Commission in 1947. He then headed the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, which had been created to control the military aspects of nuclear weapons. Groves realized that in the rapidly shrinking postwar military he would not be given any assignment approaching in importance the one he had held in the Manhattan Project, and he decided to leave the Army in 1948. He was promoted to lieutenant general just before his retirement on 29 February 1948 in recognition of his leadership of the bomb program. By a special Act of Congress, his date of rank was backdated to 16 July 1945, the date of the Trinity nuclear test. Groves went on to become a vice-president at Sperry Rand. Okay I guess there is no real choice. Let's go with the wacky theologian! Jingle Jangle Jingle Jangle More Ice Cream!!!
  24. .rar is just another form of archiver like zip. Why are you thinking you have to pay $30? Everything in the repository is free. This will handle them and it is free. http://7-zip.org/
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