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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Drones crash. They used to leave uber size holes in the ground, but I think that has changed. Question. How do you reach the conclusion that few people are playing?
  2. Hah what gave it away? Couldn't have been the avatar could it? .
  3. Was that monkey a chimpanzee named Caesar by any chance?
  4. LOL maybe..... But then if she is that big I don't think it matters if she wears heels.
  5. and my main point is, regardless of whether you agree the changes are that significant or not, CMSF is still a really good game/deal.
  6. Your words. I gave you one example of tactical behavior in the target briefly command. What I and some others have tried to tell you is that there have been so many additions that trying to compile a list is just not going to give a holistic view. Some times you see the release notes mentioning changes, but even those can be vague on impact till you actually try it. Hell even CMBN feels very different that when it was first released. Personally I would recommend buying CMSF which seems to be more your question than whether there are changes or not. I have no idea when BF will get around to updating CMSF and how they will handle it. In the meantime it is a unique environment with a lot of content. Buy it, enjoy it and then let us know how you feel the differences show up in game. I don't think you'll be disappointed in the purchase, but you will find yourself adjusting behavior for sure.
  7. Well we all make choices in what is value or not. I think your characterization is unfair and I actually have gotten to see some of the amount of back end work CMFB required. Only you can decide however if the end product is worth it or not to you. Keep in mind that one thing you usually pay for in a new family is the effort to upgrade the engine (for example CMRT introduced the idea of tank riders - CMFB benefited from the TAC AI behavior ironed out in CMRT, but recoding the vehicles to include that was all extra work) CMFI introduced version 2 which was then back ported to CMBN. etc. This seems to get lost in a lot of the discussions about the "value add of a family". The benefits of that work typically go back to the other games in patches that are free or if significant enough in Upgrades that are relatively inexpensive. BF has not raised the price of a game family in 9 years. Still it is your money and your choice. Just ask yourself though if BF potentially going out of business is a good trade off.
  8. Umm I think you need to actually try it before making any assumptions. Personally CMSF is probably my favorite CMx2 game, but so much has changed since that it can sometimes be difficult to play. Just as one example, target briefly can make a huge difference in tactical behavior. Yes CMSF is a CMx2 game and the basics are all there. Animations are little changed, not much bang for the buck there in programming time. The TAC AI has changed though, sometimes subtly and sometimes in major ways. You seem to already be drawing conclusions without actually having experienced game play and then make the leap to calling BF essentially dishonest. If you are going to make characterizations like that you at least owe it to them to find out if in fact they are correct and not just assume from some light reading. A youtube video is not going to give you a feel for improvements in TAC AI. The announcement by BF that they want to bring CMSF up to date was one of the best news moments from them yet in my view.
  9. Kraze is correct, but it can still be a little confusing. There are basically 3 things to consider CMx2 is the overall engine for all games since (and including) CMSF. The 1:1 representation, relative spotting etc being the foundation of the game engine compared to CMx1 games. Then there are the game engine updates. You can see that info in the launch screen lower right had corner. Engine 3.0 That is relatively new and was added to clarify regardless which game you were playing that it was in the current CMx2 engine. Finally (and this is where 90% of the confusion has always been) there is the actual game version. Every game starts at 1.0 regardless of the engine version. CMBN for example is 3.12. That is a CMx2 game using engine version 3 and the 3.12 patched release of that particular game (CMBN started the post CMSF games so it started with engine version 1 and has it's version number updated as the engine was updated so it coincidentally is v3.12) CMFI was the next game released and is currently patched to 1.02 (CMFI 1.0 in CMBN was version 2). CMFI is the one game that has not gotten quite updated to the standard and you can see in the launch screen it has no mention of the engine version. I assume that will likely change when CM releases the next module. CMRT currently patched to 1.03. CMBS currently patched to v1.04 CMFB patched version 1.02
  10. Sounds like the writer has an axe to grind about liberal California. Don't worry we are used to it. Wasn't one of the slogans of the republicans 4 years ago something about California values? Well I have lived here for over 20 years now and I can tell you that article is funny but bears only a cursory resemblance to reality. No it isn't (and was never) the land of milk and honey, but I have considered moving elsewhere in retirement and am having a real issue deciding where that would be. I love it here and it isn't just the weather. I live on a street where my neighbors all get along and socialize a lot. We camp together, have a locally famous July 4th street closing party open to anyone who wants to come. We had a blackout in the summer and everyone poured out to the street and hung in my next door neighbors yard, broke out the wine and had a nice time. I have two teachers on my street, a principal, a retired NFL player (long retired) and a home inspector etc so mostly not high flying techies or venture capitalists Yes housing prices (and rents) are ridiculous. How the writer interprets that as a failing economy is beyond me. Our problem is the tech sector is booming. Apple has the new spaceship hq going up, google is expanding etc etc. that brings in money and demand for housing. I bought my house 7 years ago and it is probably up 50% in value (and it will be paid off in 5 years so much for burying myself in a mountain of debt). Also keep in mind California is huge and most of the state is not LA and the Bay Area so housing figures they showed are not for the state, those are specific urban areas. Go to Humboldt and $450k will buy a 4bd, 3 bath house i am a philly boy born and bred, but I could never move back there. I'll just have to visit every now and then for cheesesteaks and hoagies.
