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Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. This article is not only biased, it isn't objective. What, for example, have the unit affiliation or his political views of Wittmann to do with his combat record?
  2. So what if the above is the primary cause of all political debates in the first place? It would at least explain why in my country all politicians seem to behave like three-year olds often enough... And I won't go into discussing what a government is really for, anyway - because that'd be a philosophical question and I could as well start a new thread here!
  3. What does 'crushing our hopes' mean? No WW2 whatsoever in the end...? Then at least give us helicopters with direct control!
  4. If I only had the time... every time I start a new camo pattern, it doesn't fit the texture layout. It's driving me nuts. But I'm inspired by your work. Very promising so far!
  5. The error is because the files are not .TGA but .DDS format. Use NVIDIA'S DDS Plugin and you're fine. Just rename the .TGA to .DDS - works for me!
  6. Since I'm pretty occupied at the moment - as of this morning - maybe it would be better if you first tried against the AI. In 2 or 3 weeks I should again have more time, so we can try it out H2H.
  7. Sounds interesting so far... though I'd prefer JoMc's solution. After all, it's a game - and it's diffcult enough to be good at it so why complicate it too much? Just let us keep things plain adn simple, even when trying to simulate things like C&C. P.S.: Would like to try, too!
  8. It does make sense. In the end, it is pretty diffcult to simulate soem things within the limitations of the game engine. What I actually thought of was the doctrine of tactical initiative, but that would only apply for the Waffen-SS, I think... Whatever, I have to try this before I can make any moe comments.
  9. Right, the alpha channel... right, it's .DDS format. Should have been clear in the first place. *slaps on forehead* Now I only have to figure out how this alpha channel works - last timwe I tried, the result was far from satisfactory...
  10. Right, the alpha channel... right, it's .DDS format. Should have been clear in the first place. *slaps on forehead* Now I only have to figure out how this alpha channel works - last timwe I tried, the result was far from satisfactory...
  11. Thanks for all the inforamtion! By the way, anyone knows what color I need to get transparent parts? I don't have installed the .DDS plugin for Photo Shop, therefore converted teh .DDS into another format and converted it back, but a few texture parts now behave in an odd way...
  12. Thanks for all the inforamtion! By the way, anyone knows what color I need to get transparent parts? I don't have installed the .DDS plugin for Photo Shop, therefore converted teh .DDS into another format and converted it back, but a few texture parts now behave in an odd way...
  13. Seems sensible enough. Just one thing, though: If LoS/LoC gets severed between the Bn HQ and its respective subordinates, I have to stop giving orders to the subordinate HQ's - is that correct? Because: I get my orders from my Bn CO at the start of the battle and follow them until told otherwise. In what situation should I as, say, a Coy CO stop and wait for new ordesr when I, in fact, actually have them? Should I write down specific orders/circumstances when they apply etc and then check every turn if I'd have to change my initial strategy? Maybe I'm making it more complicated than it already is, but I LOVE this game and would so much like to see it improved...
  14. Looked at the texture files yesterday... Pretty easy modifying them, I just have to figure out how to replace the original files with the extracted ones...
  15. Looked at the texture files yesterday... Pretty easy modifying them, I just have to figure out how to replace the original files with the extracted ones...
  16. It'd be nice if the AI had the same restrictions, though... If I have to wait 60 turns (if we count real-time) to get my combat platoons moving, I can just bloody well stop playing. How'd that delay work within wargaming rules? I know only few systems and you may know just one that can be called a 'real' wargame (FoW), so my knowledge isn't that representative...
  17. Interesting proposition. But wonn't that become a little bit to tedious soon? In teh end, most sceanrios won't give you enough time to plan and maneuver that much, so you'd at least have to edit some of them to last longer. Well, a game engine can ony simulate so much...
  18. Well, a flying IS-2 would be a sight for sure... But then I request parachutes for my Panthers!
  19. That's definitely one mod I won't do, then... the three-tone pattern looks too good!
  20. Who would have thought... But what about the Brummbär...? @BigDuke: I'm von Schroeder in the Lauban Campaign.
  21. Nope, not at all. You see, I'm not that familiar with Soviet doctrine (if at all), that's why I fight on the German side of the Lauban cmapaign!
  22. @BigDuke: Disproportionate in the amount of APCR firing guns you have to go against. That's what I meant. I still have to get used to it... @the_enigma: I killed a lot of T-34's as well, but in the end, it just wasn't enough. Number of guns is in favor of the Soviets, it's just the T-34's armor that isn't as good as the Panther's.
  23. The glacis plate is just the frontal armor. By the way, the T-34 in 'Message from Goetz' have a disproportionate amount of APCR rounds - some tanks even as much as 7. Those punch through a Panther's armor like butter and engagement ranges in that scenario are well under 500m (at least when I played it) - if you're not constantly moving backwards.
  24. Well, checked everything I have and found - nothing. I have to admit I don't have the Panzer Tracts volumes right now... Official agreement seems to be nobody knows anything - it MIGHT be the versions A, B and C were initially reserved for different production models that were never produced. I remember reading somewhere else that maybe the plans got disordered, though I highly doubt that theory. So in the end the theory of confusing the enemy is as likely as everything else. My guess is there WAS a system, but what the actual letters stand for, I have no clue about... [ June 18, 2007, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Earl Grey ]
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