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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. I didn't think anything to do with Hungarian or Romanian troops was really significant in any way, shape or form in the first place!. This is one place where i have a serious lack of knowledge and a serious lack of interest in!.
  2. Here's an Excellent site for 'Specifications of Soviet AFVs'. http://www.battlefield.ru/specific.html WOW!...this site has more than i even 1st expected!...this is the 'Main-Page'!. http://www.battlefield.ru/ 3D Models from the main participants: http://gunpoint-3d.com/ [in order to save these pictures in a Folder i had to add an extension on to each picture in order to save a view that thumbnails could see...otherwise it saves the picture with a generic icon. For example when using 'save picture as'...i used F(Front),S(Side) & R(Rear)...pz3l_F, pz3l_S & pz3l_R. [ June 14, 2004, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. 'Hans Ulrich Rudel' needed to destroy 519 Tanks...the Russians in 1943 were producing them at the average rate of 2,000 Tanks a month!. I am surprised that 'Hans' wasn't shot out of the air...as the Russians in 1943 were producing 9,000 Aircraft each month!.
  4. 'Blashy'...that's no fun!!!...'speculation', 'rumor' and 'fantasy-world ideas' are what makes conversation here so interesting!. Who knows what we will stumble across in the process or what it might result in!. The more talk, the better...and the better this game or hopefully a future game will be!.
  5. TANK-SPEED:Im not really sure, but the speed of tanks for the various participants didn't change really very much at all...as far as i recollect...there wasn't much improvement. The Allied(US-Britain-Russian) tanks were lighter and faster....the German tanks were heavier and slower. It would take on average a minimum of 5 Sherman tanks to destroy 1 Heavy German tank...if the German tank didn't have supporting Panzer-Grenadier's to help protect it!. As far as Hard and Soft defense for tanks,...well...as the tanks were upgraded into new production models...that was automatically included in the model-upgrade process!. You dont really have to research up-armouring tanks,...it was usually very evident from battle-field reports as to whether this was a necessary undertaking or not!.
  6. You have a point 'Shaka of Carthage'...this is a grey area...since these areas of thought overlap!. http://www.wargamer.com/articles/toawtips_page1.asp#Intro The difference between operational and strategic levels is not critical to playing TOAW--the difference is fuzzy anyway. In the broadest sense, strategic planning deals with setting priorities that are theatre or national in scope; operational planning provides the means to achieve these strategic ends. -Now to add to the confusion: http://www.nwc.navy.mil/JMO/ROOP/OPS04.htm "Levels of War To begin the journey toward an understanding of the fundamentals of Operational Art, we should first recognize the Levels of War, and begin to understand how these influence the development of related national and military plans. There is general agreement that there are three basic Levels of Warfare: Strategic, Operational, and Tactical. The Strategic Level can be further divided into two sub-levels: National-Strategic and Theater-Strategic. Moreover, at the Operational Level, some theorists also identify sub-levels: Operational-Strategic and Operational- Tactical. The levels of war cannot always be neatly delineated because the operations therein are heavily interrelated, precise distinctions are blurred by time and circumstances, and individual and Service perspectives as to the sub-levels of war are not always in agreement. Moreover, events occurring at the lower levels of conflict often have direct consequences at higher levels, with the reverse also being true. All of which further complicates the definitional problem. In any event, it is clear that planning and force employment must be related to the proper level of operations for the command authority and responsibilities concerned or dangerous confusion frequently ensues." [ June 10, 2004, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. ***ADVANCED & SECRET WEAPONS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT*** I like everyone else want's a true to form Operational SC2 game...just as WW2 was Historically...but, i would also like some icing on