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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. I am starting to work with an excellent program called Mathematica to do presentations for teaching and I and remembering all over again the joys of the misplaced comma. One wrong one turns a beautiful graphic that takes a hundred lines of high level code to generate into mush. I am getting much better at saving before EVERY SINGLE RUN of anything new. Given that CMSF is about a 100000 lines of code, just guessing. I am sure that it is all of the wrong kinds of "fun" to chase this stuff down. Have you ever considered hiring Charles a helper or two, or maybe a whole room full of them in some eastern block country maybe. I would hate for BFC to disappear just because something happened to his jar. And I know it is a lot harder than it sounds to actually do, but still.
  2. Two articles about this very subject. The first is a NYT editorial by seven NCOs in the 82nd, one of which has been badly wounded since it was written. The second is sort of about the first but you don't need a subscription to read it, which the NYT requires. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/19/opinion/19jayamaha.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&pagewanted=all http://www.slate.com/id/2172636/
  3. Excalibur, GMLRS ,and UAVs would certainly perk my credit card right up.
  4. While I by no means agree with all of JasonC's points, he has one thing absolutely right. Fighting a war with ROEs that essentially guarantee defeat is just STUPID. We need to either accept the consequences of ROEs that give some chance of actual success or not fight. But ^$&^^**%%#$@* we need to decide, and soon. The new book by that Navy SEAL who was the only survivor of that mission in Afghanistan makes that point rather eloquently.
  5. QUOTE] Hi, not seen this myself, but I don't doubt that you have seen it. Another thing I noticed is that once an enemy unit has been spotted, if you click on that enemy unit it then reveals practically all of the enemy forces, even though you have no line of sight to them - kind of negates the reason to be stealthy!
  6. This is the most PRODUCTIVE discussion I have seen on this forum in quite a while. It should be held up as a model somehow. I would love to take a swing at the scenario as well. There is a possibility that 1.03 could change things quite a bit. A great deal of the advantage to staying mounted that metalbrew is discussing is due to effectively suicidal tac AI on the part of attacking infantry. It is effectively impossible to babysit more than a squad or two in real time. And with one minute turns it is impossible to babysit any number of squads in WEGO effectively with current AI and order limitations. The current LOS confusion just makes this worse. When this gets fixed, and I am absolutely sure it will be in no more than a few weeks, it will change things radically. Right now vehicles are just inherently easier to manage effectively. An AFV might go around the wrong side of the house but it , usually, cannot go around both sides at once and guarantee that half of it gets shot to pieces. I realize that defending infantry has issues too, but they usually commit their first stupid mistake in some form of cover or concealment. Stupid mistakes that involve crossing streets covered by HMGs are extremely final.
  7. The French more or less did just that. What with the 35 hour work week. I still can't bring myself to want to be French though. If Charles had a french labour contract you would need three more of him to have gotten the game out by 2009. The better question is why am I not Dutch? Just isn't fair. :mad:
  8. I would also guess that 250 meters is to far out to unhide the Syrians in this scenario. RPGs, which such a big piece of the Syrian firepower are not going to be fully effective at that range.
  9. It is only risky if the compound is still standing. It is much safer if it has been reduced to a low spot in the ground. :eek: I also got enormous milage by sending javelin teams up on the berm with the M1s. You just can't put them close to the tanks or they take casualties when the Abrams take fire. If you use all the firepower you have available the Syrians have no effective response in this scenario.
  10. Actually it seems quite realistic, planes come on and off station due to both fuel and expenditure of ordinance. You may not be quite sure what you are getting until it arrives or is very close. [ August 09, 2007, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: dan/california ]
  11. See link below for how a machine gun stands out on thermal optics. Then say ouch! http://www.strategypage.com/military_photos/200773113011.aspx?comments=Y
  12. I have this vision of a platoon of Abrams running up a berm,, volley firing and going into reverse before their barrels have finished their recoil cycle.
  13. While we are on this subject a stackable "fire one" command would be very helpful. I am thinking in terms of advance, fire one round, and reverse. It would allow the pop up shot that is so important in modern tank combat.
  14. The fact that the enemy in question has some TRULY unpleasant ways of treating prisoners doesn't incline people to give up. Or do you think that Syrian uncons would nicer than Iraqi ones for some reason?
  15. Watching the M1s lay waste to al before them is my favorite so far. You have to very careful that the threats are in fact before them, and not beside or BEHIND them. the very best part is when it suddenly becomes necessary and possible to go from the little slow methodical steps to a wide open throttle flanking move. The PTSD for the guys on the other side must just be severe, the live ones that is. The other great joy so far is the spotting system on elite level. It really gives a feel for some of the real problems in trying to keep track of what is happening in a combat situation.
  16. Yea, but the ROE in Iraq won't let you MICLIC every street you drive down, every time you drive down it. Whereas in a full scale conventional conflict you pretty much can. They all but did it in Baquaba for that matter.
  17. I couldn't say it any better than he did so i just didn't try.
  18. The target arc command will show you the dead spots in the arc where your LOS is blocked. They are the places where the landscape inside the arc does not yellow. This is very useful for figuring out which part of the map isn't covered. I love the game overall by the way. Charles will get the bugs stamped out here directly and the vast underlying potential of this engine will be revealed. It is a perfectly good a playable game now.
  19. If nothing else works you could always use area target. It works pretty well with anything 50 cal and up.
  20. That sucks bad enough to be realistic, in a sick and wrong sort of way.
  21. The dual core patch fixed most of my problems, thanks though.
  22. Just so you know See thread below in tech support This fixed about everything, love the game List of multi-core fixes (bad performance/low FPS)
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