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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Maybe three grenade slots of your soldier (in the weapons list) were already occupied by grenades of other types? If one soldier have more than three types of grenades, excess ones are not visible in weapons list and cannot be thrown. You can open soldier inventory and drag&drop the needed grenade from the backpack to one of the grenade slots (it will replace the old grenade).
  2. Yep, we found and fixed it. Thanks for info anyway!
  3. For example, in first German mission in ToW2 the only way to take village without your own infantry is to collapse every building with gun fire - tedious, time consuming and rarely possible (ammo). And just moving your tanks inside the village will result in AT grenade or bazooka round flying from nowhere:) Novice infantry may panic, though, and make your task far less challenging.
  4. - Entering vehicle and moving are different commands, stacking different commands is not yet implemented. We'll try to make entering a building or trench stackable asap - Strange, i just ordered soldier to throw many smoke grenades, no problem. Are you sure the grenade you picked up was smoke one? For example, German smoke grenade looks like frag one. - Keyboard shortcuts for aiming were implemented after the demo release
  5. http://italie1935-45.com/RE/photoscopes/photoscopeobice75-18.html http://italie1935-45.com/RE/photoscopes/photoscopecannone75-32.html Modeler asks for their side views or schemes. If you have such data, please share:)
  6. For ToW 2-cores are better because they offer higher clock speed than 4-cores for same money.
  7. Whoa:) I'll suggest 2-core Intel CPU with highest clock speed available (like core 2 duo 8400 - 8600). I mean, clock speed is much more important for ToW than number of cores (but there should be at least 2 cores). Of course, your other games may have different needs.
  8. We changed grenade throwing behavior somewhat, this shouldn't happen anymore (in the release). Range listed is maximal one, even a 100% skilled sniper will have 2 meters aiming error in 80% shots and 10 meters error in other 20% shots at 2000m (K98k).
  9. This one should do http://dlh.net/cgi-bin/dlp.cgi?lang=eng&sys=pc&file=tow_eng_kalypso_110081patch.zip&ref=ps
  10. TOW2 uses Direct3D instead of OpenGL, so it may work where TOW1 cant. I answered your support ticket - which driver version do you have installed? You can try to turn off SLI in nVidia control panel to see is this SLI-related or not.
  11. kalypso version doesn't need license key. Separate uber patch installer needed for it, you can download it from here, for example: http://dlh.net/cgi-bin/dlp.cgi?lang=eng&sys=pc&file=tow_eng_kalypso_110081patch.zip&ref=ps
  12. Officer model doesn't actually look using binoculars (i mean it is not represented as animation), his view changes from naked eye to binoculars and back in visibility system each several seconds. Also, not 15%, but 15 points are added to accuracy skill.
  13. Camera slows near the ground already - note that one step of mouse wheel equals to several dozens of meters high in the sky (if you increased maximum camera height in game options) and a couple of meters near the ground.
  14. The pause button will let you see all the details:) ToW can be played as you like it - some people use pause rarely (like in Close Combat where pausing was prohibited), while those who want to see all details and carefully choose new course of action without hurry can use pause a lot. My friend usually even looks at the target to determine angle of shell impact before firing, since there is little reason to fire at sharp angles - there will be ricochet anyway.
  15. Make sure you have latest drivers for AMD processor installed, otherwise camera may drift.
  16. danjeje Please edit the ww.ini file in thу game directory, change the bLog=false to bLog=true and save it. Then try to load mission and after the crash send log.lst to dina@1c.ru along with the dxdiag report.
  17. The another solution is to install latest drivers for AMD CPU (if you have such processor).
  18. Probably this is because you have Windows 7 beta. It's still strange, because we tested the game on this OS too and so far didn't find any problems. Thanks for feedback. If you don't mind, edit the ww.ini file and change bLog=false to bLog= true. Then run the game, load and after the crash there should be file log.lst in demo directory, please send it to the same address.
  19. Currently these commands can not be binded to keyboard keys, but maybe we will add them.
  20. I think we need to make a new sticky thread about this:) To order units to hold fire or hold position left-click fire mode or movement mode button. To change firing and movement modes (aim at specific parts, barrage, change movement stance and behaviour) right-click those buttons and choose the mode. Note that right-clickable buttons have a triangle in low right corner.
  21. Uhm, why do you need to edit this file manually? Just go to game preferences and set up anything you want... To aim to a specific part, right-click fire mode button (the one with the target image).
  22. Make sure you have latest drivers for your CPU from AMD site installed.
  23. Looks like it's personal preference then, I seldom use AA with this resolution. Anyway, a number of rendering techniques used in the game are not compatible with AA (this is not unusual, for example, Unreal engine 3 doesn't like AA too). You can force AA on display control panel, but you'll also need to disable HDR and Ambient occlusion in the game, and graphical issues may still occur. I don't think that buying the new video card will help.
  24. Camera limits, as well as its behavior, can be changed in preferences.
  25. Well, what screen resolution you use normally and what is your monitor native resolution and size? Obviously, higher resolution is better and means less jaggies.
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