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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. I'll quote my post from 1C forum: Their fire trajectories are rather shallow on distances achievable on game maps (in reality they were used to fire at least at several kilometers distances most of the time), however, you still can use them in indirect fire role if landscape permits. Select a unit, make sure that HE round is loaded, then click the 'attack ground' button and move mouse cursor over the map to find where it can fire. If target symbol near mouse cursor lits up, it means that the SPG can hit this spot from it's current position (LOS is not required, but aiming error is much more significant in this case). Right-click on this spot to order your SPG to fire indirectly.
  2. If you have Hamachi set up correctly, just create a LAN server and your friends will be able to join you (if they are in the same Hamachi virtual network).
  3. I think you need to copy and rename the folder containing special generator files for a base map (placeholders for units for example), so in addition to Generator\<base map folder> a new one called Generator\<modified map folder> should be created with the same contents. The new map itself should be located in maps folder.
  4. Unfortunately, no, you must select Veteran difficulty level (it's not very hard compared to Regular anyway).
  5. All resources included in the game are usable in Simple editor, so you can, for example, create a scenario where British and Soviet forces slug it out near Cheux.
  6. This file is located inside data.sfs, you'll need unofficial sfs extractor to, well, extract it:)
  7. If you modify anything related to MP (unit costs, MP missions) and host an MP game you should give modified files to clients as well. Tons of stuff were added to MP since ToW1, so old method of having modified files only at hoster side may not work anymore (i guess it is a side-effect of anti-cheat checks). In ToW1 you could set price for a Tiger to, say, 1 point and connect to host who has normal prices.
  8. Client and server must have the same mod installed, same prices in MP mission, same unit costs. Then everything should work OK.
  9. Thanks for the tips. 1) AFAIK mechanized inf. section consisted of 8 men like you say, while 'ordinary' inf. section consisted of ten (section commander, section 2IC, machinegunner, MG assistant and six riflemen). If i remember right, both are in the game. 2) Unfortunately, this isn't possible in current engine to have two- or more men manning a weapon and being part of a squad simultaneously. For example, AT rifles were a two-men weapon as well. 3) Ok, i've corrected it. New patch for Africa is unlikely, but there may be another title incoming with Brens around 4) Currently MG assistant carries 10 rounds. We could give others a couple of magazines as well, but this would lead to unnessesary complications (micro-managing each squad member to give magazines to the gunner, in addition, this would result in other infantrymen, for example truck drivers, also to have Bren magazines). BTW, in Kursk you should position MG assistant close to the gunner and he will hand him magazines automatically, i don't remember whether this works in Africa. 5) I made the corrections that were possible, removed American names and added some of yours (some were already in). Unfortunately, game doesn't distingiush between squaddies and officers in terms of names, so you may end up with squaddies having posh names anyway:) I used full names (Richard instead of Dick, for example) because Colonel Dick Something would sound strange i think.
  10. Sorry, i thought you've meant ToW1 because you mentioned green dots;)
  11. ~Viajero, he speaks about the Kursk, and you about the ToW1:) It's a bit different in Kursk. 'Smoke' command works like this (fire once, then cancel) to conserve smoke ammo. If you want to unit to fire smoke rounds repeatedly, give it the 'ground attack' insted of 'smoke' order and choose the smoke ammunition (but keep in mind that it will begin to fire HE rounds after spending all Smoke ones, which may be a nasty surprise for an infantry squad that will recieve a friendly fire HE round after a smoke cover). In Kursk, this can also happen in a problematic case if LOF barely makes it over obstacles, for example. Before each shot AI calculates the trajectory and may end in a 'no LOF' situation due to aiming error. This is also possible if you target an area - unit fires a shot, picks another random point in this area, tries to calculate trajectory and possibly fails if it can't hit this point from its current position.
  12. Give it a "ground attack" order (target the place where the AT gun is). If your tank keeps canceling the order, it can't target this place (obstruction of LOS or LOF).
  13. The mission will be really easy to create using the mission generator. It allows you to choose map, select units, supports, place units for both sides on the map, etc. However, mission will end when one side almost eliminates the other. To make victory conditions more specific, you'll need to tune it a little in editor (add a trigger for special win condition using script language). Script language supported by the game is actually very powerful and lets you to program any scenario. However, this also means that it has many commands and it may be tricky to learn it at first (this is not needed if you're creating simple engagements).
  14. I don't know what this MP mod changed... do you or your friend have 'data' folder in the game folder? If yes, there is a mod installed that changes a lot (for example, adds new units). Or it can be so that this MP scenario simply has units you both don't have (for example, units from JSH mod). I think these two versions actually differ (your Kalypso patched one and the Steam one). There is a special file called filesid.ini packed in data.sfs where all resources are listed; if this file differs between MP server and client, such kind of errors will occur. For example, a server tells client to load a resource #534, say, wooden fence, and client loads resource #534 (only resource number is being transferred), but in his game version its a German machinegunner, so game goes crazy You can try this: ask your friend for his data.sfs file, backup yours and place his file in your game folder (i assume you has an English Kalypso version installed). He should also be a server to avoid possible problems with MP mod installed on your machine. If he has a clean Steam version, this should help.
  15. Looks like resources in one of the game installations are completely messed up (game tries to load resources that do not exist because the specified path to them is wrong). To play MP, two games must have exact resources. Did you or your friend have any mod installed? If yes, both of you must have exact version of it installed properly.
  16. I would add that on Easy setting your unit projectiles have a bonus to their penetration ability.
  17. IMO difficulty setting ranges from almost impossible to adequate: Polish, Strategic Breakthrough, Battle of Moscow, Russian, German, Allied, Panzer Lehr and Belorussia. Dunno about the French one, i've played it long ago. Difficulty setting affects only bonuses to your or enemy accuracy and penetration ability: on Novice setting you'll face the same number of enemy troops.
  18. Well, here enemy just overruns you - with such superiority tactics are optional:)
  19. I've played the first Polish mission not long ago, took 3 75mm, a couple of infantry squads and a light AT gun. Position your precious 75mm guns in 'hull-down' position, ideally behind a bush - this way they likely won't be seen until they open fire. Assign best gunners to them and hold fire until enemy armor comes closer (but not too close of course) to not waste ammo. And don't forget to save from time to time:)
  20. Unfortunately, no. There was a couple of pretty good AARs on Spanish site, author took screenshots on the fly i think.
  21. I've tried to win the last Polish scenario a couple of weeks ago and failed, so take it easy
  22. In addition to bundles, each one of them has smoke grenade(s). If i remember right, they also have quite high scouting skill, which is a primary parameter for successfull spotting and defusing mines.
  23. If you want to choose enemy units too, try the Simple Editor. Using it you can select units for you and enemy, select map, place units on it, etc.
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