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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Debatable, but you would really want to stop them from doing that shelling asap. And hopefully stand the upper echelons of the North's government against the nearest convenient wall when you were done too. A second Korean war would be off the scale ugly and is worth almost any amount of hassle, diplomatic fudging,and out and out payoffs to avoid, but if it happens for gods sake make sure it is the last Korean war. The South does not want to deal with occupying and rebuilding the North but they won't have any real choice if it comes to it. There is no language barrier at least. Fortunately the Chinese have rediscovered their considerable leverage with the North Koreans and they are talking sense in the last week or two. Hopefully it is a trend but people who bet on North Korean rationality have a history of being very dissapointed. [ July 20, 2007, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: dan/california ]
  2. While there are certainly graphics issues in term of both the soldier and vegetation appearance it strikes me that the only issue in terms of how it would play would have to do with different TO&E. There are certainly differences in equipment but it old Soviet stuff is old Soviet stuff the world around. If the scenario is within range of DMZ you just have to give the North Koreans a LOT of arty. Not perfect but certainly doable. I would think the South Korean market would be interesting for Battlefront, but the translation and advertising may be prohibitive. The South Koreans also have a delusional theory that the North is going to curl up and wither away. I remain doubtful about that one myself. Is it possible in the editor to set morale very high and endurance very low at the same time to reflect being both fanatic and underfed? In the long term you know you have a problem when Syrian conscripts look to well fed and healthy to be models for your army. Doesn't mean the endgame won't be a heck of a mess though.
  3. The 1.01 is the release on the 27th. 1.0 is what got pressed on the disk a week or three ago and is what SirReal is torturing us with screenshots of. I still think he should have quietly leaned on Paradox for a ripping new gaming rig in return for complete silence, dual 512mb video cards and so on, but I am a bad person after all.
  4. It is really very simple, if enough people buy the game to keep Battlefront happily in Business we might get this on a module eventually, especially as hardware keeps improving. There is not a chance in *&^$%#^%# of getting it in the next few months, Battlefront does not have the resources available and the game is pushing many customers machines to the limit already. There is not a whole lot more too it than that. :cool:
  5. This is one of those bits of technology that is MUCH more complicated than is usually realized. Its like cell phones, everybody has one and thinks they know how it works. But at the actual hardware-firmware level it is phenomenally complicated. Then you start talking about packet switching routers and start to really lose your mind. I pre-ordered this game in large part because I think Steve, Charles ,and company know what they are doing. If they say it is bloody hard to do and will eat your entire hard drives memory I believe them.
  6. This is going to go down in history as the strangest beginning of an international incident ever.
  7. I read a really good piece about this in another game forum, and it said that what most in house testing looked for was actual show stoppers, things that crashed it to desktop or worse. And this was a company that dwarfs Battlefront. These are also the things that make customers completely loony,even the casual ones. An unnecessary step with most of the folks on this forum. The subtle stuff does not come out until thousands and thousands of people play the game and notice that RPG-7s are killing far more Abrams than they ought to or some types of infantry with no thermals can see through smoke. 1.01 will be playable. About 1.05 it will be spectacular, its just part of it.
  8. For approximately $15,000 Apple will sell you a system with 16 gig of ram and enough of everything else to require its own powerline. How big a map would that run? :eek:
  9. If this was the requirement it would never, ever come out. I mean NEVER! I mean I have asked three stupid questions and made ten stupid comments just today, and I am not even in the big leagues.
  10. http://www.tomshardware.com/graphics/graphicscards/index.html Chapter verse and graphs too if you are willing to wade through it. Seems to say that I am ok thank god.
  11. As much as anything else at this point it would be tricky to get the bandwidth rescheduled. Battlefront is not big enough to have a couple of GIGS per second sitting idle, it has to be contracted for and scheduled and God knows what other details filled in.
  12. Gold means it might be patchable and we have to get it to the factory NOW. 1.01 means ready to play mostly, 1.06 should be pretty smooth. It is just the way the world works, and players WILL find ways to break the game that never occurred to the developer.
