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Erik Springelkamp

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Everything posted by Erik Springelkamp

  1. These concerns were not based on facts, so it is the concerned people who should listen.
  2. Perhaps the tactical AI could use an adjustment?
  3. Question: Second question, are you willing to be more flexible on the number of activations (4 seems rather sparse for 2 machines)? Answer by Moon: No.
  4. They mentioned a lot of problems with anti-virus software. That must cost them a lot on support. Also, the unlock of another activation for people who could not unlicence must have been a drain on their resources.
  5. More important is that I don't know what to do exactly to avoid these borders. I noticed that they occur when the icon gets smaller because of distance. But for the time being I have just used the Afghan icons and copied them onto all the existing icons. Consequence is that red uses Russian symbols, but that may well be appropriate for Syria. I did do a lot of toggling, but when the icons are off, you miss information, like the flash of a casualty, or the presence of a distant enemy. The Afghan icons of Bill are a very good compromise, as they are modest, so you can ignore them or notice them at your choice.
  6. In CM Afghanistan I came along the small floating icons mod of Bill Lockton. I liked them very much, because they are much less intrusive when you are watching the action replay. For CMSF Bill had made a previous version, but that one didn't include the later modules, and I liked the Afghan ones better. So I tried to adapt the Afghan mod by changing the colours and saving them under different names. Doing so I discovered that I needed a bmp editor with alpha channel, and so I used Gimp. Generally it works well, but for instance the HQ cross icons now show a small white border-line from some points of view. I guess it has something to do with anti-alias and partial transparency, but I can't figure out what to do in Gimp to get it right. So what extra technique do I need to edit those icons with Gimp (I am not planning to spend money on Photoshop or use pirated software).
  7. Technique doesn't work by democratic voting. If you don't infest the thing with viruses, an NT machine since version 5.0 doesn't need a reinstall, if you clean it out a bit once and a while. I guess you use gold cables for your audio?
  8. This thread got derailed (but isn't that what threads are for?), but this topic is history, not politics, I think, if even history of politics, which is not banned in this forum, I think? And if Von Clausewitz is right, we can't even talk about wars without talking about politics.
  9. I saw a German military instruction (and propaganda) film where they employed half-tracks in exactly that manner: mopping up enemy infantry.
  10. Why do you say the color orange is wrong? As a Dutchman I take offence from that remark!
  11. Yes it does, especially the post by Moon in that thread. You don't like it, do you?
  12. You can do a bit of searching yourself. I suggest to use the word 'license' in the CM:BN forum.
  13. That is soo 20th century. Why on earth would you do that with the newer versions of Windows? Anyway, you know now that that will have a price. You could consider using a virtual machine for your experimental and dangerous work.
  14. And of course there have been large migrations, under the colonial rule, but also in recent times. And also in the past. Migration and conflict, they go often hand in hand. And how do you think there were so many slaves on offer in the harbour forts, before the colonisation of the inland? There have been lots of conflicts there all through history. Just like everywhere else.
  15. If you keep on playing this game over the course of tens of new Windows installations, then it is surely worth more than just a couple of tenners?
  16. Maybe you should move away from Windows 98?
  17. No, if CMBO would have had this system, you could have a new activation right now, assuming you hadn't used one during the last 12 months.
  18. Or more, if you like to **** up your system often!
  19. Tribal boundaries in Africa have been as dynamic as borders elsewhere for most of the time. Only an Empire would more or less stabilise the internal borders.
  20. There is a clear official statement by Moon: those 4 plus the yearly 1 is what you get. No more. But you can always buy more licences, can't you?
  21. Here the majority of the population thought they were improving the sorry state of the primitive indigenous population by ruling those countries. Indonesia, Congo and the Portuguese colonies all separated through war. I have no doubt the majority of the French and British population had similar ideas. The fight for Independence in India did meet violent repression by the Brits in the 1920's and 30's, and Vietnam and Algeria were serious wars for the French.
  22. Because they were fighting the USSR. That was the only thing the West was interested in.
  23. Just wait for the release, then you can buy and immediately download the game. No need to pre-order.
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