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  1. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ebphoto in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Right Flank :
    The uncon fight is furious, but sadly, Bil has fire superiority against my guys in the 2 houses.
    At first we hold our own, causing 2 casualties to 1 of our own.

    But then he scores a devastating hit with an RPG round...

    And that takes the wind out of their sails...

    I order the remaining men to Withdraw (crawling)

    And try to move the rest of the force to get LoS to just the ditch and the one building to reduce Bil's force's fire superiority

  2. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ebphoto in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Turn 3:
    Overview pic showing the situation in the non-Uncon area - I moved the Scimitar that was near Obj Gold further to the centre, elsewhere most of my movements have completed.

    He keeps the buildings between him and the bad stuff up on the 2 hills, but should be able to see and hopefully interdict any movement towards the Uncon area.

  3. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ebphoto in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  4. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Lethaface in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  5. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ebphoto in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Right Flank:

    Uncons A - the MMG on the roof - spot a single enemy in the Obj Steel area ( some way ahead of my Uncons C )

    The vehicles of Uncons B will push forward as shown, with the lead vehicle moving to gain LoS on some of the Obj Steel buildings.

    Last pic shows Uncons C moving forward more, but still cautiously. Also - some of these uncons are not Fit, so small movements is best.

  6. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ebphoto in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Turn 1 : ( bear in mind that I wrote up the info as I was doing each turn, so even though the battle has moved on in time, these are the thoughts I had at the time ).
    Well, first blood to us.
    It seems that Bil had a similar set of 3 Uncon vehicles. They were over-cautious and did not move.
    My Watcher in the Woods turned out to have even better views than I hoped - it spotted the lead vehicle and took it out with some 30mm fire ( initially it fired short, but corrected before the end of the turn ).

    Overwatch of the two hills. The Scimitar in the Orchard/Olive grove also has LoS to the Apprehension Height.

    This shows the other movement in this area - the Scimitar unlabelled is waiting for the infantry recce squad to confirm a lack of enemy in Obj Gold - I would have pushed on, but there's always a risk of an RPG7 in the flank which would ruin anyone's day.

  7. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ebphoto in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Setup and Initial moves
    I'm operating under the assumption that no one is going to see the other for at least the first 30 seconds. So I'm pushing forward fast to reach decent positions from which to observe or cover. 2 Scimitars head for Obj Gold - as you can see, the ground slopes down in that area, so we should be out of sight relatively quickly. The infantry recce team will also be moving towards it from the orchard.
    One Scimitar "The Watcher in the Woods" is moving up into a small copse which offers an excellent overwatch position.

    Pushing the furthest is one of the German Fenneks - it looks like the touch objectives Diamond 1 & 2 and Ruby will be tough to reach as the intervening ground may be extremely exposed.
    So these guys "The Sacrificial Lambs" will be attempting to get there early. If they don't make it, it's unlikely that anyone will until the enemy force is largely neutralised ( which may not happen ). So I'm hoping to grab a quick win with a largely expendable unit ( c3k would be proud ).

    On the left flank, the rest of the German recon platoon is moving up as far as the Dig Site. My plan is somewhat nebulous here, but I don't want to leave this edge of the map un-observed.

    Uncons A, B ( not shown ) & C
    As you can see, I'm being cautious with these guys - spreading out and moving forward in bounds. Possibly unrealistic, but most of them are conscripts, albeit highly motivated, so I can imagine them peeking around corners, then again, then again and then moving.

  8. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Lethaface in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    And here's the first look at where this is all going down - this is a pretty magnificent map ( I tried to make a small map once and it was a fairly miserable effort, hence my admiration for well made maps knows no bounds ).
    Looking North ( my deployment zone is top left )

    Looking South

    Another view South ( just a bit to the right of the above shot ) showing what I like to think of as an abandoned archaeological dig site.

