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Everything posted by FAI

  1. I don't think you'd wanna surf a beach with an HMG and sniper rifle in overwatch, no matter how cool the rifle is Curiously though, where is it?
  2. Due to the peculiar ways of my latest invention, I was able to counter the countermeasure you just created. Don't ask for any details though, because I will not risk my pelt in a forum consisting of complete strangers, or the ire of Peng thread dwellers. But if any of you happen to be a relative of someone in Raytheon or BuWeap, please send me a private message at coocoo@bananas.com.
  3. Makes me wonder how men with bolt action rifles and no armor at all can subjugate half of the world and not complained when the locals took potshots at them...
  4. Somebody get me the Syrian generals phone directory...
  5. Where's the part where SLOD will interfere and ultimately bring forth everlasting peace for humanity and crustacean alike?
  6. 12.7 or 14.5 will do... [ November 21, 2007, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: FAI ]
  7. The next module should include .50 cal wielding exoskeleton.
  8. Which isn't "cool". It's not much fun calling a 155 barrage at some caves, or fighting an insurgency warfare v.s light infantry only opponent that has no tanks.
  9. I, for one, welcome our new... err, nevermind....
  10. Mind you, killing fellow countrymen is a touchy subject in most freedom fighting movements. Nobody really wants it. But the reasoning is, as far as I can tell, if it takes the sacrifice of a few (or a lot) of said fellow countrymen to achieve victory/freedom, an stop further bloodshed, then so be it. Perhaps in the long run, fewer of them will need to die.
  11. It was stated that the tank crew opted to stay inside the burning tank. I wonder why? In RL, the crew would have bugged out the moment fire is detected inside the tank.
  12. By that definition, I don't know how many countries you're already at war with.
  13. At least this time issue a proper declaration of war!
  14. I mean, IF 1.04 is given to mainstream game reviewers again, will it get raving reviews?
  15. I'm thinking about the original post. Is it possible that an M1 got hit on the front aspect and caught fire, but the crew decided to stay inside and seemed to be okay?
  16. So, will 1.04 be "da bomb"? Will it be the Mother of All Wargames that was promised (sort of)?
  17. When CM: SLOD is released, it will not only be accompanied by a manual, but also with a Universal Space Lobster Cook Book.
  18. Uh.... you are not really looking forward to CMX2:WWII, are you?
  19. Somebody must make a haiku out of this... Something to compete with that wife out of LOS haiku
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