  13. The M829A3 has been in full rate production for several years, I can't imagine they would send anything else to a full bore shooting war. My bigger question is does it rip a BMP-2 into small pieces or just make a couple of glowing holes and stain the crews shorts badly. Of course if a crew member is between those glowing holes..... And yes I know 125mm is the same for Bradley and Stryker. 105mm is marginal for later T72, that was the driver for the 120mm upgrade in the first place.
  14. SirReal blew it, he could have sold his silence on this little error for enough money to run the game on a map 20 kilometers on a side. But NO, he has to come poke us poor forum critters in our cages. I hope he gets 3fps with 500 by 500 meter map. Yes, I have lost it. :eek:
  15. The slavering lawyers are even now being whipped to a frenzy, goaded cruelly with the smell of money, and cued with scent of some poor Paradox minion. Please post screen shots of the remains as a warning for future violators as well as our sick and twisted viewing pleasure. Yes, I have lost it. :eek:
  16. Yes, the question is who is playing the sick joke? It may be SIrReal in which case I suggest a peng thread in his honor, a really nasty one not like the wimpy one running now. The second possibility is that Paradox has jumped the gun, in which case Battlefront needs to unleash the lawyers without mercy and have the remains displayed here on this forum as a warning. Oh and get those servers loaded right now! The third possibility is that someone sent him CMBB in ShockForce box and his computer has exploded in disappointment. I am hoping for #3 but not hopeful. :confused:
  17. What MeatEtr is trying to say is that the shut in ghost who inhabit the Peng thread respond to questions like this with flame wars that the RAF circa 1944 would be positively proud of. If the title of the thread says Peng in it this is allowed. I would duck now, really.
  18. Well , if it did not make the final cut you could just put it up for download yourself couldn't you? Seems to me if you have them cornered in a dump you should just hunker down until they beg to come out, then make them stay until they beg to come out and talk.
  19. Based on a number of developer comments I am not sure they are in any hurry to bite this off. Bridges and water yes, but landing craft have an enormous ratio of coding to re-playablity. Basically either you have A) managed to get at least some forces ashore in an undefended spot before the bad people show up or Are really sure that you have enough air and sea-borne firepower to make it an undefended spot. A defended beach against even second rate modern weapons is just not happening.
  20. After the 27th the only opinion I care about is my own. However I will be soliciting advice madly about why the game is wiping the floor with me. The mark of a great game is that you can enjoy losing.
  21. I don't work there, but they usually come more or less instantly. They are great about this stuff though, Maybe click the email icon on a post from battlefront.com so they see it sooner.
  22. Dammi^^^*$&^##@&*(%t, can I please, please, pretty please have a copy of the current build. I have reordered deluxe, I will promise to make several scenarios. Please! :mad: It is even more promising since they have a week or two to deal with the quibbles.
  23. I am NOT there but my understanding is that continually improved jamming has forced the insurgents to revert to shorter ranged methods that include actual wires in many cases. Thus the houses in immediate proximity to an IED fall under immediate and justified suspicion. Also the frequency of ambushes in coordination with IED attacks means that they have to follow counter ambush procedures after a bomb until the situation is clearer. Lastly, and this is purely my own opinion, the deep suspicion that even if the residents of a given house did not set the bomb they knew it was there probably deeply colors soldiers attitudes. In evidence of my last assertion I have read several articles to the effect that successful IED attacks have dropped sharply in Anbar because the people simply point out that the "repaired " pothole or "junk" car did not even exist 24 hours ago now that their tribal leadership has told them to actually help. In goes the robot and boom goes the bomb, with at worst a beaten up robot to show for it.
  24. Kornet missile launchers however, mobile or otherwise would make excellent targets. [ July 15, 2007, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: dan/california ]
  25. The DropTeam guys seem to know how to run a server, and Battlefront is already involved with them. This would really, really help.
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