    Rolling hills - check.
    LOS nightmare - check
  9. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  10. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from zinzan in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  11. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ebphoto in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    On the far side of the map, two more bakkies are spotted behind the one my Watcher in the Woods KO'd. They begin to move, but the rearmost one moves into a new position that can still be seen ( shown with arrow ).
    My Scimitar is not very accurate ( I read up about the UK's Rarden cannon and it's supposed to be more accurate than most to make up for its low magazine and slow reload. Hmph, not here it seems. Mumble, mutter ) but eventually lands some rounds near the vehicle - at the end of the turn, the crew have jumped out.
    I'm not sure if it's still a viable vehicle at this point.


  12. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from JulianJ in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Turn 2 :
    Hahahaha, of course it turns out that assumptions made about Bil's options turn out to be wrong. This turn some of my Uncons get spots on units moving up just behind Apprehension Height and Worry Ridge ... because they're amphibious. I definitely did not see that coming, so "Bottleneck Bridge" immediately goes down as the most inappropriately named terrain feature on the map !

    What appear to be 2 BMP-2's and one TOW-toting vehicle put in an appearance. At least one of the BMP's disgorges some men and the other probably does so too. So infantry are about to start peering over the crest next turn.

    The good news is that none of these vehicles are poking their own noses over the crest, so I should be able to suppress their infantry with MG fire ( if I can spot them ).
    Naturally, if they have any kind of AT weaponry with a range greater than 300m, I'm going to be sad panda.
  13. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ebphoto in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Turn 2 :
    Hahahaha, of course it turns out that assumptions made about Bil's options turn out to be wrong. This turn some of my Uncons get spots on units moving up just behind Apprehension Height and Worry Ridge ... because they're amphibious. I definitely did not see that coming, so "Bottleneck Bridge" immediately goes down as the most inappropriately named terrain feature on the map !

    What appear to be 2 BMP-2's and one TOW-toting vehicle put in an appearance. At least one of the BMP's disgorges some men and the other probably does so too. So infantry are about to start peering over the crest next turn.

    The good news is that none of these vehicles are poking their own noses over the crest, so I should be able to suppress their infantry with MG fire ( if I can spot them ).
    Naturally, if they have any kind of AT weaponry with a range greater than 300m, I'm going to be sad panda.
  14. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from George MC in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  15. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Hardradi in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  16. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from ratdeath in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  17. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Zatoichi in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    On the far side of the map, two more bakkies are spotted behind the one my Watcher in the Woods KO'd. They begin to move, but the rearmost one moves into a new position that can still be seen ( shown with arrow ).
    My Scimitar is not very accurate ( I read up about the UK's Rarden cannon and it's supposed to be more accurate than most to make up for its low magazine and slow reload. Hmph, not here it seems. Mumble, mutter ) but eventually lands some rounds near the vehicle - at the end of the turn, the crew have jumped out.
    I'm not sure if it's still a viable vehicle at this point.


  18. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Lethaface in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Turn 2 :
    Hahahaha, of course it turns out that assumptions made about Bil's options turn out to be wrong. This turn some of my Uncons get spots on units moving up just behind Apprehension Height and Worry Ridge ... because they're amphibious. I definitely did not see that coming, so "Bottleneck Bridge" immediately goes down as the most inappropriately named terrain feature on the map !

    What appear to be 2 BMP-2's and one TOW-toting vehicle put in an appearance. At least one of the BMP's disgorges some men and the other probably does so too. So infantry are about to start peering over the crest next turn.

    The good news is that none of these vehicles are poking their own noses over the crest, so I should be able to suppress their infantry with MG fire ( if I can spot them ).
    Naturally, if they have any kind of AT weaponry with a range greater than 300m, I'm going to be sad panda.
  19. Like
    Baneman reacted to banned in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Nice AAR progress, Torquemada
  20. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Bud Backer in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    On the far side of the map, two more bakkies are spotted behind the one my Watcher in the Woods KO'd. They begin to move, but the rearmost one moves into a new position that can still be seen ( shown with arrow ).
    My Scimitar is not very accurate ( I read up about the UK's Rarden cannon and it's supposed to be more accurate than most to make up for its low magazine and slow reload. Hmph, not here it seems. Mumble, mutter ) but eventually lands some rounds near the vehicle - at the end of the turn, the crew have jumped out.
    I'm not sure if it's still a viable vehicle at this point.


