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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I'll have to look. Honestly I have tinkered very little with urban landscapes in CMBN. I started to with MG, but haven't gotten too far yet. The indie buildings in CMFI are just more appealing to me. I'd love to try out that mod. I tend to use a lot more of the junk debris than I'd like. If the ground terrain could give the distinct feel of rubble it would save a lot of effort. I also really like that look of a collapsed wall in yours. I have tried getting the look of removing the facing of a building and elevating the adjacent tile, but it doesn't quite do it.
  2. You could also just mod boulder terrain to achieve that effect. I think this is probably an excellent idea. Adding new terrain types involves the UI and BF always hesitates on that. Mud, boulders etc are all viable options if we can mod them to have the effects match the desired look. I would probably prefer using mud as I think the ideas would be they can try to move through but may bog.
  3. You wouldn't have been named Pugsley at birth would you? Sheldon maybe? Stewie Griffin? Okay I will honor your request to leave now but not because there is even a single iota of seriousness here. I just can't reveal what I know as you do not have the proper CLAO (Clearance Level Above Obama). Have fun people, the crazy train is leaving the station.
  4. I think I'd have enjoyed it more over a beer than on a forum like this. To easy to be mis-interpreted in what you say and more prone to react too quickly. Also harder to express a more complicated idea. Having a beer while responding on the forum doesn't quite work either.
  5. The sad part is that Pilot will return to base claiming he killed 3 Hetzers.
  6. Action sequences Nice Shrek ambush location
  7. This is an expanded map and I have another that is 1x1 km that is almost complete. These maps tend to be less heavily rubbled and have more experimentation with different types of urban terrain. An industrial park, University campus, built up tenement areas etc. This is the portion from the original map
  8. Nice work Rockin Harry. I may have to talk to you about some of those mods. Here is the original Venafro as included in GL. It is a fairly small map and is heavily demolished. Historically Venafro had been hit by a bomber raid intended for Cassino and the town center was smashed causing numerous civilian casualties. There is a memorial ceremony there every year in remembrance. This was an item I really liked. A wall with a poster on it that I accidentally placed too deep. While wondering how to remove it I set the wall to damaged and Voila! I got a torn poster.
  9. Thanks, I hope to be able to do more with it at some point though I need some practice on triggers. Consider it a practice run for eventually doing Stalingrad.
  10. Sorry, if you are referring to my post, it was not meant to imply stupidity. I just don't (or at least haven't) used my mortar teams in a manner that would lead me to wonder how to use them like that. I tend to either have them using the mortar or doing buddy aid for the guys left behind as my rifle teams advance.
  11. Just so you know, that map was begun more or less as an experiment to see just how close in CM one could recreate a dense heavily damaged urban environment. Some of the building "ruins" are simply elevation differences with some walls and flavor items. Others are actual ruined buildings. Walls seem to have a particular effect in CM of closing off what would otherwise appear to be valid movement options. In particular walls and buildings are a tough mix. Long movement options in Venafro and sometimes even short movement orders can end up as you found to be deadly. For the most part, movement within buildings should be fine. I was even able in some locations to have units exit a building through a destroyed wall into an adjoining elevated tile giving a pretty good impression of them climbing out of the rubble of one building and over the rubble of another. For me, part of acclimating to the effects is trying to visualize what the terrain would be like. Piles of rubble may be loose, walls are structurally weak etc Net result is my pixeltruppen are basing their routes on actual conditions versus appearances. Yeah I know that doesn't help planning movement, but it is how I handled the discrepancies. I spend a lot of time tinkering on an expanded version of that map and have become used to what to expect where. The Town center in particular is a deliberate mess. Advancing through it is difficult and tends to lead to your troops suddenly becoming exposed to enemy fire in less than ideal conditions. Once CMFI gets upgraded to version 3, I hope to revisit it with a slightly larger force mix and armor. It was created prior to the tweaks BF added to allow use of AT weapons from buildings. The suggestions from others, smoke, scouts etc are all really good ones, and if it makes you feel any better, the AI has a far worse time on that map.
  12. Imposter! I am the last King of Scotland! While John is close to the truth, he doesn't know there are actually 32 levels of clearance above Obama. John has not been granted clearance for that info. The truth is there has been movement spotted at the Ukrainian/Polish border. This represents a dangerous escalation threatening the very existence of human kind. Yes, your worst suspicions are true - it has been verified. This vehicle crossed the border in the early hours of the morning. For full details see http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110856&page=7 Please remain calm.
  13. LOL okay I give. Why would you want to do that? I am trying hard to think of a scenario where I already wasn't completely hosed where I would want my mortar team to be using small arms rather than getting their a**es out of the line of fire. In answer, the only way I can think of is maybe forcing them to not be deployed.
  14. From the manual: 1. Top Navigation/Info Bar - the info bar at the top of the screen provides information about friendly and enemy units located within the viewing area, even if the units are hidden or obscured by an obstacle. Clicking on one of the triangle-shaped icons instantly switches the player to that unit.
  15. np glad it worked, turn out that this had been noted in 1.11
  16. that looks to only be a mod for the UI, shouldn't affect the 3 d models. I'd suggest upgrading to 1.12 just in case the model is borked in 1.11 and remove you mod folder just to make sure what you see in the generic game.
  17. LOL they are taking a break and one is doing repairs. Will take a look and turn it in. Hmm, I can't duplicate this. I've got a dozen of these running around firing and moving in different modes. Nothing even close to your shot. Do you have any mods loaded for this? What version of CMFI do you have?
  18. I'll give you this, you are good at dodging. Have a nice day.
  19. I suspect I have read far more than you on US colonialism and history. Why the hell you think I did time? You can attempt to color my position on US politics, but the reality is I spent more than a bit of my youth in opposition to US policies in the Middle East amongst other places. I do not however allow one set of propaganda to replace another. I suggest you go a little further back in history if you really want to see the development of US positions in the Middle East. It begins with Standard Oil way back further than what you are reading. I noticed you actually did not answer my question but instead side stepped it. That tells me two things. One - you are not interested in having an honest discussion. You are only interested in pushing your viewpoint. Secondly it tells me you are pushing the propaganda line of another power and I can pretty much guess which one now. No wonder you don't want to own up to it. It would severely undermine all this BS. Not that it has a leg to stand on now.
  20. The last part of Glantz's series on Stalingrad just went up for pre order http://www.amazon.com/dp/0700619550/ref=dra_a_roS_mr_ho_it_C1250_1000?tag=displayrec-20
  21. Maybe a Philly thing. They always played well at the Spectrum.
  22. So Ashez, where are you from that is so free of having ever done anything to wrong anyone that you can feel justified in suggesting 9/11 was somehow a thing America brought on itself? Shangri-La?
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