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SD Smack

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Everything posted by SD Smack

  1. Earl Grey- This is a beautiful mod. I downloaded all three of your mods (green, sand, and tri color). Awesome is all I can say! Steve
  2. that is correct. if you make your own campaign it is important to save all your files otherwise as soon as you combine them they will be uneditable. steve
  3. hey wdraker the campaigns are all missions are made just like the stand alone missions are with the exception that to make a campaign you need to add a campaign script file. this file will allow the engine to link the scenarios together so to speak in the file. in the editor there is an option from the pull down menu called "Make Campaign". this will give you your core troops (the unit that the campaign is based around) and also will let you add the overall texts for the campaign, the main picture, etc. p143 in the manual describes this process in much better detail than i could give you. hopefully i didnt confuse you any further. have fun with the editor! steve
  4. Saw this with a scenario I designed awhile back. Basically I had a crater placed near a road and then put a destroyed AAV next to it. Then noticed that everytime I opened the battle it would move. I think the craters are randomly created in the 8x8 square for every battle. Just a guess though. Steve
  5. If they showed the Challenger it would have been like a live action advertisement for the British Module! Steve
  6. As Apocal said reinforcements is the easiest way to replicate an air assault/air movement. This can be done in one of two ways: 1) Have reinforcements appear at the LZ simulating being inserted by helicopters, or 2) Have the reinforcements show up on a map edge having walked from the LZ to the battle as was done in the second battle of the Marine Campaign. Rustman- I have a buddy of mine who was out in T-Q back 06-07 and said the Marines used thier 46s for CASEVAC during the day while the Army flew at night....not really sure why I shared that other than to agree with you about flying 46s during the day Steve
  7. Hey MikeyD, I think that is a very good synopsis of scenario design. Everyone expects a fight when they play a scenario and when they don’t get one perhaps they feel “jipped”. But good scenario designers, as you point out, can put very few enemies on the map and still create a tense atmosphere. When I play, especially campaigns, I try to play like I am part of the Platoon. I am slow and deliberate. Perhaps this is me being too cautious but in todays environment Blue Forces can’t afford high casualties militarily and especially politically. So if I’m entering a village to capture a building or some other objective I’m always expecting the worse. If the brief says there are no tanks, I plan on tanks. Given my force composition I figure out what would hurt me the most, what is the enemy’s most dangerous course of action and then I try to find a way to counteract that. If I take casualties I always make sure that someone tends to them. I have in the past dismounted vehicle crews to provide buddy aid when the rest of the squad was assaulting the objective. In fact I remember one time a sniper had stalled my advance and after 5 or so minutes I still hadn't found him. He had taken out 3 guys already. So I drove a Bradley broadside infront of my squad. The sniper still fired away but the rounds were bouncing off the Bradley. My guys started performing buddy aid and the rest of my squads started off in another direction. Never found that damn sniper either! But that is just the way I play. Steve
  8. Yes Forging Steel has a definite European feel to it, highly recomended! Steve
  9. To steal a line from another thread..."This doesn't help the wait"... Looks great, can't wait for the release steve
  10. Yankee Dog is right, I wont repeat everything he said but will add a few things. Along with poliferation of inexpensive AA systems is a sharp increase in the over all cost and operation of helicopters. The old Hueys are a drop in the bucket compared to newer aircraft. And the trend is for the aircraft only to become more sophisticated and therefore more expensive. Commanders are very hesitant to send aircraft into a hot area. In Iraq they don't even allow Chinooks to fly during the day. A true air assault would require SEAD fires as well as CAS and the LZ would still not be on the objective. I agree having helicopters physically modeled in game would be cool, but as was pointed out the cost/benefit is not worth it. I do wish that Red forces would get MANPADS. This would at least give them some chance to protect themselves from air attack. Currently as soon as CAS shows up you might as well bail out your crews or watch them die. Steve
  11. True, true! As anyone who has played CMx1 figured out, it's easy to scatter mounted troops with a burst or two from your MGs! I guess I should have clarified, I didn't necessarily mean to fight mounted as opposed to the ability to move troops around the battlefield quickly. Don't think I would want to be hanging on to of a tank when the shooting starts! StrykerPSG You're right about the light fighter mentality, lots of people like to talk a good game but light infantry is anything but! I spent a few years walking to work too, and I really dont miss humping the extra 100lbs (OK it wasn't quite that much ) of radios and BATTERIES!! As for the NTC story I had to laugh. It's funny how many things out there "brief" well but when put into application they just don't seem to work out! Steve
