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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. 'Personally',...as much as i would like to have it 'RIGHT-NOW!!! ', i will Excercise 'SELF-CONTROL!!! ' and wait for the Product to make it's appearance which will be when 'Hubert' deem's it 'Fit-For-Release!!!.
  2. Time to make a Game/MOD on this topic!,... Call it ..."Patton's Destiny!". So here when Germany & Italy are finally defeated,...Russia then tries to take advantage of the situation and Assaults the Western Held Sphere of Europe!. This is where 'Patton' would say that GOD has at last acknowledged his Destiny at this point in Human-History!. Who know's,...maybey they can even entice Turkey, Iran and a few other's to join their cause!. If they could retake Poland quickly enough, then the former German controlled Polish factories might be able to help boost their production output?.
  3. The K Man ... yes!, in WAR IN RUSSIA you could 'Retool Factories', however there was a penalty in lost production in the case of your example of pzkpfwgn III's until,...later on when the 'Re-tooling' was complete, then the 'Tiger-I' tank's could then begin production!.
  4. Bunta>>>... "Neo-Nazi_Goose-Stepping_Swastika-Worshiper's"!.
  5. Timskorn!... I am personally 'very ready' for " More Details "!. I want to get deeper into the heart of the matter. I too would prefer that 'fetishes' such as mine, would be selectable as "Optional Gameplay"!. I would also like to invest in 'Underground Factories', such as where the V-2 was 'Mass Produced', and upon successful research & construction of such Facilities, the cost/unit would decrease & available quantity for purchase would increase!. The same would go with other advanced weaponry, Jet's, Synthetic Fuel Factories, etc.
  6. I just got a FLASH while playing a game!. I thought...Whynot for the Weapons & Warfare Upgrade Pack for example, make some additions to the regular/normal Research-Selection's that we now have!. Just as for a one and single example out of many examples that i could forward here,...the MAUS-TANK! . It could be researched [if one can make the Fund's available for it], and if and when the Research is successfully concluded, that piece of Equipment would now be available!. Obviously, this MAUS-TANK would not be of any practical use for Panzering across the Steppes of Russia, BUT!...it could be very useful for Home-Defence purposes!,...as well as it would also only be built in very limited quantities,...perhap's only a Maximum of one Unit in the game. This same idea could be used for Advanced Aircraft, Advanced Shipping & Other Advanced-Technologies!.
  7. Entrench some forces in the back-area,...away from the Front-Lines with Fortification's [Around Cities] if possible, then wait for Winter!...to do some of your most adventerous action,...as then...his Air-Fleets will not be able to move (Reposition) [Even though they can still attack 'if' they are in range]. It might be useful to 'Group-Horde' a whole Mass of Unit's to then have them unleashed at one time at one specific target to blow-a-hole in the Enemies lines causing a Major-Disruption to take place, throwing him off-balance!. THE above is just my 'intuition' talking, i have never tried this in SC2 myself!,
  8. Im an Old-Panzer-General-Hand, this Artillery Enhancement is Deja-Vu' for us Relic's!. Im still glad to see it included in the Update for the Game!.
  9. Good Point/Comment on the Inneffective/Suicidal 'Naval AI' "Alex Koponen"! When playing the Germans,...i use an unwritten rule to the effect that the 'Transports' are off limit's until they have disgorged their cargo!. The Naval AI definitely needs some overhauling!.
  10. I am 'Tinking' that you are on to some-thing 'SeaMonkey'!. What can it possibly hurt to experiment with such concept's as you have presented?, to see whether such additional enhancement's will either 'Enhance' or 'Degrade' one's playing experience?.
  11. SC2 is 'Ripe' for enhancing!. enhancing can only help it out!,...there have been many idea's suggested for this soon to be...'WILD-BEAST'!. I would like to see some enhancement's introduced into the Game [For instance to just see what it will or can do for it!], there are probably a thousand ideas to pick from!,...that have already been suggested in the last 2-3 year's!.
  12. "WINTERIZED"... "'That IS the KEY!!! '". The GERMAN'S Were 'NOT-PROPERLY-WINTERIZED'! . Just like 'NAPOLEONE's forces were 'NOT-PROPERLY-WINTERIZED'!.
  13. I guess 'Edwin P.' had said all he had to say, and no-one was paying him any 'Never-Mind'!. He had a lot of out of the box concept's and was way ahead of his time in so many direction's!. Too-Bad that some of his idea's never had a chance to become reality!.
  14. I agree SeaMonkey!,... Engineer Unit 'Capabilities/Field Application throughput' should be enhanced so that an Engineer Unit will now 'act/be like' an actual Engineer Unit!.
  15. Very Awesome Information 'Stalin's Organist'! ...in your last two Post's!.,...Very Awesome Indeed!.
  16. It is a 'Known-Fact'...that those who 'Know-Nothing' about 'Your-Situation'...are ALWAYS the 'All-Seeing,...All-Knowing,...Dead-Certain-Freaks',...WHO alway's know what 'YOU' should be doing to resolve 'Your-Problem'! [Yet!...they have unresolvable problem's of their own!]. So...therefore,...really only those who are aquainted with the going-on's in SC & SC2 [The Forum's as well as the Game's] are the 'ONLY' one's that should have their opinion's taken with a 'REAL-Grain of Salt'!.
  17. "Praying" might help?,...BUT!!!,...an actual effort of bowing down and doing an act of worship would probably be more effective!.
  19. "The CIRCLE of the EARTH"!...Yes Indeedee...that portion of the verse is in the Bible!...from thousands of year's ago!. When Christopher Columbus sallied forth to find India, they at that time still believed that the Earth was 'FLAT'!...that's why they wanted him to head back to Spain after a few week's as they were very afraid of falling off the Earth!.
  20. Thank's for the Update on the 'WAW' Expansion-Pack ...Hubert!,... it's a real relief to be informed that it should make it's Debut in August!. NEXT!,... "SC2_WW2 Pacific Theatre", Then "SC2_Arab-Israeli-Wars", and then at least a 'Dozen other releases' after that!.
  21. IM GLAD that this aspect of the game is finally being seriously discussed, and to also hear that some of these request's are in-fact being considered!. The game need's to move out of 'Drone-Mode' into 'Rocket-Boot-Mode' as far as making the Game LIVE!.
  22. "WHAT MICROMANAGEMENT?" Good Counter-Point's 'borsook',...your explantation is also the way i view it!. Other's view this type of understanding as 'MicroManageMent'???,...hmmm???...nough said!.
  23. THAT Seem's to be a very good question!!!. 'Overall'..."LACK of Bridge's" it seem's to me did not offer much 'detraction'/or 'hold-up' from the Main-Campaign-Effort, HOWEVER!!!..."Remagen" would seem to be one of those Bridge's that had an impact on dealing with Germany's speedy final demise,...and it should therefore,...NOT be discounted...as 'a-Real-Obstacle' to a timely victory solution!.
  24. Thrawn Mod: "I think it's terrific too!",...i play it regularily!. Remember that Movie [12 O'Clock High] starring 'Gregory Peck' as the Bomb-Group-Commander,... he had a collection of twisted undesirable's/misfit's who were disrupting the other Bomber-Crew's,...so he removed them from the other Bomber's and put them into a single B17 Bomber called...the "Leper Colony". Here!, they could either work together and survive, or 'Misfit-Away'...and rid the Bomber-Group of their unwanted presence!. You!!!,... 'Marcus the smiling leper'!,... wouldn't be a member of the "Leper Colony",...would you???.
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