the cake with a what-if category for various Historical Combinations & Permutations. It would be interesting to toggle on and off various Possible Technical trees to see what might have happened if the war had taken different research twists or had lasted longer than May 45!. Here is an incomplete listing of various new technologies...including Wonder Weapons...Bunkers...New Armored Vehicle Technologies and applications...What could have been IF...IF...IF?. Now i know SC2 doesn't have this Technology-Tree...so what can be done to try to incorporate some of these interesting elements into the game?. Does anyone know how, or if it can be done?...maybey include a special research branch which would be above and beyond the regular research lines...for various technologies. http://sfstation.members.easyspace.com/allyx.htm [What would have happened in the European skies if WW2 had not finished on May 8th 1945?...Allied & Axis 'X'-Planes.] United States: NORTHROP XP-79B Fighter...Roll-Out of Operational-Fighter slated for 1945. http://sfstation.members.easyspace.com/allyx.htm [German & Italian prototypes...have a look at the REGIANE Re2007 Italian Jet-Fighter & PIAGGIO P.108B Heavy Bomber!]. http://www.v2rocket.com/start/deployment/wizernes.html [Check out the cut-away Coastal V-2 Rocket launching Bunker] http://www.v2rocket.com/start/deployment-start.html http://www.v2rocket.com/start/deployment/mobileoperations.html [Check out the A4/V2 Rocket Troop Unit Locations] http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/2833/wunderwaffen/missile/missile.html --- Missiles-Super Guns[Vortex Tornado Gun, Wind Cannons, Sound Cannons, Electric Guns-Super Bombs] & [Chem/Bio which was never used by either side...for good reason!.] http://www.worldwar.nl/secretweapons/secretgerman2.htm [some good examples of Rocket-Anti-Aircraft Weaponry] http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/2833/ [Arsenal Of Dictatorship- Excellent Site!] http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/bunker/3351/germweps/sanger.html [Amerika Bomber] http://www.luft46.com/misc/sanger.html [More information and Pictures on the Amerika-Bomber...it was intended to carry a Dirty-Bomb (uranium)...or Atom-Bomb...to force the Amercans into a War-Settlement.] http://www.battlefield.ru/library/bookshelf/weapons/weapons7.html [ Was the Tiger really King???.] http://www.battlefield.ru/ [An excellent comprehensive site on Soviet AFVs-which includes 'Tank Development', 'Artillery', 'Battles', 'Lend Lease', & 'Museums'.] http://gunpoint-3d.com/ [Excellent site for 3D-Computer Views (also 3 views of each tank)][if you wish to save any of the views...add on for example _F, _S, & _R for Front, Side & Rear...otherwise the picture may not save as a viewable picture] http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/bunker/3351/allweps/skink.html [Canadian 20mm Quad, A/A Tank,"Skink"...'EXCERPT: the Skink attacked a building occupied by 50 enemy soldiers. Ten of them were wounded by HEIT fragments, the others surrendered in terror.' http://www.military.cz/panzer/index_en.htm [skink Tank...Click 'Tanks' > Canada > Anti-Aircraft Tank Skink] http://www.netaxs.com/people/ebailey/ http://www.netaxs.com/people/ebailey/wasserfall.html [Guided anti-aircraft missile as well as German plan to protect 70 cities with a fourfold belt of antiaircraft rocket batteries.] http://hometown.aol.com/rayeso/index.html/mainpage.html http://www.preservedaxisaircraft.com/ http://www.atlantikwall.net/main_building.htm http://www.atlantikwall.net/main_links.htm http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1325/ http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/8172/panzerfaust3.htm [Check out the PanzerJager Bren 731(e)] http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/8172/panzerfaust2 Take a look at this Super-Heavy American Assault Gun that never made it to the Battle-Field!. http://gunpoint-3d.com/model-T28.html The American AFV: Superheavy tank T28(1945) [105-mm Gun Motor Carriage T95]. http://www.military.cz/panzer/index_en.htm [ T-28 Experimental Tank ]. [ June 17, 2004, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  8. 