  12. This does bring up an interesting area. As for the modern era most western armies ride iINSIDE the vehicle where as we have seen others (most recently in the Russian/Georgian conflict) troops riding on top of their BTRs and BMPS. Im not sure if this is a normal technique used by the Syrians or not. Regardless, in game they do not. As for US troops I think it would take at least 15 PT belts and 5 SGMs having a corinary per soldier for that to be approved. But as for CM: Normandy I fully expect to see the ability of troops to ride on tanks as this was a very normal practice in that time. Steve
  13. HEY GUYS! SUPER SWEET!!! Yeah MikeyD its like Mad Max out here! Steve
  14. I am a believer in that statement! i have played against the Syrians placed on "Normal" quality and for the most part both the Bradley and M1 can shrug off hits from RPGs. I recently played a QB with the Syrians on "Excellent". Lost 3 of my 4 M1s and in another QB I lost 2 Bradleys (w/ERA), one of which caused a catastrophic explosion killing several dismounted troops and a hapless BMP that had strayed too close! After both games I scowered the battlefield in search of this new secret super weapon only to find that they were RPG-7s! Needless to say I was suprised and am now the wiser. It's always cool to see the extra detail that BFC puts into thier product. Even if I have to be on the recieving end to see it!!:mad: Good job BFC! Steve
  15. Well the SA-18 has a range of 17,000 feet. The SA-16 has a range of 16,000 feet, and the SA-14 has a range of 13,000 feet. These systems really are more effective against lower flying aircraft (obviously), and thus helicopters and A-10s would be the most susceptible to this kind of threat. Steve
  16. I've had several incidences similar to this. The first one I placed an area attack command in an urban area. The area was a fairly large parking lot but was s till surrounded by buildings. The troops spotting for the mission were then chased from thier vantage point by small arms fire. About the same time the aircraft came on station and began making passes. I think it made 3 passes and did not release anyweapons at all. It did say "attacking" in the status box though. I then ran my spotters back up on top of the building and suprsingly the next pass the aircraft dropped ordinance. I used the area attack before to cover areas of dead space that I can't see. But for some reason it did not work this time. The other time I had a simialr experince to MikeyD. I had 64s doing gun runs on the enemy. There was a large hill on one side of the map and everytime they approached from that side the rounds (rockets and 30mm) would impact of map. This is rather irritating. I would like to see red forces getting MANPADS. While most hard anti-aircraft facilities would be destroyed in the initial attack mobile AAA and SAM systems would be much more difficult to track down. I find that when I play Red and my opponent gets air support I can pretty much kiss my armor good bye! Steve
  17. Question for StrykerPSG and LT Mike- IIRC when the Army was first testing the Interim BCT they used LAV III with the 25mm cannon. But when the final choice for the vehicle was made the Styker obviously didnt have a turret. I thought that was rather strange, but what do I know? Just curious on your thoughts about this. Steve
  18. I didnt know we were allowed to use THAT GUY's name on the internet anymore.....most of the time that happens and hell and brimstone come raining from the sky! Secondbrooks That made me laugh! steve
  19. When i purchased CMSF and The Marines Module I did not buy the map for whatever reason.:confused: Looking at it now I have no idea why I didnt buy it but, regardless I dont have it. I would be willing to pay for the map if it came as a seperate item. Though it appears that it only comes as part of the bundle selection..... ....but I would buy it if I could BFC would sell it...... ....like i said no problem purchasing the map (ok and the mouse pad too)..... ....did i mention I would buy it if...... Steve
  20. I did a rather quick test and here is what I found: When firing only one missle: M3#1: 35 seconds M3#2: 36 seconds M3#3: 37 seconds When firing both missles: M3#1: 72 seconds M3#2: 73 seconds M3#3: 73 seconds All were veteran. I did tested the M2 as well and the numbers seemed the same (I forgot to right them down ). The only difference I saw was one was crack and it seemed to take a few econds less if I remember correctly. I did not test the Stryker or LAV. As for the target arc, if the gunner is reloading the TOW the turret will remain in the last firing position it was in regardless of where the target arc is until finishing the reload process. Hope this helps. Steve-o
  21. I find that placing elevation next to the road causes it (the road) to have a crowning effect. In order to prevent this I skip one square and then place the elevation correction. It not perfect but it does create a ditch. Here is what I mean with the elevation: ditch road ditch 20 19 20 20 20 19 20 Hope that makes sense. Steve
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