  11. I tried, this is what I get "I am sorry but the number you have called has been disconnected, please check your number and try again or better yet forget you ever tried to connect to these blighters, nincompoops and other unsavory characters". Dunno but I just saw an article about some self proclaimed goddess shooting off guns in a wedding there and she managed to take out the groom's aunt. I expect sales to go up I don't know if she prefers Trident, Wrigley's or double bubble http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-38013000
  12. I think Aragorn2002's point is more what you see is what you might not get . For example yes the buildings "look" great, but that is partly becasuse you can't enter them. Any considerations that CM has to address are not there. Essentially those "building ruins" are just pretty walls with no substance. Be careful what you wish for. I agree it it would be nice if CM had the look and playability options. Just important though to keep one's expectations grounded.
  13. John, I strongly suggest you change direction. I think you know already how well those sources will be received here. Just a suggestion.
  14. I think he was around here before Steve and Charles were born. Word is there is a pic somewhere of him fuming because the Internet was taking too long to develop so he could sign on to a battlefront forum. The issue at the time was copper wire had not yet been invented And no, BF does not do Christmas sales. They are Santa hating, atheistic, elf slandering capitalists. ..or sumfink. An SSD sale is not out of the question. I just picked up a 500gb SSD and was surprised at how much the price has come down.
  15. Hey, i don't know what you are trying to insinuate, but don't look at me when you say that!
  16. Sorry to hear that cool breeze. I suspect we voted probably totally different directions, but that is the whole point of voting. We the people have a say in our gov't and that means all sides have a say. Anyway back to the thread topic, just wanted to say a s a fellow San Jose resident, we have to get past this either/or mentality. Sorry to hear what you have gone through.
  17. Agree with what everyone else says. In addition you will learn through experience things that weren't obvious when you started paying attention to who has smoke grenades and how to get the best out of them, how to maximize your spotting chances, getting a better handle on how to use artillery etc etc. this game has a huge amount of depth and you never stop learning.
  18. Hell they likely won't read it anyway, just throw together some buzz words toss in a few charts etc. they will thank you for your excellent work as they are ignoring it during that cat video they were dying to watch.
  19. I never quite understand why folks ask this question. What are you hoping for in an answer? There is more content in the additional modules and packs for CMBN, but you know that already. It really comes down to which period/theater interests you. Are you at all interested in modern, do you prefer east front over west front, would you be interested in 1943 period gear? Narrow down what tweaks your interest and you'll likely answer this yourself. Note they will all get the same engine upgrades so you needn't factor that in. One conclusion I might draw just on what little info you gave is that you don't actually have much time. That is purely based on the time since your past purchase. Based on that I'd say fill out the CMBN game, more bang for your buck and you aren't bouncing around in which title to play given limited gaming time. There is plenty of diversity of units in the full CMBN game lots of material, plenty of mods, great maps etc
  20. Ha looks like you'll have to get to work. Hofen is not on the master map list. The list is Aachen, Chaumont, Lutrebois, Marnach, Meijel, Monschau, Noville (including a snow version), St Vith North, Stavelot, Stoumont and the Twin Villages. And that is just the master maps.
  21. I think them calling it that comes from the book "The Forgotten War", but yeah I have a couple books including this one - a really good small unit view that the PBS special lacked. https://www.amazon.com/Last-Stand-Fox-Company-Marines-ebook/dp/B008V43OBO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1478140432&sr=8-1&keywords=fox+company+korea This is the company that held that one shoulder for the retreat on it's own for 4 days. It also goes a little more into the conditions for the Chinese troops who suffered horrendously in the battle. Where I think the PBS special shined was in discussing the larger impact the battle had on the US view of the cold war, the decision to create a full standing army and to move to direct confrontation with any perceived advances by the communist threat.
  22. I saw that headline and cringed at what her parents went through. "Yep that's our little girl.. that we are using our retirement money to send to college.. sigh. . . . F*ck it, we are spending the rest on a vacation somewhere far away".
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