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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. And what part of this is wrong, in a campaign you should ponder about how much off road use you send your armor to do. second, the last time I checked, having yellow tracks on my tank really does not hinder it much. I think the problem only shows up if the tank then gets hit from a enemy round or something. No question, the tank with yellow tracks will likely lose a track before a tank with green tracks. As for campaign play, yes I have expearenced the sad event that on the very last battle of a long campaign that my three remaining tanks were so damaged that all three became immobile and I had no way to finish the final objective, which was adding salt to the wound of lossing additional panthers in previous battles to immobility and they would not be brought forth into the next battle. First, that was version one, which now with the update, things have improved much. Second, campaign designers have a factor in this with the settings. So stop thinking that the game needs tweeked if all it requires is the designer to set his setting a little different in the campaign.
  2. here is my example of the game model being just fine. Since no test, we just want feelings. Played a battle where I had about 45 PzIV's, battle was 2.5 hours long. Driving all over the place because roads were almost none existant. Units went through wire, brush, fences, walls and hedges. Total battle losses were 15 PzIV's. I recall 4 immobilized tanks during the battle. Two to direct Sherman fire and the other two were to arty fire. Now I had plenty of track damage going over the items that can cause it. But no unit ever was allowed to get to a level where they are affected to a point where their movement speed was slowed down. Generally, that level only happens when I get hit by enemy fire to my unit. In general, driving over terrain items cannot bring total failer, only if I was foolish enough to keep risking a unit that already has damage to the tracks. I do recall managing to wreck halftracks speed by driving over enough to damage them to a point that they were moving dead slow. But that was when I was learning the game and have learned to avoid it.
  3. The game has it about right, that does not mean realistic, just right. Anytime you drive a tank off road, there should be some thought that it might cause immobility by going over terrain that might cause problems. So maybe the game does not have it grog perfect. But as a game, playing a limited time frame, it at least forces me to think, do I want to risk moving cross country, or should I stick to the roadways where I know the enemy will be guarding it, but I risk no immobility. This really comes into play if the ground is wet and soft. as it should. But the point is, somehow the game needs to provide risk when moving cross country, So you know wire fences are part of it, live with it, the risk is really minor once you understand the game, which at the moment, you dont. I get tired of the theme, My King Tiger, should never be in danger of such and such, because it is a huge #$#$@ Tank, Get real. They are a machine like any other machine, and machines break down. No matter what mystical powers you want to wish on them.
  4. Yes, that is the battle. I sent that team up the left flank to the last hedgerow that overlooked the stream area. That is where it all started. There is one drawback to playing H to H dropbox play in CMBN, is it takes so long to get to play all the scenarios and battles that are out there. I normally have 3 or 4 going at a time, but with the longer scenario times. It can take months to do one battle. So I normally am getting to experience many of the scenarios way later than many of you here it seems.
  5. H to H as always. Actually I am in need of finding someone new to add to my committed opponants. I like to sit down and do a turn most days, multibles on some weekends and like someone that does about the same, Blind Scenarios is a must most of the time and I can care less about which side, army, period or task I have in the game. But someone that has good skills is preferred. So anyone out there that is interested send me a message.
  6. Now for a update on my sniper team. They did manage to get a few more shots off from the new spot but a MG started to return fire so it was time to pull them back again. The enemy units pushed on to my front lines where I then positioned the twin snipers to the flank to help support the defence from a flanking position. Both are still alive and they now have 15 kills between them. This might be one of the best outings I have ever had with a sniper team, but both of them with a sniper rifle is sure helping. Just as a side note, As I mentioned, I had 3 teams I pushed forward, the other 2 had the standard scout & sniper. The team in the middle was overrun and managed no kills before their deaths. The team on the right flank spotted a armored infantry unit moving up that flank. they stayed hidden and kept track of their location. One halftrack came to close at one point and the team shot one man peering over the wall. They then followed the enemy from the rear. when the unit hit my front lines I had them engage from the rear. they managed one more kill and then was spotted and gunned down by a machine gunner. They are more of the stories that generally happen. But my heroic team has done so well. I now feel attached to them and would hate to see anything bad happen to them. But I see this battle looks like it is going to cost me many men to defend and try to win, so their fate is still to be decided.