'ev'...yes the game should draw that distinction...but only where the recipient of the air attacks has no Air-Superiority of his own. Obvioulsy if the Germans had had a degree of Air Superiority during the Battle Of The Buldge... they would have not suffered such losses in armour!. Perhaps too if the anti-aircraft-capability in these units were stronger too...they may have suffered less. Research german 'anti-air'...'anti-aircraft-gun' technology...you will see that they had in the works ground to air missle systems in development to take out aircraft. So if their technology were advanced enough...they may not even have needed a sizeable airforce to blunt the Allied air strikes on their Armoured Formations. Try this site...im sure what ive been talking about is in here.... http://www.naziufos.com/GER-LINK.HTM (Many Dead Links Here) http://www.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/LRG/index.html DESCRIPTION: The Enzian was conceived as a ground to air flak weapon. It's secondary purpose was that of an air-to-air weapon. http://www.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/LRG/enzian.html Heres a good site to look at!. http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/2833/wunderwaffen/missile/missile.html [ June 09, 2004, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. 'ev'...i like the idea of Weather being a gaming factor,...we need METEOROLOGICAL CAPABILITY...so that attacks can be planned by knowing what the weather forcast will be!. 'ev' quote: "I am not sure how Hubert will play the weather in SC2, so I dare not make suggestions here. But remember Germans got away with their Ardennes counteroffensive in 1944 because they waited for bad weather to ground the Allied Air Fleet."
  10. File Transfer: Completed Your file has been successfully sent! We've stored your file on our server and sent your recipient an email with instructions for retrieving it. We're glad that you find our services useful ------- ***Try to send only around 100MB at a time*** Also this Service takes only 1-FILE AT A TIME ...so you will need to zip a group of files into a Zip-File and then send it. If you have a Cable-Modem...it takes around a little over 1-Minute per MB to upload...and less time for the recipient to download. If you try to send much more than 100MB...then you face 'Server Resets'...and other factors which frequently enough end up in a 'Failed-Send'. Also during the 'Send'...the Web-Page that is doing the Send must not be interfered with...that page must stay open. Open up another Web-Page with your 'Internet-Explorer-Browser'...if you need too!. [ June 26, 2004, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  11. 'mpacc'...i went to that site...and am sending a Zipped file of the entire Bgw (BattleGround WATERLOO)game to 'fantomas' right now. Its been sending for a few minutes right now,...it might take a half hour or more to send everything!. Anyway, it seems to be working,thanks for your help 'mpacc'!.
  12. Ive got the Battle-Ground WATERLOO CD-ROM, but my or your (Destination)E-Mail removed the files i sent!. ***Ive also got the Battle-Ground Ardenne CD-ROM too!. --------------- The files i sent by E-Mail were scrubbed...all the information was removed...why?...i don't know...these are the messages i got when i checked my E-Mail!. --------------- Service de distribution du courrier <postmaster@laposte.net> Ces destinataires ont été traités par le serveur de messagerie : general.ben@laposte.net; Échec; 5.2.2 (boîte aux lettres saturée) --------------- SO...does anyone know how i can send large files?...since regular E-Mail is not really designed for this purpose!. [ June 07, 2004, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  13. 'fantomas'...i think i can help you out there!...send me EXACT-DETAILS of what you want and ill try to give you what i can!. The main problem is how to transfer information to you...because E-Mail has a very limited capacity for sending information. I have trouble using FTP > File Tranfer Protocol...its too confusing...so i would need help from someone to use it!. 'FTP' is the only way im aware of...of how to transfer more than 3MB at a time!. Send information request to amgi3@comcast.net
  14. 'fantomas'...i think i can help you out there!...send me EXACT-DETAILS of what you want and ill try to give you what i can!. The main problem is how to transfer information to you...because E-Mail has a very limited capacity for sending information. I have trouble using FTP > File Tranfer Protocol...its too confusing...so i would need help from someone to use it!. 'FTP' is the only way im aware of...of how to transfer more than 3MB at a time!.
