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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. And that Sir is a orangoutang, and innocent baby orangoutang at that. It did nothing to justify being defiled in our little cyber war.
  2. Google Earth Plus features the following enhancements: Faster performance - enhanced network access GPS data import - read tracks and waypoints from select GPS devices Note 1: Verified support for Magellan and Garmin devices only Note 2: Does not support export of tracks or waypoints to a GPS Higher resolution printing - greater than screen resolution Customer support via email - not just website Annotation - draw outlines and shapes Import - read address points from .CSV files Straight from the Google earth web site. The band width and the printing are the parts I really notice, and you can print with the annotations. This will, if they will ever get the game out , Let you think about the beginnings of the scenario while in Google earth and then print something to work from while in the CMSF editor. I just made a joke/request in the refresh monkey thread about Charles needing to get busy on direct pass thru of GE data to the editor.
  3. Good God man those are CHIMPS, chimps have far to much intelligence to be refresh monkeys, they are almost as smart as people. Oh, wait, but......
  4. Then there is google earth, which can give a good enough place to start, and when some one says but where the ^&^$^$**(( did you get that from you just give them latitude and longitude. I think it is so cool that I upgraded to a paid account with google to be able access more groggy goodness. :cool: Now if Charles will just get cracking on that direct pass thru from google earth to the editor things can really get rolling. Please don't erase my hard drive Charles, its a joke , I swear, really! :eek:
  5. I will point out that I said Battlefront should do/organize it, and yes I have been outvoted. I think Moon just outvoted me all by himself. :eek: I had my first troll though, I am honored, in a sick sort of way.
  6. I thought I was nuts, but I guess the game is as good a way to take your mind off of it as any. It is possible to install the game on multiple machines and then just move the activation, you don't even need the disk. Good luck with all of that. :eek:
  7. And your qualifications on the matter are? Helicopters are rapidly becoming a liability in a high intensity environment in many cases, most of their high intensity roles are rapidly being taken over by by some combination of UAVs and much higher flying jets.
  8. I would call it 50/50 so far, we don't have any real news to talk about till Friday anyway. :cool:
  9. Would it be possible to work out some sort of micropay system for scenarios so that Battlefront and the community have the motivation to keep cranking them out, as well as to pay for the bandwidth. I am envision a dollar a scenario charge with Battlefront and the designer getting half each. This would allow Battlefront to maintain a truly first class server and the designers to take the wives and/or girlfriends they are ignoring when writing scenarios to dinner occasionally. Please don't kill me, it is only a suggestion.
  10. We have grogs not only attempting Haiku but attempting to critique haiku. For the love of god , please turn the servers on while there is still hope. I don't want to see it get any worse than it is now. Grogs should not Mix poetry with their shot Please let the game be hot!
  11. And until you leave I would mostly worry about as much female company as you can get. You will miss it even more than the game, trust me.
  12. This is the both the best and craziest example of open source intelligence ever. There needs to be where is Osama thread. Imagine the modules they could do with a $50,000,000 boost to the Battlefront coffers. Well, after they sobered up that is. Someone's fingers must be getting tired though after having to stick them in that dyke over and over again.
  13. MikeyD you do have the game, and can check in here, oh about anytime now. Please
  14. The penalty for cats walking on the keyboard during the download however is severe! :eek:
  15. I am going to go out on a limb here and bet that regardless of your connection speed the servers are going to feed it to you at 125 to 250 k per second. It will take as long as it takes and your head will probably not explode if you made it through last weekend. It is having to much time to play refresh junky that leads to spontaneous cranial combustion.
  16. Paradox's competence can be deduced from certain other threads on this board, of the many issues to worry about this one is not it.
  17. Here is my two cents, it is probably not worth that much but what the heck. GMLRS is engineered and in very successful use. If a truly massive naval fire support capability is needed simply take some medium sized merchant hulls and and fill them up with GMLRS systems. They don't need to be extraordinarily fancy because we are not going to attempt to land the Marines until the enemies anti-shippping capability is essentially wrecked. Parked 10 or twenty klicks off shore they could provide devastating fire support against point or area targets for a long way inland. It would be a cheap simple ship with one use, the ammo would be more expensive but it is the cost of the total system that really counts.
  18. I have read at least hints about ways up keeping the system up as well. These include but are not limited to small short lived satellites that can be launched from aircraft on demand, and ultra high flying UAVs that essentially serve the same function. This level of attack on US space assets would also provoke a far more serious strategic air campaign on all aspects of a countries vital infrastructure. And when a couple of cruise missiles can reliably take out a power plant that is going to hurt very quickly. Putting the lights out in Belgrade is after all what made the Serbs fold.
  19. Just as an example there is a GMLRS guidance package under development with FOUR modes of guidance. GPS, laser, infrared homing and I forgte the fourth one. I believe but am not absolutely positive that it can switch modes mid flight, follow the GPS signal until it acquires the laser for instance.
  20. I have one simple reason for liking Apple, and I am typing on a 20 inch IMAC that jokes aside is going to have to suffice for some time yet. Viruses, I do essentially all of my internet communication on the Apple side and despite being hooked up to a broad band connection for almost a year now I have NEVER had a problem. I use bootcamp for games, and will use it for this one, and other Windows only apps but have literally never set up the email in Windows. And the result is no virus/worm problems to speak of. It makes the Apple premium irrelevant in my own humble opinion.
  21. I am starting to think he got that new computer after all. Way to go Sir Real!
  22. The beauty of it is that the shells can be fired from a normal tube, You can have a 100 Excalibur shells in one stack and 2000 unguided shells in the other. A trained Forward observer should be perfectly capable of making a decision about which one to use. For instance you could have all but one tube in the battery firing normal shells to make movement unhealthy while Excalibur shells address one known fortified but pinned position after another. The poor fool that confuses the stacks would have a pretty good chunk taken out of his pay though.
  23. My God they need to get the game out before various forum inhabitants go completely around the bend. Far too late in my case of course, just ask my wife. Just think though this time next week we will have the game in hand to argue over! YEAH Then the inevitable the Syrians are too strong, no you just stink threads can start.
  24. There are several real advantages to Excalibur. 1) No spotting rounds, the first salvo can be fire for effect, with as many tubes as needed. This may be the most significant one, there is NO warning before a salvo hits in the right place. No chance to duck at all. 2) 100% all weather capability. The artillery works in the rain. 3) Since it is GPS you don't have to maintain continuous lazing on the target to get a hit. Just a brief spotting zap to get the coordinates. 4) This was mentioned above but you can usually get Arty on the way much faster than air support. 5) also mentioned above the trajectory can be altered so buildings don't act as shields. 6) A comment above mentioned al the shells landing in the same place. They can but don't have to, every shell in a battery can be programmed for a different spot in the pattern. If you have developed the location of an enemy bunker system you could have eight rounds hit eight different bunkers in a single salvo. 7) It is designed for direct passthrough of coordinates from counter battery radars and computers. Extremely accurate counter battery fire can be on the way literally before the the other guys shells hit the ground. 8) I won't say the artillery is never out of gas but they run out a LOT less often than the airforce. This has already been discussed in great detail by the way over at http://www.strategypage.com/militaryforums/4-1718.aspx
  25. GPS guidance in the shell, Kornet teams should pay a lot of attention to their camouflage. CEP is quoted as 10 meters, but the article if, I remember right, said both shells practically went through the same whole in the roof.
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