  7. Now , that is something I cannot do, this last year I finially sat down and figured how to post decent photo's to this site. But I have not been able to do video. I only tried the free Fraps for trying to capture it, but it does not want to work on my machine. As I recall, I had video, well sound seemed fine, but the picture was just lines, almost like the old white out on old TV's
  8. Here is mine for the day. Here is an event that I would never have seen in any other tactical game I have played to this point. Just last night I am playing a scenario where I have sniper teams forward of my line as spotters. So I figure I want them farther forward, to gather info. Maybe harass the enemy and slow down their assault. There is three teams of them, one of the teams actually had both men with sniper rifles (so cool-first time I have seen that), is that something I can get intentionally in the future when selecting units? Anyway, it so happens these two Brits are overlooking large grain fields. So sure enough, they spot a large infantry formation moving through the fields toward my lines. I let them take a few shots once the enemy was about 200 meters away. Then I quickly remove them from their hiding spot, they move with concealment to a new spot farther back, ready to ambush the enemy again when they start to move. As they leave the first spot enemy light mortar shells start to rain on their old location, moved just in the nick of time. Again they hide wait for a good amount of infantry to expose themselves as they enter the next field. This time both men are firing their rifles quickly and I see enemy soldiers drop, knowing they are kills before any indication is given. With the quick loss of life, it appears one or two squads panic; they start to flee from the field, giving my snipers more chances to shot. I see more men drop, doomed to take their last breath. So my two snipers have given me something I have not felt in a game since ASL, but even then. This is much more realistic, since I see it in the 3d world of modern computers. I have now pulled them back to a new spot, daring to see if the enemy is foolish enough to try it again. But each battle is made of these small stories, most of the time they play out more predictable, but now this game has added a level of unpredictability that makes it fun and most of the time realistic to the chaos of war. There is many players that just cannot handle it when their plan fails in the mist of this type of chaos, they are not mature enough to accept bad fate in the mist of battle, let them play what games they can control with the most predictable outcomes, for us that like the more unpredictable nature of this game, I think we have a game that is providing us more of what we would expect to see on the battlefield.
  9. I also started playing tactical war games back at the time of panzer leader. What makes CMBN more than all those before is how the sighting and spotting of units is programmed. It might not be perfect, but it has added dimensions into the game that has always were lacking in other formats. Now units have the ability to ambush, move without being spotted, use of smoke and haze and fog impacting sight in a much more realistic way. In any other game if you had open ground to cross, you knew every unit on the map that could see you would see you, now you can even cross open ground with the hopes of making cover with maybe only a few units spotting you and even less of a chance of shooting you. If anything cmbn has brought the power of manuver more powerfully back into the game battlefield. Then the impact on how each unit is being or not being a part of the fire fight because of their independant location as to sight is very much more realistic to what happens in the real world and also helps create the events where one or two guys might manage to take out a squad. Some dont like it, but these types of results reflect R.L. much more than the old format of everybody sees everybody and the math is used to compare their full firepower ability.
  10. Now, that is funny. And to tell you the truth, I know I have been just like Cpt Mike, There has ben moments where I have found things within the game that just are not realistic as to what I think RL would be and I have made my complaints here on the forum. Thinking that it would make the world better and somehow they would magically change the game and life would be good. I still wait also. And many others that comment here have done the same, So Cpt Mike dont take it too seriously if we dont all agree with you or think it is a needed change. I still wait for the patch that might correct the Uber pistol abilities within the game. (the issue I like to pull up each time we want to show how the game is not perfect.) But it is just that, its still is a game, and it is amazing what we have for that, we are just spoiled children that just cannot be satisfied and we throw our anger fits when the game treats us poorly. The truth is, its a great game, and if you cannot accept it for what it really is. Then you really do need to move on.
  11. But what you are saying is all humans are going to be suppressed because of this attack - guaranteed. You cannot say that, that is the problem. What is true suppression? I would think it means that the trooper is still alive but not able to function, either because of a wound or mental fear or actual real physical issues from the concussion of the explosion. And as some have tried pointing out, there is chances that some of the troopers might just manage to avoid that even if they are in the zone you think they should not be able to withstand that. (and who has the proof which is correct) If a person somehow does find a spot where shrapnel does not hit him and he is shielded from the shock wave, then he is still mentally alert. Logic tells him that when the arty has stopped, he knows the enemy is likely to assault. He will either flee and risk getting shot in the back, try to withdraw or try to fight. He has not had time to know what the situation is with all the rest of the troopers, so he will make a decision on what he senses. Maybe not in your world, but in mine some will stay and fight. From what studies I have read. No matter the situation. 1 in 10 will fight because he is just a fighter by nature. 3 in 10 will likely fight because of their nature as to responsability to others, duty, following the example set by a natural fighter and such things. that leaves 6 or 7 out of 10 that are generally worthless. They will hide, run, sit in fear and such acts until they are forced to act. So it really comes down to many factors that the game is not going to protray, or do we really want it to.
  12. ok when I spell, I easy can show I am not the smatest cookie. I came to a conclusion long ago, that spelling would never be mastered by me. As for the question I asked, I went and found the answer myself, thanks to none of you. The Stuart is a light tank, thus in the game it is not allowed to go through walls, whereas if I used a churchhill, it goes right through them. It is a fact I did not know about the game, I thought any tank could go through a wall. So I learned something new today. Plus the bonus of trying to remember the correct way to spell Stuart when referring to the Tank.
  13. Well, since you cannot make sence of what others here are telling you, you better just set the game down again and move onto other things. Because, it is not going to work to your logic and it appears you think your Logic is correct, so the game is never going to match that The real question is, is your logic correct ??? I will add my vote to the No votes.