  15. Instead of using the 'Add Reply'...which you just used to reply to 'Moon'...use 'Full Reply Form' instead!. Then click the "Image" button at the bottom of the text field and enter (either by typing it in or perhaps using 'cut & paste') to enter in the URL(Or Web-Page Address) where the image is presently located at.
  16. Moonslayer it is not unrealistic in all cases. For example...whatever French forces that left the beaches with the British at Dunkirk later fought in North Africa and eventually Europe right through till the end of the war...well after France was conquered and under occupation. The same goes for the Poles,...now in other instances...yes i would say like for example when Romania and Hungary fell...those countries retired from the battlefield and no longer fought for the Germans.
  17. Thanks for that deeper-evaluation of the Russian situation 'Ron',...i agree completely with your analysis!. Besides agreeing with you...it's true anyway!.
  18. I agree with both of you!...'Blashly & Terif'...you are both correct but, i suspect that 'Blashly' has some valid arguments here...that just can't be totally white-washed away with a sermon in strategy!. From what 'Blashly' has been saying as well as what i have observed by looking at the map in the pictures myself...im gathering that the MAP is Too-Small!...and that Air-Power is Too-Powerfull...which is and can be a valid argument too. True...in the last year of the War...Air-Power was devestating against ground units as 'Blashly' has been describing but, it was not that powerful for most of the war. So if im not incorrect in that statement...then yes 'Blashly' is correct...in that the Air-Units are Too-Powerful...at least for 75-80% of the War Period in this game!. Really how can i be totally sure of what i say?, i can't...i will have to wait for a demo to see for myself!. If i had a choice... i would prefer to have the Map-Size increased from between a minimum of 30% larger to a maximum of 100% larger!. This would help to balance out this Air-Issue as well as make the game more manuever friendly!...etc...etc!.
  19. In principle...i agree with you 'ev'...although Zhukov was anything but ineffective!. He just wasn't used against the German's during the first day's of the war. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0853410.html Zhukov, Georgi Konstantinovich: 1896–1974, Soviet marshal. He fought in the October Revolution (1917) and in the civil war (1918–20), which brought the Bolsheviks to power, and saw action against the Japanese on the Manchurian border (1938–39) and in the Finnish-Russian War. Promoted to full general in 1940, he was briefly (1941) chief of the general staff. In Oct., 1941, he replaced Semyon Timoshenko as commander of the central front and conducted the defense of Moscow. Made commander (1942) on the southwestern front, Zhukov defeated the Germans at Stalingrad (1943) and, with Marshal Voroshilov, lifted the siege of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). He led the offensive of 1944 and the final assault on Germany in 1945, capturing Berlin (April) and becoming commander of the Soviet occupation zone in Germany.
  20. Even though i don't have the game or a demo of it yet 'Blashy'...i already suspected what you are now saying. Especially about the Map being too-small...i was thinking if it was 48 deep instead of 38 deep which i think it is...that it would be a lot better...for gameplay and maneuver as you say!. However...i would like to see what some of the other testers have to say about it as well!. [ June 04, 2004, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  21. This situation briefing is another classic example of where an Operational-Game will find it difficult to do a Situation-Scenario such as the Winter-War much justice!. Gather your facts and figures...and be prepared to make a separate Scenario with the Editor... .
  22. You Know .... it the Germans were smart about the Russian Railroad track width's...they should have modified some of their train-sets...to use the Russian tracks...as well as use something like containers...so that transfering cargo from one train to another would not have been too burdersome. Seems to me to be a lot less trouble than trying to re-track the entire Soviet Union. Hindsight is always 20-20!. [ June 01, 2004, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  23. True..Sarge..but lately my cd-rom burner seems burned itself...it seems to copy the file..but..for some reason doesnt do the job right...havent had the impetus to find out what the hell is wrong with it.
  24. Edwin P...those again...are great ideas!...you should apprentice under some games-company and start designing your own games!.
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