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Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Doesn't look bad. And if you ask me, I would not say it's too incorrect, either... I have been told by an ex-Panther crew member that his tank actually had a very dark Dunkelgelb color. And as I said before in the other thread, I think it's reasonable to assume that Dunkegelb was, in fact, an ocher tone on some tanks depending on how the factory painted them and what battlefield conditions were.
  2. Rust color on a IV G? Well, why not... Not really historically correct and not very likely, but possible. Hasty camouflage is entirely likely, but I think I'll go for tri-color - though my research suggest a lot of vehicles were just green over yellow... We'll see.
  3. Well, I'm working on the Pz IV's at the moment, but what exactly do you mean when you say 'dark camo'? As far as my research goes, RAL7028 was a comparatively bright color, an ocher tone at best. So if you'd specifiy that more clearly, I'll see what can be done.
  4. At least something's still happening here although ToW is out... Gotta do a new mod myself, I think.
  5. I'd like to have that kind of connection, too... I'm running on 109kB, although speed is rising steadily.
  6. Reading the manual a few times over would be a good idea, anyway... I think it answers a few of oyur questions. Some things I'm still trying to figure out myself. And yeah, I'd like a 'Reverse' button myself, but so far, 'Retreat' works well enough.
  7. Depending on what sausage you talk of, it's not as bad as you might think... We butchered our own pigs for a few years and I learned a lot about sausages. On the other hand, now I can tell exactly what is NOT belonging into the sausage I usually eat... :-( P.S.: Sorry if this was too far off-topic, but I couldn't resist!
  8. And I think I got a serious problem: it seems as if the confirmation e-mail never reached me or was classified as SPAM and therefore deleted. Moon, Madmatt, is there anything that can be done about that?
  9. Maybe it's a silly question, but when do I get the confirmation e-mail telling me I have pre-ordered the game?
  10. Excellent, now I won't have to ask him! Thanks, David! It was time I came up with another camo pattern, anyway!
  11. Right, but who says that the Space Lobsters don't fight on the ground? One simply cannot conquer a planet by simply claiming space superiority - you have to go in with ground troops... supposed one doesn't just destroy the planet in the first place. It was just an idea. But hey, a space combat module would be fun, too! Even if we don't get Biker Mice and just Space Lobsters. But we could let the U.S. Spaceforce (if anyone remebers that series) fight the Lobsters - or make a StarCom: U.S. Spaceforce module!
  12. Oh yeah, how about a 'Biker Mice from Mars' CMSF module? Or, better still, CM: Biker Mice from Mars vs. Space Lobsters of Doom...
  13. Wonder if that'd work ingame, though... But it's a funny idea! *thumbs up*
  14. Well, over at our forums it's quiet, too - and most definitely NOT becasue of ToW and CMSF! So it must be something else... Maybe spring fever? That'd at least explain something!
  15. Wer soll die denn auch unterhalten... Aber spontan Spiele abhalten ist eine gute Idee. Evtl. funzt das auch besser als mit CM bei mir... irgendwie kam die Hälfte meiner E-Mails nie an. Bin mal gespannt, ob das mit eigener Leitung besser funzt jetzt...
  16. Good idea... If I loose as much equipment in CMC as I loose now then I'll have a slight problem in the face of overwhelming enemy numbers!
  17. Sollte, wenn ich mich nicht irre, www.theatreofwar.de sein... Jupp, gibt's noch. Existiert effektiv schon, seit das Spiel mal (unter diversen anderen Namen) angekündigt wurde. @v_Manstein: Wie soll denn die Spielgemeinschaft ausschauen? meiner ist zwar immer schwer habhaft zu werden, aber grundsätzlich würde mich das interessieren...
  18. I'd be interested in that - I always thought it was a StuG III mid thet Flesh did the camo pattern on...
  19. Lookin' good! It's time we get our hands on CMC and pout these to good use...
  20. My guess is, it's a mountain - or just plain mediterranian - scheme. Italy is pretty sandy in some parts. Remember, it's not that far away from Africa... I think the blue spots try to simulate stones and the like. If you take in the dust and heat, it makes a pretty effective camo pattern in mountainous regions.
  21. Checked with my unaltered BMP's... My guess is, that's just a faulty texture setup on the model. Either the interior side texture extends to the rear or the rear texture is distorted and the pixels get stretched. Either way, I don't think there's a way to correct this. What you can do - in any case - is correct the positioning of the rear door.
  22. If it's from another stummel, then the texture setup on the model is a bit wrong. Check the stock BMP of this model and adjust the texture by moving resizing if necessary. That's what I'd do.
  23. Looks like the texture got misplaced here... Check the unaltered stock BMP's if it looks the same and, if you find them to be correct, compare the proportions of the BMP's and adjust the above. Side note: The 251/9 and 251/16 polygons are not the same as the other 251's, so the textures of those won't fit very well without altering.
  24. Yeah, I know. Have seen that, too. So, what do you think? Should I go for rype A or type B? Personally, I think, A doesn't look too bad...
  25. Nope, no floating pixels or the like, just a funny shape when you look at it from certain angles, since it's essentially an Ausf:A cupola with the wrong/right textures... Turret B would have the same Zimmerit as turret A, I just took a Panther A for the screens.
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