  21. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Bud Backer in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  22. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Lethaface in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Setup and Initial moves
    I'm operating under the assumption that no one is going to see the other for at least the first 30 seconds. So I'm pushing forward fast to reach decent positions from which to observe or cover. 2 Scimitars head for Obj Gold - as you can see, the ground slopes down in that area, so we should be out of sight relatively quickly. The infantry recce team will also be moving towards it from the orchard.
    One Scimitar "The Watcher in the Woods" is moving up into a small copse which offers an excellent overwatch position.

    Pushing the furthest is one of the German Fenneks - it looks like the touch objectives Diamond 1 & 2 and Ruby will be tough to reach as the intervening ground may be extremely exposed.
    So these guys "The Sacrificial Lambs" will be attempting to get there early. If they don't make it, it's unlikely that anyone will until the enemy force is largely neutralised ( which may not happen ). So I'm hoping to grab a quick win with a largely expendable unit ( c3k would be proud ).

    On the left flank, the rest of the German recon platoon is moving up as far as the Dig Site. My plan is somewhat nebulous here, but I don't want to leave this edge of the map un-observed.

    Uncons A, B ( not shown ) & C
    As you can see, I'm being cautious with these guys - spreading out and moving forward in bounds. Possibly unrealistic, but most of them are conscripts, albeit highly motivated, so I can imagine them peeking around corners, then again, then again and then moving.

  23. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Lethaface in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Right Flank:

    Uncons A - the MMG on the roof - spot a single enemy in the Obj Steel area ( some way ahead of my Uncons C )

    The vehicles of Uncons B will push forward as shown, with the lead vehicle moving to gain LoS on some of the Obj Steel buildings.

    Last pic shows Uncons C moving forward more, but still cautiously. Also - some of these uncons are not Fit, so small movements is best.

  24. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Hardradi in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Left Flank :
    This shows the situation on my left flank. 2 Units have almost reached the dig site with backup and overwatch following up. German Fennek on the left - now titled "Puddlers" - is going to press on much further because ...

    I discover by looking further back that it seems Bil has a bridge he must cross with the bulk of his forces ( I make an assumption that he did not have a deployement zone on this side of the river ). This is likely to slow him down since I'm sure he's not going to swan around with single units. Thus I reckon I have another turn of largely unobserved movement available.

    - Also, when I woke up to turning labels on, it seems that Apprehension Height (aka Hill 41.1 ) and Worry Ridge ( aka Hill 42 ) do have designations. They may be a little hard to read, so I've added them to my labels.
    Accordingly, the Puddlers will attempt a crossing of the river as shown.

    A closer view - the sides of the river are fairly steep and if the Fennek doesn't bog, it will remain in the ravine as a surprise to any infantry that may try to run forward that far.

  25. Like
    Baneman got a reaction from Lethaface in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Turn 1 : ( bear in mind that I wrote up the info as I was doing each turn, so even though the battle has moved on in time, these are the thoughts I had at the time ).
    Well, first blood to us.
    It seems that Bil had a similar set of 3 Uncon vehicles. They were over-cautious and did not move.
    My Watcher in the Woods turned out to have even better views than I hoped - it spotted the lead vehicle and took it out with some 30mm fire ( initially it fired short, but corrected before the end of the turn ).

    Overwatch of the two hills. The Scimitar in the Orchard/Olive grove also has LoS to the Apprehension Height.

    This shows the other movement in this area - the Scimitar unlabelled is waiting for the infantry recce squad to confirm a lack of enemy in Obj Gold - I would have pushed on, but there's always a risk of an RPG7 in the flank which would ruin anyone's day.

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