  14. At least for me anyway. Playing a HtH battle at the moment and I am coming across something I did not know was possible. There are low stone walls that are not allowing my Tanks (Stewarts at the moment) not drive over them. I thought any fully tracked machine can go through low stone walls. So is there walls that can be selected and mapped that I did not know about, or maybe my memory is showing my age and this is how walls act in the game or is this more of a bug that might be present in the scenario. And i can tell you it has nothing to do with how I have plotted points My points are on both sides of the wall and the tanks are trying to drive around the wall that takes them on a path 100's of meters to the end of the wall and back again.
  15. How many games are you playing at one time. Just 1 or maybe 2 of the 4, surely not all 4 at once. Plus Would I need to become a member on the Blitz to particibate.
  16. I found a situation in the game where I needed to clear big patches of woods and arty was not going to be available. I started a thread here on it at the time. What I found out and used that helped was smoke. Once you think you know where the enemy is. The best thing to do is look at what smoke assets you can use. Laying a smoke screen next to the enemy so you can close in and be in position next to the enemy when it clears, not moving, it does take away some of the advantages to the defenders in woods. Also overwhelming them with numbers is not easy, because you are in grenade country. So keep your men spread out and thin, never have units behind other units (Like the action spot behind). It amazing to see how often a grenade is thrown at a unit but goes a little far and can do more damage to units in the next action square behind. If you are killing as many as you are losing, you are doing good, expect no better. In my situation the enemy had the woods with a defensive line from end to end. But good tactics still need to be used. You need to focus on taking a flank and rollin up on a flank. On the one set of woods I cleared, the enemy flanks were well guarded, so I probed the line, decided on a spot to try and push and punch through the line , which was very costly. But then I sent reserve platoons quickly through that hole and rolled them out both directions to get behind the enemy line. No longer able to pull units back, my area fire on the enemy line starting paying off with easy kills as his units tried to withdrawl. It is one of the better challenges in this game engine. Like others said, avoid it unless you must.
  17. I have found it smart to use my light assets for all the dirty work. Fences, wire fences, hedges, so forth. Like you said, I dont want to damage my tracks on armor. so send a halftrack, armor car or jeep to do the job if they can to knock down paths I want to take.
  18. There is issues, no mistake about that, but they are different ones. You have to learn to avoid the different ones. Here is the problem on this comment. You stopped the tanks on the bridge. Advice, never do that. I found this is a thing the program does not like. It will not let you give commands to the unit from that point onward sometimes. So that is not good, not good at all. Also once the units are in water (not the bridge issue, just water issue) they may decide to never leave. Everyone has been reporting this with the bridges because men get into the water at the bridge point where they should not. But I have noticed on some of the scenarios with beaches, Men will also find themselves in water hexes that are not crossings and they will stay there for the rest of the battle and you cannot get them to move.
  19. I have yet to loose a single thing to a bridge other than a person or two. I just make sure that the path points are selected that gives me a line right over the center of the bridge from end to end. Every once in a while it will want to snap me to a point that does not show it that way. I go back and do it again until I get the perfect point. I do not let the AI create the path by just placing the wanted end point.
  20. Not fixed, never did hear the results from the testing that was going to go into it either. But in general, we have enough test that shows how pistols are over modelled in their ability. So take a crew which might have 4 of them plus a sub machine gun and you have one nasty unit. I hate it, but I am also the type of player that will use gamey tactics if the game gives them to me. I am in a battle right now where I started with 45 tanks or so. Needless to say, I now have a few crews running around the battle field. A few of them I have lead assaults with, all I am going to say is they have yet lost to any unit, their only weakness, getting ammo for them. This is one fix that you think they could get too.
  21. yes, but I think its reliability matches pretty much any MG gun we are protraying within the game.
  22. Back when I was in the Marine corp, our weapon platoons used the M60's It was common practice to have talking guns. One would fire a burst , then the other. they would work in teams. The concept was, it would help keep the guns cool, help provide constant fire. Allow for fire when one gun jams. All i can say, jams were so common, that hearing the two guns firing talking guns was likely to not be happening instead of it happening. Then there was times when both were down. I would say they were having jams within a belt or two of ammo being fired. So not facts, but personnally some evidence that the guns jam alot. But I also agree with the fact they are undermodelled in the game. So I think jams should not be factored in at a high rate.
  23. No, maybe not realistic. But I am glad it is there, it has stopped that gamey play that was going on in cmX1 where guys would line up 4 or 5 tanks and have them come around a corner at the same time. (Because they could fire through each other). Now you better learn to form your units in correct patterns so that they are not in the same line of fire from enemy locations. In the real world you might get hit from a shot meant for another guy, here, you both just might get shot with the same round. It sure makes you not want to do bad unit placement again, that is for sure. Infantry is the same way, problem is, we have no way of stoping them from running in columns at times. Had one recently where the same bullit might have killed 6 men.
  24. I love using them as bait. I set them where they will be spotted, with as few men as I can within them. with a excape route that will not be seen. Then I fire away at the enemy as soon as they are in site, give it a little time then slither away before the enemy Arty rains down on it. They are a great way to get the enemy to waste Arty Other than that, placing them where they are not spotted until the enemy is where you want to attack them at is really the only key to getting good use out of them.
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