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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. The ones that scare the bleep out of you are the ones you fight over, ready or not. :eek: I repeat, no one who is going to buy this game knows the difference between Pakistani and Syrian uniforms. The people who do know have either won't really care or have no money. And yes, I know you are not going to go that way. I just think it is a plausible story. On 9-10 2001 9-11 was an implausible story, it happened. Just to make it a little more likely the U.S. and India are actually getting closer right now. And a Taliban run Pakistan would set off every bell in both capitals. I would volunteer to help write it but I don't have the time to write this post.
  2. In the absence of refocusing on Iran or Pakistan what Cpl Steiner said makes a ton of sense. I also think Steve is underestimating how beneficial it would be if Rumsfeld suddenly retired for "health reasons". Pure demonstrated incompetence is a big part of our problem right now and the man is 70 something, he could say it with a straight face. McCain as defense Secretary would produce asignificant turn around in remarkably little time. I would not have India standing aside in a Pakistan conflict. I would have the 172 operating in support of the Indians. The possibilities are endless. Someone should have had this idea a year ago. Their are an endless number of possibilities for terrorist atrocities using some some sort of NBC weapon to use as a basis for the backstory. NO ONE knows the difference between a Pakistani uniform and a Syrian one, no one. Just do it, it automatically answers where the cleanup and occupation troops are coming from among other issues.
  3. I don't think anyone is suggesting it for Humvees. But unless the army is going to totally rewrite their tactical manual they would make a lot of senses on M1s. Let them continues to do what they do best, systematically blow the bleep out of the bad guys. Next priority would be Bradleys, and then Strykers. Some one said something in another thread about about not encouraging vehicles that aren't tanks to act like them. But for the actual tanks, that are going to be at the tip of the spear the next time some ^&^&$&^&^$&*(*)()&( government has got to go, they make a ton of sense. The other huge issue is the U.S. desperately needs a breakthrough in mine detection. I''m not sure how much the money thrown at that has accomplished so far. All you can really hope for is that the counter to your counter will be painfully expensive for the other side to field. If ATGMs had to be fired in much larger groups it would make the guys using them a lot harder to hide. The fact that Rumsfeld should be impeached for some combination of treason and incompetence is another issue.
  4. Their is a modified remote control truck that I have seen on the web. I believe it is being used primarily By EOD teams, but sometimes just getting a simple camera around the next corner is very useful. Link http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/dragon-runner.htm
  5. By all means lets heckle the French. After that latest attempted dodge on sending troops to Lebanon there should be no shortage of material.
  6. Actually my typing is beyond awful. But the general point is valid. :cool:
  7. A prominently labeled FAQ might go a long way. A "consolidated topics" thread thats older than I am does not quite qualify.
  8. I will put a lot of money on hot, dry and sandy. All we really need are three things, day , night and sand storm. This assumes anyone would try to fight in a sand storm, mostly the they just try to breathe. Changing weather is a low return on the jarred brains time.
  9. Modern thermals see through smoke anyway don't they? and virtually all larger vehicle mounted weapons in U.S service have them I think. [ August 23, 2006, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: dan/california ]
  10. Dropping apollos is just way to hard right now. i killed 2 or three in a row on a slope that could not have been more than 5 degrees. Could you just do some kind of quick cheat for the next release so it won't roll for the first ten seconds on reasonable ground. I realize it might take a lot of work on the dropship AI to fix it the right way.
  11. The new dropship animation is very good, and they are much harder to hit. I like it. The veiw while you are dropping is also really cool, and useful if you are paying attention. Could we get a way to have the ship above us instead of below? It blocks a lot of the field of view.
  12. If I could add one more to help with my own stupidity, could the crosshairs themselves change in some very obvious manner when I am in manual range. I am forever forgetting to change back until my next wound sails over what i am shooting at.
  13. The other way to think about a lot of this is the fact that in many high intensity engagements the civilians who can leave do, and the rest crawl into the depths of their basement and pray real hard that the house doesn't get dropped on top of them. It is after the invading side takes theoretical control that the nightmare starts. This game is about establishing that control and if you are willing to make the point with 50 caliber warning fire most civilians will keep as much distance as they can as fast as they can. People who want to keep living just do not cozy up to armored columns that are operating with active combat ROE.
  14. I want the game this decade and for less than the price of my computer. Some of these details get out of control hard when trying to do real 3D. I am sure 1.3.? will have nice slit trenches, I am also sure that I want to discuss this addition while actually playing the game. Is the real 3D that important for a simulation at this level is another debate but it is already decided for this game.
  15. Re-spawning exists for two reasons. Server limitations and the fact that no one would play if they died on minute 3 and had to wait 27 minutes to start over. Dropping is just a way to justify re-spawning.. It would make more sense to have all of a teams forces on the field at once and have the players in overalll charge of companies and platoons. That hardware is several years out for home users, at least with this level of detail. CMX2 is attempting something like that but it has no fps aspect.
  16. How are you simulating large underground bunkers and some of the other more exotic digging enterprises that Hezbollah balked the Israelis with. Can it be put in at the scenario design stage or is that too much to hope for for 1.0?
  17. If Assad overplays his hand you might even be able to do a AAR by AAR comparison of your baby here to the real war. :cool: if you have done as good a job as it sounds like you have you will then get that humvee full of money. Please don't forget about us when you are a fat rich defense contractor. :eek:
  18. Troll, these guys are great about things like this, give them a few hours, its Sunday.
  19. I think it was one of the last things I did before a short camping trip. Something I did when I got back made it post again. Everyone may feel free to vent their invective at this mistake in the Peng Challange thread.
  20. I think it was one of the last things I did before a short camping trip. Something i did when I got back made it post again. Everyone may feel free to vent their invective at this mistake in the Peng Challange thread.
  21. The backstory is going to be very strong or already in progress, pick one.
  22. The backstory is going to be very strong or already in progress, pick one.
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