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Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. I planned on doing that, yes. I'm not really sure, though, if I should just do the same pattern for all vehicles or variations of the above. Although more work, I'd rather do the rest with differrent patterns so you have some difference on the battlefield. EDIT: Forgot to add that the SdKfz251/10 seems only to have been oficially produced and authorized (with very few exceptions) in 1943 an from 1944 on the SdKfz251/17 was intended to fulfill the same role. Which means it wasn't really intended as a AA vehicle, but as transport for the platoon leader and direct fire support. So I'd rather do that with a standard 3-tone pattern... [ May 27, 2008, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: Earl Grey ]
  2. Since I no longer need concern myself with operational security, I updated this mod - see first post.
  3. Then we should definitely work together on creating a new one, I think. Obviously there are people who still want to mod their game and could need it...
  4. As far as I know, there is none - but the CMBB list is a good start. You could work one out from there, for example. I could need one myself, but I'm modding my ass off, anyway, so that would take time in which I can't finish the mods people are waiting for... But if we could team up and do one together, we might accomplish it comparatively quick.
  5. I'm afraid that campaign has to end now because of lack of GMs. Too bad since it was getting interesting now...
  6. @Elmar Biljsma: CMAK running bad on newer graphic cards while having Vista or generally? becasue I do have an GeForce 8800GTX with XP and it's running like hell, actually... @MikeyD: And I wondered why you didn't do any more CMAK mods since you were off to such a good start... Too bad - I'm not nearly as good as you doing things from scratch and it takes me much longer. :-|
  7. It's the name thex make the money with now, not the content. But that's EA for us and will remain, I'm afraid.
  8. Am with you on MoH Airborne, Clavicula - that game was one of the biggest pieces of crap I ever bought. Had they made some kind of alternative-WW2 SciFi game out of it, it wouldn't have mattered. But they didn't. Let's hope Battlefront never deviates form their way!
  9. Well, a little eye-candy is always nice though not necessarily necessary. But we can do something about the looks with mods, can't we? Apart from that ToW needs at least something going for it. Although I find it fun to play, it still isn't what it could be and still missing a lot of things - which is why I prefer CM...
  10. Since I'm modding, too, I know what compromises have to be made - and currently one mod I want to do is driving me quite mad - therefore I think you came up with the best solution possible. It enhances the atmosphere and really makes cities feeling like cities and not just villages with big houses! I hope we'll see some more from you in time! Definitely keep it up, mate!
  11. Obviously not all of the vehicles of sSS-PzAbt101 used the same insignia... May It ake it that you're primarily looking for skins with distinctive unit insignia and not new camouflage patterns?
  12. Well, all the textures are in one file and you can draw templates from the stock textures with some work - you only have to figure out how to work with alpha channels (which I still need to, but I'll manage). Would be awesome if we could work on this together and everyone of us does a different part of the project. So yeah, I'm talking about forming some kind of team, though on a fun basis.
  13. @rofl: Yes, have seen that in the other thread. A problem we won't be able to work around, I'm afraid - no matter what pattern we use. Regarding the insignia on vehicles: if there's no other way we can still put it on the back of the turret (I have seen a photograph of a "Frunsdberg" Panther with the full shield painted on the turret hatch) or the hull. There are always limitations - CM mirrored the textures which was a good solution for keeping texture amoutns small but did have shortcomigns when trying to depict historical camouflage patterns...
  14. That's a lot of stuff you're asking for... Had I not a lot of CM mods still on my hands, I'd try it on my own. Anyone out there that would help me? Together it could be done, for one man alone it'll be nearly impossible, I'm afraid. But you could supply the references to me so I can take a look and do some thinking/planning. Would that be a deal?
  15. Ah, now I understand. Well, that is correct. At least I haven't seen any photographs yet showing a half-track wearing it. But there are some enthusiats who just like to have this pattern on every vehicle in the game - including the PzIII, Tiger I and Jagdpanther. And hey, they pattern just looks cool. Currently I'm only doing historical accurate camouflage patterns - as far as that is possible - but am planning on doing some 'fantasy' patterns as well.
  16. Isn't that a break of operational security, technically speaking? Just joking, of course. But good to know which side you are on, BD6...
  17. Ambush pattern? I don't see any dots here... It might be, though, that two of the current colors were actually reversed: RAL6003 Olive Green and RAl8012 Red Primer. Although I'm already planning on reverting those two for another 251 variant - so we get even more variation!
  18. Quite some time since the last one, so enjoy: The camouflage pattern is what I consider a more or less typical late war camouflage, according to my research. I have no actual photographs or references, it's just what I thought looked good within historical parameters. I used Vossie's 251 mod as a starting point modified/added a lot of details including the running gear. Options (licence plates, tactical numbers plus special unit insignia)included. For additional information see the included "Readme.txt". Those of you who remember this one: It's an updated version of my original mod, so go grab it again at CMMODS. [ May 26, 2008, 04:06 AM: Message edited by: Earl Grey ]
  19. Okay, I agree on that. But ToW is a step in the right direction, at least - and it can only improve.
  20. You think so? Why is that? I like what they did already - the new Patch helps a lot! And we could need some nice mods, especially vehicle skins... I'm still busy modding CM, so it will be a while yet before I try it in earnest. But don't give up on this game !
  21. You need to change the file extension from .TGA to .DDS. Simply rename it and you're good to go.
  22. HELL YEAH!!! Although it looks more like Steppe action, but why not? Keep it up!
  23. Glad to see something's still happening around here! Keep it up!
  24. Hey, that's what modding is all about - doing what you want to see in the game! I just wanted to show what I had done with the impression of the photograph.
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